I've pretty much followed the top rated guide on mobafire, though I haven't even given runes thought yet (I was told to ignore them until Summoner Level 20).
I go 21/9/0 with AD Masteries all down the Offense Tree and all the first tier Defense Masteries plus Blade Armor.
Jungling path I went the pretty standard blue>wolves>wraiths>golems>red but when I get good I want to try a path where I counter jungle early on, maybe going to the opponent's red after I get wolves>blue.
I get Rabid Bite maxed ASAP, getting ult when I can and maxing Contaminate before Pillar.
For items I plan to start with Vamp Scepter to build into a Wriggle's. Mercury's Treads, then a Phage that can go towards Trinity or Frozen mallet. After that I don't know.