I think the hoarderposting yesterday got to my head, as I had a dream where I brought an SNES off of eBay, it was covered in food stains, and it came with a game called "Diddy Kong Country" - the cartridge was halved vertically and the words "Diddy Kong" seemed to be a printed paper hastily cut out and celotaped on top of the word "Donkey Kong". When I inserted it, it was a Mario game - not a Diddy Kong game - where you had to save Wario from a train that he was being cooked rotisserie on, and you saved him by plucking off one another's heads and swapping them. It then cut to stage where I played as Dixie Kong in full 3D, and had to escape Mr. Blobby through a factory filled with cutters while collecting Banjo-Kazooie honeycombs, and there was pink blood when she died. When I lost my final life, the game over screen was Space Invaders themed, and when I turned off the SNES, the music didn't stop playing. Diddy Kong did not appear.