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  • =(=( I would so play you now if I wasn't at uni. This actually sucks =( are you free around 10ish tonight? It's a maybe though... depends what time I get back from work =)

    sorry about this all rick... my timetable for uni changed and it's all running hectic... lol I don't even know why I'm on smashboards ^^... I'm in a video productions class!
    That is the plan though. He is very floaty though which can make myself a bit too predictable as you could punish me a lot. Tornado seems to be his fastest move. The fireball into the exploding headbutt as fun :). Finaly you also now saw how it can gimp Wario the grab release :p. It did not kill you instant though but the water was enough to take you away. The most amusing thing I find about it is that the falcon knee becomes 100% out of the release.
    Got time to play the game?

    I am thinking about using Luigi a bit if you don't mind. I want someone similar in style as Wario and Falcon just can't really do it :p same for Ganon :) Can't really think of anyone else who plays a lot like Wario for using as my secondary or vice versa.
    Rick! Though this is quite late I have sent you another team replay. More to come! --> including the one where I get falcon punched to death and you batter sonic with a golf club.

    It's only letting me send them one at a time however >.<

    Also... perhaps we could get infzy to upload a few? Could you do it? I can imagine I'm SO annoying when it comes to pestering people to do stuff for me >.>
    Yeah, that didn't turn out well :/

    And what's with all these bombs killing me in our games? :(

    GG's. Tell me - am I getting predictable? It certainly seems like it. I need to punish the stuff you do better...

    Kind of. What stuff do I do?
    GG's Rick, those matches were fun, though there was a bit of lag in the beginning.

    Footstool kill ftw.
    Nice games :). You betray Peach with Zelda? I got Peach once in random and I always enjoy playing her. Random was not very forgiving for me though as I often got the same characters. Pokemon trainer twice and even in the same color.
    Yeah it's Chemistry. Maybe I'm doing another system or something. I forgot if it's AQA or the other one @_@

    Made a room by the way :/
    Ah, half term.

    [insert match request here]

    You're studying equilibrium now right?
    Even if I wanted I can't join you Rick. Don't worry about it that much as I can play you so often already. Too bad though that Ganon/Falcon have to wait a bit. I always played them in Melee together with Bowser.

    I am dying for some team battles again, those from a week ago were a lot of fun.
    ggs and thx I hadn't played for 2 weeks so I was a bit rough but ur peach is still one of the best i've seen... good work ;)
    That came so sudden :(. Did you already promised this to this person? Or do you secretly have msn :p.
    You up for some games Rick? I also want to use sometimes a bit Falcon/Ganon if you don't mind as fighting up close is just my style. Projectiles remain nothing for me.
    =( I can't at the minute I'm at uni >.< but possibly later on!

    It's difficult finding time to play sometimes because of my schedule at and after uni. But on a side note... have you been getting those team matches? Thought I'd send them to you =D but I can only send one at a time
    My apologies rick! I'm juggling between home and uni and I'm not always online =( I'm usually online during weekends sometime or after 11ish.

    We shall play soon ^^
    Some nice games. I hope you went all out on every match. But I think last match showed your imba def game again where I just don't know how to deal with that. Gives me already a slight warm feeling I won some even though with a bit of luck :).
    It feels like I played horrible. I did win once though with Marth in the end but I think you made it easy on me :p.
    Ok by me but I probably have some afk break while we are playing. Probably not much maybe 5 min.
    You got any good advice on how to stick on one character? You use Peach all the time you never get bored with her?

    On another note you want some matches? I reckon I need to stick to Wario. Don't get grabbed is easier said than done.
    I suck so bad I can't make up my mind. I always have this problem in any game. It also took me 3 years of World of Warcraft before I had my first level 70 :p. I did perform so good vs Chis and Freez. Versus you it is a complete different story and I seem to have nothing to say. Either you are too good for me or I always perform worse against you. I think the first though as I think I always play the same.
    Hey Rick got some mood for some matches? I already am playing you are free to join.

    edit: I reckon you are offline but I had some great matches with Chis and Freez :)
    Of course you can have more games with me soon!

    And you got trashed? I don't think I won a game in that last set of matches we played! ^^ I lost a lot of my momentum and started showing weakness towards the end, which is very bad for a player.

    The thing I've come to realise with her though is that she's a high risk/reward type. She's either going to get ***** in a match or will build a huge amount of momentum and **** her enemy. It's all about the lightning kicks IMO and the Uair explosion, which is something I really need to work on with her spacing and spotting the opportunity to land one without being too predictable. I don't know if you've heard of DarkMusician? He's a Zelda player who has almost mastered the sweetspots and has taken on so many 'higher' tiered players because of this.

    What Peach does though is force her to withdraw in her shield which isn't very good for Zelda. I cannot go aggressive against Peach at all and this certainly throws me off. All Zelda can do is punish, so if you play a perfect game, Zelda can't do **** without taking a huge risk.

    All this matchup talk really fascinates me. Characters like Peach, Sonic, Wario, Jigglypuff, Kirby etc... really throw me off because they can go aggressive in a way that makes them unpunishable if played spot on. It's just Zelda's default playstyle to punish a player's mistakes who use said characters.

    This is probably why they gave her so much killpower because the ratio at which she will get hit is greater than what she will need to kill them. =)

    Lol this is probably going to be a page long ^^ hope it doesn't bore! What did you think of her when you played as her in our ditto match?
    I don't even know how to 'steal' my partner his stock.

    Either way next time we do this again you will be my team partner so I can use a fully charged Dedede smash on you :p.
    I can't really chaingrab I don't know how you see that Rick. I rarely could perform some and then it stopped after two down throws. I just so suck with big characters in ffa or team battles as I get pingponged so easily. Pikachu here I come :p. I feel ashamed I falcon punched my own team partner :(. Projectiles are risky with Dedede I am too afraid I pull out a waddle doo and it starts beaming my partner. I was never a spaceking in the first place and in team battles I got even less space. But I probably get used to it.

    As you said overall the team battles were fun. So hard to organize though as everyone has to be on at the same time.
    Good stuff! The team games were great. I have more replays.

    I was baffled though - the team games were shared between 4 different connections but were more lagless than the games we had 1v1 :?

    ....spooky! ^^
    Teaming with me is instant disaster. I feel Dedede has not much to say in team my big chaingrabbing becomes worthless. Throwing projectiles is dangerous to. I of course have never done team battles before with team attack on.

    Oh and I suck with ZSS, I can't believe I used to beat you sometimes with her :(.

    I start well but mushed up. It got so bad to the point I kept forgetten to use the spring to recover...
    Yeah sure! My connection hasn't changed and there's nothing running. Maybe it's having a bad day
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