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  • LOL! I like the bit where he's singing bloody over and over to the tune of the show.

    Also did you see it last night? I was a bit disappointed Debra went...

    Coming on now btw...
    Hey rick I've noticed you're the only one online! Are you free for a few games? I'm hoping for some team action if rizul and chis happen to see this.
    Hey Rick how is it going? When will be the next time I can kick some pink butt again :)?

    Myself I have practically only used Wario offline with ROB as secondary, probably not a good combination but who cares as I had fun with it. Maybe I get disappointed again if we do wifi again but it is the only way to play you. If I lived not more than one hour away from you I would come to you :p.
    No worries rick! Hopefully it's going to be recorded, if it does I can send you a link then when you have time!

    More importantly, good luck on the exams!

    Click this link at exactly 13:30 UK time on Wednesday 3rd June (I don't know what time this will be in whatever states and/or other countries you guys/gals are from), but make sure you watch it on time =D

    It's a live show I've directed and produced and it's airing live straight to the BBC networks, so fingers crossed it all goes well. i'm also in it as well as, so you'll see me dressed up as a bunch of awful characters.
    No need to say sorry. Peach was nicely except for your laggy suicides :(. But we had them all, it was quite lagging with the three and four of us.

    So hell is going to start for you tomorrow for one week long :(. I gues you'll be revising all day today, so good luck :).
    @Rizul lol I just needed a break from the **** haha :) We shall definitely play again!

    And yeah GGs Rick! Brawl+ is fantastic... I'd say it's closer to melee than brawl imo and I'm really getting stuck into it! I main diddy, peach and zelda there and I've started using captain falcon becauuuusee..... he's actually playable! =D

    How are your exams?
    Hey rick I was wondering if I could practise some peach dittos and zelda against you. I think I'm progressively getting worse and worse lol especially with playing brawl+ now >.<, I just played Rizul and he thrashed me every single game.
    Does that count already from now on Rick?

    I have to miss you for one week :(. I missed you for a bit more when I was away on my vacation :p. I don't really have much to play except for you, Chis and Kataefi. And my german friend of course but he goes through his examtime as well.

    As you enjoy a challenge, I will make my Meta Knight and Snake the official Peach spankers :laugh:. Or rather not Meta, I kinda fail as him. Funny, I think I can do better with Snake than Meta. The patient approach is kind of different.
    Just don't lose hope lovely Rickerdy ;).

    Maybe you want to redeem yourself today? By beating me up every match? I take Ganon just for you :p. In all seriousness, don't feel bad when you lose like one match :(. I still lose more, although I do get better at least :).

    Gash, offline Wario is so nice :). Played some with my sister, wish she was better though.
    GG's Rick, too bad we didn't play much. Plt is fine. So how's the exams?
    ALthough Sonic is also mediocre :). You once told me I should use a character I feel most comfortable with. But I don't know how serious you want to be in the tourny scene. If you play for fun, just stick with Peach. But if you want to win some then I am afraid Peach can't make it :(. Although I have no idea how high the level of play in England is. Too bad it ain't the Melee Peach anymore, which rocked.

    I also don't want to sound to rash :(. But everytime I miss my chaingrab I get frustrated to. I feel like pointless playing on, as what I want and should happen does not happen. I gues we got to live with it.

    Btw you lost against my Kirby and Snake once? Are they probably bad matchups? Or you were just inexperienced going into the match. See this picking every character of mine was good for something :).
    I didn't watch it today, been busy playing Pokemon plt. Are you on later today? :o
    I know last match was not nice. It was just sarcasm, Falcon has so many bad matchups and he can't really touch Wario. Although he has a grab release into the sweetspotted knee :p.

    But why do you ask me? You still win like what? 95% of the time?

    I probably play your Peach over and over that I start to learn everything Peach and what you can do with Peach at me. I simply don't know what to tell you else. That Peach is not tourny viable? or that Peach is? All I know she in the middle of the tier list for a reason. There are ways to get around her attacks. It is not like she has as much options as Meta Knight.

    I really don't know what you want though. The people in the Peach boards can probably help you better :(.
    I probably not anymore. Got some stuff to do. Last match was very nice :). Poor Falcon got nothing on Wario. Did you choose Falcon that much? or was it random?

    Maybe this was just a bad day for you, we all have them. But Peach has limits though :(.
    I don't know, I am no Peach main :(. I do know Kirby his bair is as annoying as Dedede his. Why such question now? I really have no idea.
    Yeah sure. This Mario Kart Wifi round was boring. Be 1st and stay first. Hard to find other 9000 points people :(.
    Gack, if we want to play it probably have to be earlier Rick. I can't play later on in the evening :(.
    Don't worry I know how important they are.

    Tonight is such a big word. I probably will look now and then but you can also message me if you see me online.
    For our doing we haven't played in ages :p. Nah, I know you are busy with the exams. Btw till how long does that continue? And when do you hear the results?
    Charging forward smash ain't that bad, it is almost similar like mr game and watch his. That the ending lag is still there but not as bad. And if you charge in and I can powershield and grab you it is well worth it :). Although I must not rely on it too much.
    Oh yes and thanks for the peach dittos too! But my peach has been losing out recently, I just have no clue with certain matchups, MK in particular =( I'm often at a loss with what to do. I don't suppose you have any tips?
    Also! I shall make you learn the ways of Zelda haha! She needs more players badly =D
    Too many random in those ffa Rick? :(

    I so hate ffa with bigger characters, you just are bound to get comboed till your doom.
    Yep GGs! ewe... I didn't do too good. I'm very hit or miss with Zelda against Peach... it's either hit and kill you reeaaalllly early and proceed with the momentum, or perish and get 2 stocked. and yeah she does move like a brick haha!, it's slightly easier to control her aerial movement offline. Still, tis my fave matchup =D

    I can't get replays anymore since like 4-5 months ago xD I've got brawl+ loaded now instead of infinite replays =( Speaking of which, I strongly suggest you play it!
    You are doing nothing wrong. I believe they already said it that you have to outcamp Dedede. It would be foolish to run into me. I of course wait for that mistake and punish it. Lag is annoying though for chaingrabs. Some lagspikes here and there we had to deal with but that is getting normal.

    Noone replied on your advice for help in the matchup thread :(.
    Yeah no worries! I float a lot online sometimes whist doing work so if you see me on just give me a nudge!

    Host a game and I'll join!
    How is it going my friend :). If you can play now then I probably can only play for about 45 minutes and then after my tv show which takes one hour, you can do the math yourself, revise :p.
    Don't worry about busy days Rick, I know you have them. We all have them :).

    I really think about making Dedede my final and last main. I practically been through everyone of the cast. With Dedede I don't feel like Bowser that I am chasing the facts. Wario his aircamping does also not really suit me. I can't really think of another character that would give me the needs Dedede gives me.

    I know I also said this a lot of times. But I think you will see almost no other characters anymore from me. I don't know if this is bad or good, because that basicly means you don't face anymore the entire cast :p.
    Hey Rick are you up for some games?

    I can't play at all at the evening as I got something to do as well :(.
    Just like I said to Kataefi, I like team games a lot :). At least then I can win some :p. We really should do more team games but they are so hard to get going. I really need more team experience. I think I don't try charged forward smash while you are holding someone :p. Utilt works I think, or forward smash to if I space it carefully. Because Wario has such short range it is easier with him.

    Today is the same like yesterday Rick, tv night for me :). As you are so eager these days to play me, I found it only fair to let you know on time.
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