Looks like I'm blind to say that there are not instructions to run the church, now about the question - I'm going to say more off a yes and no answer, for my denomination I see contradictions in it and good qualites. With the contradictions, I saw a lady from my church kiss a wooden totem of St.Aidan (saint) on the hand and touched his face - in the bible it says to worship God and not bow down to idols, my analogy of the lady shows that catholics have the tendancy to make wooden items (idols) representing saints, Jesus etc. and even pictures. Another is Purgatory, I've never heard of such from the Bible and it's just Heaven or Hell... if Purgatory was to exist then this contradicts the fact that God disregards Lukewarmness. Now, for the good qualities - Unity supposedly is a vital thing with your relationship with Jesus Christ, since you have opportunity to be openminded towards the opinions of your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (why else would we unite for?) and the last one is worshipping God, this is encouraged so many times in the Bible especially in Psalms. There are more contradictions and possibly more good things about my religion, but I don't want to make this post too long (it's just a Visitor Message anyway). One more question (sorry to annoy you if I am) do you go to church and if you do what kind of church?