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  • Random fun fact; when the first measurements of Everest were made by surveyors (namely, the British), they determined that the mountain was exactly 29,000 feet tall. However, they decided that people wouldn't believe the mountain's height to be such a round number, so they added 2 feet to dissuade those concerns; which actually wasn't checked up on for decades after. Funny to think the British put two feet on the summit long before Hillary (and Norgay!) made it there...
    I feel like the best way to go about a horror project in something like The Simpsons isn't some "subversive blood and gore creepypasta" route, but rather, probably a Lynchian exploration of what it actually means to have been completely and utterly static for over 30 years; despite also having evolved and changed.

    I can only imagine the bizarre, dreamlike scenarios you could play around with. How strange it must be, to know the name of your town, but not your state? Or to think back to your childhood and remember simultaneously being a child of the 1960s and of the 1990s, finding it impossible to reconcile the changes that've occurred despite knowing that your recollection of events just doesn't make sense? Or perhaps realising that people just disappear when out of eyeshot, or that they seemingly become more... abstract, the further away from you they are.

    ...just a silly thought.
    why are there two baskin-robbins/dunkin' donuts in the pentagon. i don't get it. like why two of those specifically when there's only one of everything else? (mcdonalds, subway, taco bell, etc)

    that aside i'd highkey be fascinated to see what it's like working there or whatever because you just know for a fact that, for a minimum-wage fast food job, the background checks must have been absolutely insane. that aside imagine being the guy who can genuinely say "i work at the pentagon" and you still get minimum wage. tragic.

    that aside like... if working at the taco bell in the pentagon is mission critical would you be bound by law not to inform future employers that you worked at the taco bell in the pentagon? like imagine being asked about your employment history and you know damn well you exclusively served taco bell but you're not allowed to actually say or you're going to share a prison cell with snowden so you just say "i'm bound by law not to disclose that" and you never get a callback because employers think you're just bull****ting
    i kinda hope p6 is willing to have a more unorthodox navigator of some kind in a similar manner to how p5r akechi worked. mainly thinking the "bro" character in that kinda role would be not only be pretty interesting narratively & character-wise (given the magician arcana's association with creativity and action, but then also having your main navigator in the field is pretty interesting too), but also really funny.

    like a random encounter hits and you audibly hear him tripping over himself to try and analyse as quickly as possible, before peaking the mic by screaming "DUDE, HE'S WEAK TO PHYS, CREASE HIS JAYS"
    in the vaguest terms possible as to avoid spoilers, he's able to be selected as a navigator later down the line. he's unique in this sense because when under the effects of different ailments, he's got voicelines that actually comment on it (similar to morgana), but he'll also only be able to provide navigator info while in battle, rather than more generally while dungeon-crawling - plus, when knocked out, he can't go to the sidelines like morgana can, and needs to be revived to be able to continue his navigation.
    Oh that's cool. Tbh the navigators confuse me bc they usually don't tell me anything I don't already know, at least Futaba heals and stuff (in like the one fight i've had with her so far). I know he's a phantom thief later on and got spoiled about him being the rat, but i probably could've figured it out anyways.

    But yknow at least it's better than the navigator in Megaman X5 who legit pauses the fast-paced action platform we game to tell you "hey that's a big robot go beat it"
    I think the Navigator system is one of those things I'd like to see a rework of going forward, to be honest. I might be in a bit of a minority in thinking it's something I'd like to see stick around in some form or another, but different optional takes on the role would be a lot of fun.

    Fuuka in P3R feels like a neat template for this kind of thing going forward; moving away from purely automated navigation skills and having navigation skills instead cost the Navigator's own SP to use (more akin to a party member) seems like a neat way of handling that, and it's something I think could be integrated into the idea of having Navigators on the field more often. (Even if you kept them outside of the battlefield itself, it's still a smart rework.) Iirc Q/Q2 had something similar whereby you can entirely control your Navigator in terms of what buffs/info they give you, which seems like a cool mechanic in my mind.

    And you're absolutely right on X5's Navigator system being an absolute trainwreck. I genuinely have no idea who thought that'd be a good idea in practice; I don't think anyone would have minded if it kept the gameplay going while the Navigator spoke, but stopping gameplay entirely is just... a bad move.
    there are two solutions to the "prophecy says no weapon made of man can defeat me" conundurum. these are as follows;
    • most prophecies were developed before the introduction of the rocket launcher
    • female blacksmith
    y'know shoutout to nintendo for having the balls to keep a universally accepted standard port for essentially any piece of audio equipment manufactured since the mid 1970s on their latest console. which is apparently really difficult and an utterly unthinkable proposition for many manufacturers in 2025 because "actually our latest ewaste slop that will literally be unusable in two years because we shut down our app entirely supercedes this".
    Okay, dumb hot take probably, but I think the flurry rush in BotW/TotK feels... not unfinished, but underexplored. Sure, it's inarguably unbalanced (I did see a neat idea a while back that suggested the Flurry Rush should maybe use stamina, which could help with balancing? It'd need tweaking...), but I think the baseline idea in the earlier game - that is, a risk/reward type deal where you can use the correct dodge at the right time while in harm's way for a more powerful state - is pretty good. But...

    ...come on, why is mashing the Y button to attack multiple times in rapid succession the only thing you can do? Okay, that's probably not a fair criticism but like... you're already jumping, right? So why not be able to whip out your bow into bullet-time and get a stun, letting you follow up. That feels like it'd at least give you a bit more of an option than just "well done, you've timed the button correctly, now mash!"

    I saw one concept somewhere that proposed uses for the other face buttons, and while I recognise the mindset behind that, I'm not 100% sure doing that with all of the face buttons would be a good idea? But like, at least being able to use your other weapon could be nice, rather than just switching to whatever melee weapon has the biggest number on it. And, honestly, I think this is just a smaller element of a bigger issue with melee combat being a little... underdeveloped in those games. (Yes, it doesn't need to be SoulCalibur, but... a little more, maybe?)
    The combat in these games can be very cool if you know what you're doing. But the game never tells the average player "Hey you can throw your metal boomerang and then catch it while with Magnesis it spins and just have a Megaman metal blade you can eff people up with" that's like something you have to learn from a Zelda youtuber.

    I wonder if you could just do what Ghost Of Tsushima does and just make your attack after a parry or perfect dodge really strong. Flurry rush looks cool but having to do it every time is boring. It's like the Sonic Heroes team attacks except you do it for every enemy.

    wait hold on i have an idea

    So here after Link has dodged he can choose one of four options with the face buttons - (B) stab the eye, which blinds the enemy, (X) slice off a leg which restricts mobility, or (A) cut through the neck, the head becomes a stationary laser turret that sits on the gorund and the lower half starts spinning around like an octopus or something. And of course you can still press (Y) for a Flurry Rush if you're into that sort of thing.

    This could use work, it would definitely be OP in 1-on-1 fights (Ganondorf after I jump to the side four times and cut off all of his limbs). But it's a great tool for crowd control for sure.

    The main problem is it might be a tad violent on non-mechanical enemies, I guess you could make the Bokoblin blood green and it might still fall under E10+? But limb severing is pretty gruesome stuff, so maybe this could only work against Guardian-type enemies.
    That's actually a really cool take on the concept! At the very least, having the ability to select different "weak points" would be a great thing to have; perhaps as opposed to outright cutting off limbs, you could always have a button for a "weak point" (like the head, that stuns the opponent in a similar manner to when you hit them with an arrow there), or different buttons to disarm the enemy, which would leave them open as though you'd just parried their attack (but could let you steal their weapon too.)

    That being said, I do still find your concept a ton of fun, especially in the context of Guardian-type enemies specifically. Honestly, I think the game design of Guardians is a massively underrated thing to begin with, but that's a whole other can of worms. And the idea of cutting them in twain to end up spinning around and as a stationary turret feels like a ton of fun, possibly even having puzzle-solving uses in shrines!
    it's funny that people seem to think silver's boss battle in sonic 06 is "glitched" or whatever because like no. my guy just came back from the ruined future and is absolutely determined to defeat the iblis trigger by any means necessary. he is canonically yeeting sonic into orbit and there's literally nothing you can do about it

    not like he'd have any trouble surviving up there though because like i guess space is pretty much breathable in the sonic universe huh
    man considering they only did two games in the "series" the sonic storybook saga has so much potential and honestly it'd be so cool to see sonic randomly shoehorned into other myths, legends and stories with weird gimmicks that somehow fit the theme in general.

    something based on greek mythology where like all the characters are somehow imbued with some element of the greek gods could be neat, where sonic's got like winged shoes as the main gimmick and hangs out with hermes or whatever. alternatively sonic's house is transported to sonic adventure windy valley and sent to oz. (which would actually be very funny if only because eggman would be a perfect candidate to fit the role of the "wizard")
    kinda wild to think that the cheetahmen, ostensibly something that really shouldn't have even been remembered past the 90s, didn't just become a huge meme once, but twice, in two completely different parts of the internet - and apparently completely seperate to one another. like on the english-speaking net we all know of action 52 because of avgn but apparently it was a huge meme like three years earlier on nico nico douga despite james having literally no knowledge of that fact. idk obviously it's just a big coincidence but that's kind of wild to me lol
    if we used a time machine to bring an internet user from 2005 to the modern day they would think the internet of 2025 is straight up malware. and would be just as baffled as the rest of us that jimmy fallon is still on television
    If I stop you in the street and ask you for £500, would you give it to me? If not, you might be a serial copyright infringer. Depriving people of the money they might have made from a potential transaction is a criminal offence.
    Y'know, in hindsight, it feels like a slightly odd move for the Switch to never really have taken advantage of the ability to be used in "portrait mode" (given there was only one kickstand and whatnot). This might seem like a slightly bizarre suggestion at first glance, but I do genuinely think there might be something in the vertical screen orientation on a gameplay level if it were to be experimented with a little; and weirdly, this wasn't even entirely absent from the Switch's library, either, given a couple of Arcade Archives allowed for vertical play.

    Idk, I think it'd be a cool addition if the "Switch 2" maintains a similar sort of baseline design to it overall. It might seem silly nowadays given how people look at consoles with a similar "gimmick" (like the WonderSwan) but I do genuinely think there might be something in giving people the option; especially for genres like vertical shooters, tile-based puzzle games, video pinball, maybe certain visual novels, and like a whooole bunch of arcade titles; not to mention people's suggestion of potentially having it as an option if DS ever gets added to NSO or something like that.

    I know there's some aftermarket things that've been invented to support this, and like I mentioned it's not been entirely absent already; but it'd be nice to see some official support for something like that. Even if games aren't made specifically with vertical play in mind (understandable given connection to a bigger, generally-landscape television) I don't see why it shouldn't be an option at least; and besides, it'd be something pretty unique on a development front compared to any other console on the market beyond like, smartphones (which have touchscreen inputs anyway)
    wario & waluigi 2d platformer but instead of being focused on multiplayer wario just uses waluigi as a blunt weapon the entire time. like a big sword. but with sound effects
    flawless kidnapping strategy for resident evil fans; create a trail of yellow paint from their front door to the open door of your van. they will be forced to follow this trail due to the inviolable laws of game design and then you can experiment on them to turn them into leon kennedy but real. just like umbrella probably
    the next mario sports game should be mario chess and it's like chess but you can also get powerups n ****. there's also probably enough characters for this kinda thing. worst case scenario just make everyone wear chess-themed hats rather than always, for argument's sake, having bowser and bowser jr. as the king and queen or something
    shoutout to dr. mario 64 for specifically taking 13 out of its 15 playable characters from wario land 3 of all things
    i think there should be more straight up cryptids in the pokemon universe ngl. but then they're like actually treated that way. like i get that mewtwo might be like that in some ways but i genuinely want it to be the equivalent of some ten year old having caught an actual sasquatch and then after the fight the opponent is like "hold up was that ****ing bigfoot"
    two completely random seperate things
    1. it's so cool how the marvel vs. capcom games kinda just treat it like it's normal that the worlds of marvel and capcom kinda just exist as one now, even after the game's events. like how in mvc3, all of the endings are just like "yeah these worlds are one and the same now look at how they're interacting with other characters". it's a cool element ngl and i think it kinda gets lost when so many crossover narratives try to justify it with like world-ending cataclysms
    2. kinda funny how mario kart's never really had jumping as a particularly prominent mechanic? like beyond just the feather item or whatever. because like you'd think the idea of being able to jump a little to get into different shortcuts would have been something that'd be more closely explored, rather than it being way more prevelant in something like crash team racing. interesting thought considering mario's like the platformer series but then i guess i also do like the fact that the mario spinoffs are able to be their own things <3
    apparently there's a new elden ring or something? sounds neat.

    i think one of the bosses should just straight up be an asset rip from armoured core 6 that somehow, through a ridiculous explanation like being a "species from another continent" or whatever, is vaguely canon. kind of like when in peace walker there were those missions where snake has to fight rathalos and also that weird monster hunter redesign of the metal gear rex but like straight up as a giant monster with the same build.

    idk it'd be pretty funny to be like messing around in this fantasy world and then oops you have to fight a building sized mecha good luck gang
    concept; setting in which vampires can only be killed by true symbols of faith, but are consistently hunted down by this one guy who is somehow capable of just shooting them with a normal gun, because his unwaivering faith in the fact that vampires aren't real essentially means that he, and only he, is capable of killing them like he would any non-vampiric person
    Strange little ramble; I know people have been saying before now that Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time is kinda weird for specifically introducing the babies rather than like, using Wario and Waluigi, and honestly I can see both sides to that. But.

    If there actually was a Wario & Waluigi game, I don't think they should have typical "elemental" properties like how Mario has fire or Luigi has electricity. Rather; Waluigi's theme should generally be coin-op stuff (pinball, crane-game, stuff like that) and Wario's money. So you can play around with the idea of Wario having to effectively pay Waluigi to be at his most useful, while also playing into the weirdness of the Mario Kart DS era where Waluigi... drove an excavator and owned a giant pinball table. And it also plays into Wario's greed. Which is fun.

    Like, tell me a shell-bash but where Waluigi whips out two massive pinball paddles wouldn't be fun. And the idea of his actually useful equipment having such an obvious design flaw - that is, requiring money to work - just seems so fitting.
    If nothing else, you have to commend Americans on their continued ingenuity in figuring out new ways to solve problems with old, seemingly unfitting tools. Us Brits have been clowning on y'all for years on how silly it is that guns are fine over there but healthcare isn't free, but somehow; y'all have found a way to make guns directly reduce insurance premiums and increase insurance coverage. I'm genuinely impressed.
    people are always like "wow if i could stop time i could be so productive because i'd be able to procrastinate until i get bored of procrastinating and then actually do things". i think they underestimate the fact that, given literally infinite time to do literally anything but the things you're obligated to do, you would literally always find something to take your fancy. sure, it might seem to the outside world that you've immediately aged 40 years in a split-second, but that assignment is never going to get finished.
    random word of advice i think i probably needed like six years ago but might be useful to you; the fact that buildings usually have receptionists is proof that you, as an adult, should not be expected to know everything, not should you be expected to handle everything, nor should you be expected to be good at everything, because that's stupid and idiotic

    consider; let's say you arrive at Big Corporation and you arrive at the front desk. you want to see Mr. Burns for your appointment to propose, idk, selling double-sided pencils, but you don't know where Mr. Burns is. so you ask the person at the front desk. and they'll be like "yeah go to the eleventysecondth floor and take four lefts and his office is right there".

    because like. you shouldn't be expected to have an instinctual understanding of Big Corporation's building, right? you've just gotten there. and they pay a person to sit at the front door behind a desk so that people like you can ask them questions like "how do i find Mr. Burns i have an appointment to sell double-sided pencils".

    the fact that people get paid for this is like. proof, i guess? that people shouldn't ever be expected to know everything. everyone has their own skills and specialisations, and if you don't know something, people who do know are generally glad to be of help. you wouldn't (usually) go to a butcher to buy a dress (unless you were lady gaga) because that's not what a butcher does. capiche?

    it's okay not to know everything. you'll be fine. just listen and learn. <3
    wild how dr. eggman can literally torture a hedgehog and jettison him into space, and yet somehow his method of acquiring emeralds is still more ethical than that of elon musk
    man the cybermen already had such a brilliant "catchphrase" in "we will survive" who thought "delete" was any good. like yeah sure rise of the cybermen/the age of steel had cybus act as an allegory for big tech or whatever but the "removing emotions" thing was never the sole goal of them to the point that "delete" is a stupid catchphrase. they don't want to destroy; they want to preserve, just by cutting away whatever they need to. bruh
    it's the first of december tomorrow

    i'm still getting my head around it being september................
    it will never not amaze me that, at around the same time give or take a year, disney simultaneously decided that their best method of ensuring continued profitability was that they had to remake all of their old films but worse, and they also bought the muppets

    now, i'm not a huge fan of "remake culture" or anything but. come on. you had the capacity for "muppet aladdin" right there
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