If you don't feel like answering any of these its fine. I realize im asking quite a bit.
I've seen 3-Pokemon defensive cores so efficient it might as well be stall, except it only takes up half of the team. No complete stall has been efficient, but those cores works quite well.
Less obvious stuff like MixTar is everywhere, and even run various "fake CB" sets, Deo-A don't carry ESpeed up there, SD HabanChomp show up, Poison Heal Gliscor is wildly popular, and more.
What do people generally use MixTar for? Is there a certain reason as to why it is more popular than before?
Scizor show up, Deo-A and Shaymin-S are everywhere, I saw my first DDGyara in the entire Smogon ladder way up there too.
Shaymin-S is a load of BS
Nattorei counters everthing. Scizor ruins your teams. Hope that you can kill the Roop and Champ before they get to your cores.
Scizor ruining teams? Examples?