Well it was a matter of when, and not if. It'll be interesting to see how he'll play. As for the final roster, this is what I think the final roster will look like, everyone else's will likely be different and I'll be wrong anyways, so here goes nothing:
Dissidia NT Final Roster Prediction
FFI-Garland, Warrior of Light
FFII-Emporer Mateus, Firion
FFIII-Onion Knight, Cloud of Darkness
FFIV-Cecil, Kane, Golbez, Rydia
FFV-Bartz, Exdeath, Gilgamesh
FFVI-Kefka,Terra, Celes, Sabin
FFVII-Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Vincent
FFVIII-Ultimecia, Squall, Seifer, Rinoa
FFIX-Kuja, Zidane, Vivi, Garnet
FFX-Jecht, Tidus, Yuna, Seymour
FFXI-Shantotto, Prishe
FFXII-Vaan, Gabranth, Balthier, Fran OR Vayne Solider
FFXIII-Lightning, Snow, Serah, Caius