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  • Oh I wasn't serious. I mean, I know nothing about animation. Is it hard to do something like that?
    lol. yeah, but in my case I couldn't even move without getting hit with an arrow to the face. And the MK player was pretty good.
    Yeah we did a crapload of FFa's. I would just kill off the scrubby ones so I could fight 1 on 1 with the best opponent. But yeah, FFa's are dumb. Ike especially. We SEE him doing his fsmash, but EVERYONE gets hit with it.

    We didn't do any team matches because evryone said I'm the best (prolly true, but there were other good people there) and wanted to be on my team. Actually, we did do two - everyone against me. The first one I had put Team Attack on and I won easily. Then they complained and turned it off. Then they spammed arrows (two Pits and one MK) and they slaughtered me. It was gay. :laugh:
    No, no, it was good healthy offline matches. I had a couple of good opponents who used Wolf/MK/Snake. :) I did well for the most part, but I also made a good amount of mistakes......
    lol. Thanks for the heads up. My only goal there was to try to make the finale a good sized debate. Yawwwn. I am tired today; stayed up all night Brawling with friends......
    OH SNAP 6:00 lol...My mom told me I have to get off of the computer if I want to use it later! :(

    I'll see you later! I'll only be off for like an hour! :)
    lol...I played it last week...and then compared it to ZG...
    Still gotta love the first better though! :)

    (lol I go everywhere with my wii! :bee:)
    I am...I never said anything about Zero Gravity....That game is so ghetto...(Gravity Dive is gay!)
    No...I was trying to say that I might play Sonic Riders because I have nothing else to do...or I might play brawl...:)
    but...we are still more advanced than the elephant are we not...yet the elephant has the bigger brain....case closed....

    that still doesn't prove bigger=more power...because larger mammals like elephants...have a larger brain...(finally remembered one of the animals!)

    lol argument on your wall....you could take it to the chat if you wanted! :p
    im new*** on swf, so if i answer on the "visitors messages" at my profile to your posts, do they go to you, or they stay at my page?

    And is there a easier way to answer those pms? Because im lazy and wanted a faster way then clicking on someones profile :D.
    No warns until now :D, i think he didnt REALLY report me, maybe he did it to call some atteintion to him, i dont know =P
    lol so true...
    methinks it just became neutral vs. the dark side...>.>
    that's new....a neutral party dishing repsonses...>.>
    I am now loling at this argument...
    Tocador's was another reason for my neutrality...>.>
    I'm so going to be on top of that whenever I get a chance to buy it...

    I may be getting a DSi soon! :bee:
    I love 1st gen...just screams Awesome...

    lol I made the most epic post of my life! :)
    lol at shoop da whoop...:laugh:
    The only good pokemon I have, that has it's nature working for it...is my Dragonite..>.>
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