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  • In Brawl I use Mr. G&W and Wario (but only sometimes), and in Melee I use Marth. What about you?
    well i don't know but is a member here in the site so see my profile ok he reply in some is the another lucas avatar but is that lucas is with a custom ok

    Oh is a spanish word is for motivate and animated is a cheer like the hip hip hurray from us the animo is for mexico .

    Oh i forgot to mention but my friend TimeWarpedBrawler is online now if you are seek for a brawl is a good brawler.

    dark red is my favorite color, so yeah it looks fine to me haha. in my opinion it's not worth the time to change the color of your posts but that's just me.
    Im fine too lol for that o my i forgot to say this before so here i come .

    Happy birthday happu be happy voom sorry for notive before ok animo (hugs voom ) .

    Hey dude.

    We're all fun-loving people. I live about 5 minutes from ZOM~B, as well.

    yeah you seem like a pretty cool guy. i'll be lookin forward to meeting you at the smashfest :]
    Hi :)
    You play Melee or Brawl? I play both but my Melee skill is pretty rusty.

    oh yeah, do you need to know anything about me to convince your parents that everything is cool? My parents are crazy like that too lol.
    ok i cant understand anything u saw after ant.not so good with the online language ppl use here.
    Well, let your parents know about it and see if they want to talk to me or something :) Try to appease them somehow.
    wow we really have 2 agree on something especially if im going 2 start a new group.and dont worry im goin 2 re-invite every1.
    Well, my parents will be here and stuff. And I could talk to your parents if you wanted me to.
    what about you?
    once i won a tourny for screamin MONSTERRRRRR i got 20 dollers and a picture of my face on the wall that said BANNED i guess they banned me for being too good lol jk that did not happen but i have won three in MI
    will do^_^
    hey can u post messages on our clans group.try it and tell me weather u can or cant.
    hey Voom HAPPY BORTHDAY!!!
    yeah thats right.bet u thought i forgot but i couldnt cause its the same day as my mothers.
    happy birthday whenever that was lol now your 14 anyway lol at the group for tycoil i'm gonna join that.
    If that's the case you can just feel free to private message me, as it works about the same way. Or e-mail me at Proverbs7.3@gmail.com. Either way ^_^
    So 2 fresh birds ^^.

    After the initial major friend bonding (which Im sure youll do well with =D), next comes securing the bond, theres a few ways to do that. 1st is the casual "I like u more than a friend" in which u just remind her that you 2 have become close, and u should date, next is the "love gamble" in which u strongly enforce that u 2 belong together, and that happiness could only follow, finally theirs the "old-school confession" where u generally call her out in private (all should be private FYI), and bare everything and show all the love and care u hold for her, and be emotional and sincere. My personal sugfestion is #2, its not to dangerous, its friendly, while still enforcing ur feelings.

    Now we need the background info, tell me everything (like how much u see her, what hobbies/interests u share, etc.; ).

    Btw I shoulda done this first, Im Adam, nice to meet u =D
    Oh, well still ask her for some 1on1 time =3.

    Btw, before any more advice bro, have either of u been in a relationship?
    The video is of Magus420 XD He's amazing o_O;;

    And, I totally support you in sticking with God. I know He takes care of me through the roughest of times. He did so for Jesus and the apostles, and He does so for me. I'd encourage you to really dig into your Bible and get to know it forward and backward. That's what will really cement your faith. Jesus talks about the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7, saying that those who put His words into practice are like ones who build their houses on a firm foundation. How can we build our lives on that foundation if we hardly know what it really says? That's why I made it a point to read through the whole Bible, and hope to keep reading all of it (not necessarily in order each time) once per year, and read it every day. Because, when it comes to my salvation, I want to be sure of it and not in any way "disqualified for the prize," as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:27 (NIV).
    Ok, well youve already made great progress, your already friendly with her, and you both have fun, meaning the connection exsists. However your in the hardest part of the process, the friend hurdle. Now your not in a bad place yet, my personal advice is 1st off, try ur hardest to bond emotionally, help her with her problems, comfort her when shes sad, etc;, however you have to be careful not to do this to much, if you act to quickly youll either scare her off, or shell only ever rely on you as a friend, any love hopefuls bad dream. 2nd, try to single her out, have friend interactions, but try to have 1on1 time, like after school ask her if she wants to accompony you shopping, to a small "fast" food joint, w/e, and get to know her more like that (again, dont be to fast/aggressive).

    More will come, but I need a typing break ^^;, I hope what Ive said so far is helpful =3
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