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  • So I was on twitch and stumbled upon http://obsproject.com/ There I recognized a certain name at the bottom of the page. I was like... "HUH...? Don't I know this guy from somewhere?" BAM! There you are! Doing AMAZING work in and out of the smash community! I wish I could be like you! Keep up the great work!!
    Hey Warchamp, great job on adding the PM main catagory.
    Could you add Sheilda?
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    Actually it is for the smilies and I really don't see why it shouldn't be added. There is a significant difference in playstyles for people who main "Sheilda" and people who main just Zelda or Sheik.

    There are many Zelda mains who will back me up.
    I'd imagine it could be possible, and DSS is definitely right on Shielda playstyles differing. Shielda isn't nearly as viable in Melee/Brawl due to Zelda's faults, but at least for PM, there is a pretty good number of us that make use of both characters in each match consistently.
    Although...not to kill the pro-Shielda display icon cause, but I'm grateful for and fairly satisfied with being able to display PM main at all (thanks for that). It would still be nice though.
    Hey Warchamp7, due to changing email addresses a while back, I was forced to create a new account and lost my post count and trophy points. Is there some way I can have my post count increased to match what I have on my other account (or if possible, could I have my accounts "merged" so that the posts/trophy points on each add together)? The other account name is "Sync99".
    Hello, I see the Project M webpage, but there's no page for alternate costumes. I think you guys should make a page for it on Project M
    Hey warchamp 7 will u be on the next Japan time? If so, (and if y'all do listener questions) will you do mine. Ill ask u the question now and if your not on the next Japan time could you just answer on smashboards? So my question is this: if you could have one veteran from brawl be replaced with a clone of them, (like lucario replaced mewtwo) who would it be?
    No one, I don't like losing characters :[
    Ok! Thanks and will u be on the next Japan time?
    Did you guys just disable the ability to have friends on smashboards?
    There's a bug with it I'm working on
    Oh, ok. I got worried there for a second. *Wipes sweat from forhead*
    I should get my graphic design major friend to repurpose your account pic into something of the flash. Start up the "steal Warchamp's pic" craze.

    But seriously, good **** with all you've done with the P:M team.
    Hey Warchamp, thanks for helping me the other day with the Apex 2013 ranking situation. I have another favor to ask of you, if you don't mind: For the KTAR 8 Brawl results, I noticed that Keitaro accidentally tagged the wrong account for Anti (his actual account being "ANTi_", and I was wondering if you could fix that. I tried contacting Keitaro about it, but no response. :(
    Someone told me that to change my username I should try to contact you.
    Just a small change that has confused some people
    Name changes are only available to Premium users
    Deleted member
    Oh, ok , it seems I'll have to stay with this one. Not a big problem but thanks for explaining it to me(I was crazy trying to find it on "settings")
    Sorry to bug you, but I have one more question about the recurring billing for Premium membership.

    If I cancel the recurring payments, will the remainder of Premium I have for this month disappear or will I have Premium until the month is up?
    It'll remain until the end of what you paid for
    Hey Warchamp, I have a bracket that is completely done & the Rankings still won't accept it & claims it's not done. I've triple checked to see if any matches had not been played out, and they all were. Is there something I might be missing?
    Make sure the event isn't 'in progress'
    Hai Warchamp7, just want to leave a shout out. ^.^

    Keep up the good work along with the rest of the team.

    -Project M Journeyman.
    Your place as admin on the site is fitting. You're one of the few people to ever defeat me in Smash. Never knew you were this involved with the SSB community, I thought you were just an extraordinary player.
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    I'm not even good lmfao
    Mr Lange
    Mr Lange
    I may be confusing your match with Sonicmega so forgive me.
    Yo, for WD2, could we have a side-event?

    Specifically a free-for-all with items on side event. I can organize the entire thing and 1 setup should be more than enough to run it, of which I'd have half (Wii+Brawl).

    Especially seeing as attendance looks low so we'll probably be fine setup-wise.
    Yeah sorry dude, life just got flooded with stuff. I'll try to get around to it once I get my new PC (Got parts on Wednesday, case comes Monday)

    My PC broke on January 2nd D:
    it's been a while, but are you still planning on finishing up the moveswap chart in flash, it'd be nice to have it finished once and for all
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