yea, that's awesome. I am PMing Blea Gelo to see whatsup, and also asking him to give me contact info for venezuela. I think the next big steps are confirming mexico, chile and brazil. Brazil is already well underway, and I'm sure mexico will be truly confirmed once mango and friends go down there, however I would like to focus now on chile and mexico. Brazil, and panama are pretty much confirmed and word is circulating there. So chile and mexico are focuses on the SA front.
I don't think south america will be as difficult to get as asia. We have already seen the difficulty in contacting japan as there is such a huge language barrier. If we can find an english speaking smasher who is japanese or can manage to contact someone in japan and get them to help out with spreading the word that would be ideal.
Ahead of that much all I can think of is getting other asian countries and spreading the word further, but so far getting the international community involved seems to be a success. So good work so far.
Let's keep on working together to have a truly worldwide tourney.