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Wario Wario Wario
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  • Even though it's intended entirely sarcastically, "consume product and get excited for next product" is unironically good advice. Don't get worked up about the finer details, just enjoy what you enjoy and don't enjoy what you don't.

    Obviously you should speak up if you don't like an element of a game, but you shouldn't let something small impact your enjoyment of a title, and you absolutely shouldn't get mad if a game you don't like sells or reviews well.
    If Sonic is indeed light speed, then Green Hill Zone must be a pretty barren place. Imagine how many miles a normal person would take to get to just the little platform at the beginning with the monitor on it.
    I'd say the strangest omissions stage wise are Bowser's Castle and Gyromite. BC is basically the Waluigi of stages, it's not really needed but the roster just feels incomplete without it, while Gyromite is more the second Sonic rep of stages in that nobody really knows, or at the very least nobody can justify, why it isn't there already.
    I think the name "Duck Hunt" in the NTSC Smash games might be a localisation error - "Duck Hunt", as the Japanese name, lines up with the ICs simply being called "Ice Climber" collectively in Japan. Duck Hunt Duo is a more consistent translation, though I think simply calling them "Duck Hunt" rolls off the tongue better.
    Imagine a Smash game with the same amount of dev time as BoTW. That'd be awesome.
    I think that would be more well done on a modern Pokemon game.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    That and gradual free updates are the only ways I'd want the NatDex to return, fitting it in with the normal Pokemon deadline just seems ridiculously overambitious. If they were to do that, they can keep the brand alive with spin-offs and anime. Pokemon isn't going to just disappear from the public consciousness.
    Well they take no time anymore. It's why every modern game has sucked quite miserably to some degree.
    The name "Sour Patch Kids" will always be hilarious to me because it's the least clever pun ever.

    "So, we got this new sour candy - what do we call it?"
    "Um... Cabbage Patch Kids are popular right now... so we could play off that maybe? I mean, they are shaped like kids after all..."
    "Hmm... but there's no element of these kids that rhymes with "cabbage" or "patch", how can we make the pun?"
    "We either cash in on the trend or we don't make the candy. End of!"
    "Well, I can work with that! I can work with that! don't worry boss! how's um... er... well... how's "Sour Patch Kids" sound?"
    "You're promoted! we'll begin making the PR materials tomorrow, and go into print in 2 months"
    It's really weird how Inkling wasn't part of 3DS/Wii U's DLC. The only valid reason I can think of is that the ink might not work on the 3DS or Wii U 8-player,
    I think the reason the Inklings wasn't DLC in Smash 4 was because Nintendo or Sakurai wanted to wait until Ultimate to put in the heavy hitters like the Inklings and the heavily requested Smash Ballot characters like Ridley, K. Rool, Banjo & Kazooie, and Simon Belmont. It was a smart move on Nintendo or Sakurai's part as it was a wise decision to put more of the heavy hitters on the Smash game that would be on the more successful console.
    While that is possibly the partial reason, it would likely have been complex to make the ink mechanic work on the 3DS version (which was so big by 3DS game standards that the console itself soft-closed depending on the model). Considering how :ulticeclimbers: were cut because they didn't work out on the 3DS and Sak didn't like the idea of version-exclusive characters, it wouldn't surprise me if that was indeed the case.
    Honestly I'd be all for a Daisy starring role. Go off SML1's concepts and make it a desert-themed alien B-movie sort of game, and play up Daisy's hyperactive irrational side instead of just being another pretty princess.
    I feel we as a society should all unanimously come together to agree that Daisy should've been in Super Mario 3D World.
    The Yoshi series is such an anomaly in the Nintendo catalogue - everyone complains about there being no new Wario Land games, but that's way better than being stuck in eternal limbo between mediocre and decent like Yoshi is. Not counting puzzle games, there are literally only two truly good Yoshi games (SMW2 and Woolly World - and even then SMW2 is the only one that compares to other Nintendo hits), which is a right shame given Yoshi has such a unique world and playstyle. At least Sonic still gets good games every now and then, and his bad games are easy to make a mockery out of - Yoshi is simply doomed to mediocrity, and he deserves much better.
    Considering Daxter and Clank both got their own spin-offs, I bet if Banjo-Kazooie continued as a major franchise we would've had a Kazooie solo role by now.
    Classic Sonic should be the design used in Smash and this is the (green) hill I will die on
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    I disagree. While the classic games are more iconic, his modern design is much more iconic. there’s just so much more you can do with a modern Sonic. You can much more easily represent newer games, and older ones.

    And the classic design, as we know it, feels like it was only really used in Generations, Forces and Mania
    I never got the logic behind dismissing something as a "vocal minority". If they're the VOCAL minority then they're the ones who feel strongest, and will therefore be the most happy if their requests are met.
    Imagine if Sakurai just gave an open apology for Byleth's inclusion on an official Nintendo stream, and revealed a free apology bonus for everyone who brought FP1 before Byleth's announcement - it could be some returning stages, it could be an echo fighter, anything really. I think if Nintendo and Sakurai simply admitted fault everyone would be happy - except the "hoes mad" guys... but yeah, they deserve to have their schadenfreude bomb blow up in their faces
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    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    That's a good point. I really think this whole FE thing is gonna catch up to Nintendo eventually. A small part of me thinks the whole blind FP thing was done so as many people would be exposed to Byleth as possible, given Sakurai's strange non-reasons for making a blind seasons' pass.
    Still a step-up from the whole mess with Corrin and Fates. Thank the Lords Three Houses was a better game than Fates, and they had the sense to wait until after it came out of Japan this time...So I don't think things will change much, Int Sys. still are healthy so far (people are currently more concerned about Paper Mario's direction than anything).

    DLC plans were blind too last time, so I'm used to it. In a sense, it is more consistent than how FighterZ and Street Fighter V go about it for their season passes.
    You're saying this like Fire Emblem is a bad thing.
    Nowadays people tend to treat 2D the same way people did 3D in the 90s. Had Cuphead come out on the PS1 or PS2 with the same quality of animation it'd be nowhere near as acclaimed - which, I should mention, IS a bad thing.

    It's great that people now can appreciate 2D animation and the time that goes into it (even if that's mostly because Disney stopped doing 2D), and Cuphead 100% deserves the praise.
    Even if the Hazards-Off form only turned off the Yellow Devil and not the platforms, Wily Castle would be a terrible competitive stage, some platforms move way too fast and some are dangerously close to the blast zone.
    Film Theory: when Pixar were making the Good Dinosaur they didn't actually know dinosaurs never lived alongside humans so they added the no meteor plot point halfway through production. It's happened before, Disney didn't know lions don't live in the jungle when they made the Lion King so they had the change the title.
    I'm not trying to be "PI" or edgy, but I really don't get where the idea of Punch Out being racist came from. Stereotype =/= racist, most Punch Out characters' stereotypical traits are shown to be positive in battle, for example: Don Flamenco's dancing skills let him dodge a punch, Great Tiger uses his magic for unpredictable attacks, e.t.c. - there's no blackface or conical hats (you can play Pro Wrestling for that, now THAT'S a problematic Nintendo game), it's more just a loving jab to other cultures, like siblings mocking one another.

    truth be told I'd love to see a British character in a future Punch Out game, as a Brit myself I love the stereotype of Brits as polite tea-lovers who don't care for dental hygiene. (That last part is very true BTW. British teeth are just as horrible IRL as they are on the Simpsons)
    What about an Australian character who uses a kangaroo kick?
    (I'm from Down Under as well!)
    We did have a Brit back in Super Punch-Out on SNES. He already has the stuck-up attitude, so they wouldn't need to add much.
    It's probably more of the original Punch Out games. Vodka Drunkinski was Soda Popinski's original name, and he clearly carried the idea that all Russians are drunks. Then there's Piston Honda who in his corner between rounds would spout random Japanese words like "Sushi! Sushi! Kamikaze!" as if he were speaking a coherent sentence. Glass Joe's schtick of being a wuss because he's french is obvious.

    That being said, Punch Out Wii has stereotypes that aren't offensive and are A-OK. All the characters (except Sandman) are goofy but very endearing, even challenging with or without Title Defense. Disco Kid is very flamboyantly gay but there's no homophobic tones to his character; King Hippo is from Parts Unknown and comes off as a "savage" but is badass and very fun/ hard to fight. Piston Hondo is now painfully obsessed with honor and comes off like a very endearing knockoff of Ryu from Street Fighter (who's Japanese of course), and Soda Popinski trading vodka for soda makes him goofier but still a dangerous fighter. Glass Joe became a badass when he got headgear and everyone had to take him seriously; the game also gives him credit for getting back up more than anyone's ever gotten knocked down. Sandman is the only character who's not treated as a lethal joke, and is instead portrayed and treated very seriously whenever you fight him.

    Overall, Punch Out Wii did an excellent job of balancing stereotypes while making the characters badass and avoiding offensive caricatures.
    I can guarantee that in the future, current Sony, MS and Nintendo fans will agree all 3's now-modern consoles are great. The teens of the 90s now respect both Mario and Sonic regardless of which marketing tricks they fell for, and the teens of nowadays will eventually honour Kratos, Mario, and Master Chief the same way.

    That being said, just like the Jaguar before it, they'll all "gather round" to laugh at the Stadia in retrospective. Poor, poor Stadia.
    I'm working on a concept for a game starring one of my OCs - while I'm thinking more "Pac-Man World 1" for gameplay, it's going to be a sorta EarthBoundy deal plot wise, beginning off lighthearted and slowly turning dark, while keeping the same themes throughout instead of a "shocking" bait-and-switch. I should note the main villain is called "Goliath Richards", a very immature name for a villain, I know.
    I have this false memory of Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue getting a unique startup on the original Xbox as to not scare young children. Turns out that was never a thing. I wonder what that idea came from... I was probalby getting confused with a Signapore-exclusive limited edition Hello Kitty Xbox.
    People are saying the new Battletoads is kiddy as if an 80s TMNT rip-off where the animals turn their arms into drills isn't already kiddy.
    To be fair, the arcade game allowed you to drill enemies to the point of bleeding and decapitate Karnak, so.

    It's kind of like going from 2003 Turtles to Rise of the TMNT, but with even busier visuals. Seriously, it's difficult to follow the action in the new Battletoads. At least people liked the animation in RoTTMNT, so I'm honestly not sure if that would be enough here.
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    From what I've seen the ones who are giving the new Battletoads real criticism are mostly talking about how, as a Battletoads game, pretty much lost it's 90's edge and aesthetic. The art-style and character designs have also dropped in quality in comparison to previous Battletoads appearances, which may be intentional because it looks like the devs are aiming for a younger target audience.

    If this is the case then it's fine to make a different iteration of Battletoads. But why does it have to look so ugly?
    The thing about modern Jim Henson shows is that they're animated as if they were using puppets. Sid the Science Kid's movements look very surreal and sporadic due to a lack of squash-and-stretch and a lot of over-acting, while his design is somewhat unnerving with the strange colours, but had he been a puppet with real human physics weighing him down, facial expressions that only change when they absolutely need to, and a furry texture he'd probably be really charming
    I think Smash should be just as much about bringing attention to the little guys as it is about celebrating the big franchises.
    Oh my god, why aren't people nostalgic for Despicable Me yet. I'm 18 now, I want to feel old in a way other than YouTube giving me constant Manscaped ads.
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