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  • What do you mean do I love you?
    And I asked Dekuu to delete it, I felt like it was going to backfire in the future.
    I stole it from the legend PhantomX :). I saw it him doing in some videos and I found it a very interesting way of gimping. Good for a bit of pressure :). Lol sometimes I just did reverse bite on accident. I also did hit you once on the first bits of the bike coming out which resulted in a ko. Either way it is the only way to get off your bike in an instant.

    Well I got to sleep for one. As I said I am a morning person and I always need to get up early :).
    I still recall all the times I feel down because I used to got beat up in the past a lot. I called myself a punching bag and it was thanks to you I stopped seeing myself as one. We all have our bad periods.

    Either way I can play again.
    I would say blame the wifi. I have it a lot to where you know you do something but it won't work. Or airdodging twice with Bowser and falling to my doom -_-.

    I forgot I also watch some tv thursdays. So in theory we could play after that which will be a bit longer than an hour. If you are still up for it.
    Could be, but I am getting hungry :(. Why are you swearing :(. It brings tears to my eyes. We already played for so long as well, I though you would want to end. But oh well as I said I really need to eat. I don't want to play when being hungry.
    Hey Rick how does it look for today? As we missed eachother yesterday I feel the urge to pollute your profile again :p.
    Now you are being silly. I said I will bother you later because you are so busy these days and then you want early :p.

    I can now though if you still lurk around.
    That is what surprised me Rick. Blaster just beats tornado, lol what? I never knew, I might main Wolf again :p.

    Someone tried to join again yesterday and you declined him again :(. You don't like ffa anymore?

    I really did not look past that and went to sleep but I can't find that line anymore so if you tell me where it is. Or did some scary mod removed it without my approval? I hope I did not get a warning from it, that would suck hard :(.
    I don't really mind the banana and dtilt tripping though. But tell that when you are Bowser and facing Zelda who makes you trip into a lightning kick :(.

    Btw I did beat Meta Knight again :p. I loved also the Bowser vs DK match, battle of the heavyweights. Don't steal poor Bowser from me, he already has so few fans :(.
    The one on lylat cruise I was just very lucky to kill you twice early with up smash. One because of tripping(yay sakurai) and the other probably because of lag as you never do this dumb to me. Or you simply let me win :p.
    I am so sorry Rick. It seems like I had something downloading in the background. Already wondered why it lagged and lag and Wario also don't go along so grearly. Too many dumb suicides.

    I probably win with Mr Game and Watch because you don't know the matchup or it is really a big disadvantage for Peach. I don't think I am that good with him though. Or you feel different but it is hard to tell with the lag we had. Again sorry for that :(.
    Hows your work Rick?

    Btw I want to buy more Peachy long range beam swords for Wario so I can finaly have some range :p. I wonder if Wario can eat the bomb-omb, I won't try though.

    edit: I predict still busy as you are account hangs in the same timeframe :(
    Al right then. I think I will ask from now on then a bit more on the evening. Let me know when you are ready. Although I am not all the time on in smashboards :p.

    I think I need to practice to hold my down tilt while doing dair as that prevents fastfalling. Or tilting the c stick down, but I have no feelings for that and I often just slam it :p.
    Hi Rick another day for some games? Or some exam focus?

    I feel more and more like a stalker though :p.
    I love how my Peach threw one turnip and you throw sometimes like one each second :p. Projectiles are clearly not for me as I never think about them.

    One of my dair flaws with Wario is that I sometimes fastfall the move when I don't want it resulting in not all hits hitting you and resulting in easy grabbing me.
    Don't be lured by Meno's tempting new sig and avatar!!!
    Your sig reminds me of the old days.
    So, I decided to make you a sig and avatar quite awhile ago, but I had no idea what to do... I know you main Peach, then Sonic.

    Something involving Toad and crumpets...? :confused:
    oh rick, we must get our connection back >.< despite the hour long matches however... I still had fun =) I was very surprised at the last kill lmao! I got too greedy for the usmash xD
    I saw no random :p. Had fun with Wario? I am glad I made you feel the grab release in Peach her sweetspotted up smash, it hurst too much :(. More practice for Ganon his infinite needed :).

    Nice games. Don't take Wario that much like today, you might never change back again too Peach :p
    I will look out for you and I will have revenge one day. One day I will win more. I fear I can only beat you more often if you let me win :).

    I am available from 21.30 that is 20.30 your time of course. Even that one small hour is notable as I can't play uberlate due to early morning duties :(.
    Did you receive my pm Rick?

    I saw you online but I did not join as I knew you would want 1on1 and we play so often anyway :). Random matches once in a blue moon are funny :p.

    I heard Wario has bake braking but I never really used it so far. I wonder how Bowser can kidnap Peach as you kick my butt all the time :laugh:
    Hello Rick. Everytime I look at your profile I feel guity asking you for macthes :/
    Haha it is not like I don't have that sometimes :p. Dedede and Ness I will pass I think. Ness has even more horrible grab release nonsense plus he can't avoid it while Wario is master of avoidance. With Dedede I epic fail the chaingrabs these days, but I do like everything else except for the easy to punish recovery :p.

    At least my Bowser won once from your Peach which gives me a slight morale boost even though I knew you were not on your best :). Btw how did you like Olimar? Upb is good against floating :).
    Hey Rick got an hour to spare for some Brawls?

    Btw thanks for the advice you gave me in the pm, I forgot to tell you that in my pm.
    So sorry rick for not replying sooner >.< I've been quite busy recently... I've been playing brawl quite scarcely. I've got quite a few assignments to hand in. I also have a 9am to 5pm long examination.... **** knows how I'm gonna cope with that lmao!
    Take as long as you need that way I can win a bit more against my other friends :). In al seriousness, just let me know when you can play. I have plenty to do as well but often I got not much to do in the early evening and sometimes a bit later as well.
    Wow so we don't play for a month :p.

    I don't really get the point in air camping anyway. I don't really have fun if I let the timer run out on my opponent to win. Bowser is pants and Wario is not my style :(, or I will just use Wario my way. So far for favorites, although I already enjoyed Mr Game and Watch in Melee and never knew he was horrible. I only killed cpu 9 and friends who can't play :p.
    Btw when is the exam time over Rick?

    I forgot to mention but I noticed last time we played I saw the timer :p. One good thing about it is then I can predict better when the waft is at his best ko potential :).
    I like that because I at least have some safe moves to use then. But you can't perfect shield in the air :p. With Wario I have no idea what to do against floating except for waiting or the surprising fair.

    I died a little inside when I got hit by that bomb omb again :(. I find Falco easier to control here then in Melee although I almost never intend to full hop and when I do I jump so high and it looks very dumb :p. I believe the only top tier character I have nothing with is Snake. I prefer Falco and Mr Game and Watch the most from those. I also used a while Dedede but I hate his recovery and I prefer some more mobility :).
    I don't like dittos :(.

    I can cry myself to sleep with side b suiciding while I really mean some lasers. Got to tell you a projectile is handy vs Peach floating :). Some fun games, for my feeling over so soon but we did play for an hour.
    You scare me a lot with that message. I was bored and decided to read some stuff in these forums. Aircamping, the though alone makes me cry that my favorite needs to be used like that :(.

    I can play yes :).
    I'm good. I'm not really happy with the exams, as I find it hard to focus now :/
    Sorry I did not knew that. Of course exams are the most important thing there is.

    I started out Brawl online with Mr Game and Watch and had also the ava of his at my nick. But ever since I joined that social group and the tier list came out it was all wrong.

    Good luck with your exams.
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