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  • put you in a flop was burnt out for me

    but its making a come back ;D

    my chart gon b so kool this week ;3
    oh **** my glass is empty
    that sucks
    so if you're too school for cool
    i mean
    and if you're treat like a fool
    you can choose to let it go
    we can always party on our own
    so raise your
    aw ****
    like i cant say with a straight face that the melody, vocals and feel of THS couldn't be any better lol

    what a waste of lyrics :c
    i almost put the harold song down

    then i realized there wasnt enough auto tune and ke$ha's awful voice made the song actually not even average

    cannibals trash
    listening through ke$ha's "cannibal".

    songs i can stand:
    we r who we r
    blow (despite repetitiveness)
    crazy beautiful life (um maybe?)

    seriously it's the worst album i've ever paid money for. "animal" was a way better album
    lol that's a pretty good idea. Facebook is more of a productivity killer than SWF @_@ My computer really does suck though... I blame Windows Vista :p

    I only had one meal today, and it was all-you-can-eat sushi. Now I can barely get upstairs, soooooo muchhhhhh foooooooood X__________x
    Yo, Xiivi.

    JUST noticed that you put up :dwam:.

    MAN, THANK YOU SO MUCH! That was awesome!
    My computer is stupid and decides to randomly shut down twice a week when I have all these important tabs open to respond to stuff on facebook and smashboards :<

    Also, unless I am mistaken, you found me on facebook? :O Impressive. Why only 51 friends on fb when you have over a thousand on SWF though? lol

    Also also, <3
    Oh snap D: That's no fun lol. But that's actually pretty legit, is there one main company that handles the calls in the US?

    But there are so many things to be sad about ;____________; Man, caring about people sucks lol.
    I do ;____; One step at a time though :p

    Ooh I see. Sounds like you'll have more than your fair share of SWF-browsing time while working ;D lol
    True enough lmao, but I really needed this grade so :D

    Where do you work/what do you do at work? :o
    Ohhhhhh lol... that makes more seonse :p

    I like that last option :D Except I just got results back from my last Psych exam, 95% :D :D :D So that means I'm probably getting an A in Psych, which is ballin'.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too Xiivi :) Any shopping plans for black friday?
    Do something productive in class? What? You'll have to run that one by me again :p
    I suppose you have a point there ;D ;D ;D

    That's more or less what I've been doing lol. It's not that I don't get the material, it's mad easy, I just... mess up stupid stuff a lot. Which probably wouldn't happen if I did practice problems... hmm... :o
    Wow, you can be quite optimistic when it's someone else's issue lol <3

    Intro to linear algebra... I should probably start paying attention in class, or get the book, or something... >_> Thanks for the well wishes though :) Final is on the 16th, so I'm spending the two days before reviewing everything and getting lots of sleep :3
    oooh you're my best friend

    in a world we must make trends


    your words are soo true

    your poetry will pull us through
    to catch them is my real test

    to train them is my cause

    i wanna' travel across the lands

    searching far and wide
    i want to be an unmod without being a mod
    i would feel like i experienced the system
    now im a loner.
    i lurk the forums looking for my place.
    among the unmods?
    among the admins?
    'cept xivii
    No, because I got a C on my exam because of stupid mistakes, which means I'm actually going to do work over break so I get a 100 on the final to pass with a B+ or higher :(
    Oh. I see. Well in that case, <3

    And my thanksgiving break is coming up very shortly, things should be changing somewhere around that time :3
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