Ally - Congrats! Game 3 in teams wasn't as smooth as games 1 and 2, but I'd like to think we at least gave you and Jason a good run for your money

. That low tier teams game was fun, even though it seemed like you were going for the Ness GR infinite =(. Also, LOL @ confusion over signing the Mother's Day card, that was classic.
Mew2King -
ECRC Interview said:
M2K: Yeah I am going to win Apex
Lain - Congrats on third and beating M2K in winners! You were pretty adamant that I looked like a midwest dude, but it looks like no one agrees =(. Your reaction to that Ness "combo' I got in that low tier teams game was priceless :D
Atomsk - No matter how many times, I could not escape the AtomskHug
Ksizzle - You're a beast! Watching you play was very entertaining.
ADHD - A funny guy to talk to, I hope one day we meet up in tournament, it'd be fun :D
Anther - I dunno if I'm going to learn Pikachu, still messing around with other characters, but if I ever do get serious about Pikachu, I'll be sure to let you know
Seibrik & Afro Thunder - fgsfds that teams set, Darc and I were very lucky to sneak away from that set with the win. Denny's was hilarious, "look, each time I saw this guy at CoT4 he made this one face, DO THE FACE"
Candy - Still no pancakes

I'll get my revenge yet, I'm re-learning the Snake matchup and I'll be ready for you! :D
NinjaLink - First it was getting trapped on a Donut Block on RC, next it was getting CGed into the wall ;_;. You beat me pretty soundly game 2, I don't see why you don't just go straight Diddy against me. Not that I'm giving you any ideas
Y.b.M - Thanks for the picture, and for making the conversation leading up to the picture much less awkward for us >_> "Is it because I look like Will Smith?" Too good
NEO & Hat - fasjdfkb @ the teams set, we'll get our revenge yet!
Plankk - I am both a fan of Brawl and a fan of your matches, please explain
Hylian - Awww @ not keeping the name tag trade permanent
Meep! - My revenge may be 3-4 years in the running, but IT WILL OCCUR EVENTUALLY
PhantomX - I apologize for starting this "Phandumb X" madness, I'll personally try to avoid using that nickname ever again in an attempt to thwart it.
Xzax - omg its xzax
Cawesome - I am literally baffled at how well you performed this weekend
Judge - boo @ taking your nametag back, finders keepers
Chudat - One day Chu England shall rise, and be the most dominant everything EVER
Vex Kasrani - You're a hilarious man, I don't know why I haven't talked to you at tournaments before because you're just that funny and awesome. If you went DDD in our set you probably would've beat me, I'm scared of him

. I hope my MK good luck charm helps you down the road :D
PikaPika! & KidGoggles - I am very sorry about the Denny's thing, I'm glad you guys made it back safely
Inui (Broken Finger Johns) - looks like you're going to have to collect some more interesting data, on fingers amirite
Fatal - NICE job in teams, you repped New England very well :D
BadNewsBear - gah I don't know why you ***** me so hard game 1, but I got ***** hard game 1

. I'll get revenge yet!!
Yes! - No!
EEvisu - Dayuuuuum @ beating Hylian. Also, I regret leaving early because I came up with a funny picture we could have taken. You, Diem, and every mod that was there
Omegablackmage - Thanks for all the usual help getting to Jake's, especially the meeting point. Blanka sounds are now New England's war cry >_>
D1- deeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Darc - Good job in Melee doubles, we'll **** Brawl doubles next time :D
IcyLight - I was gonna friendly but Jake is all no so NO FRIENDLY
Buuman - you know your name may be "boo" but i aint scared of you LMAO, you got ripped on so hard at Denny's for something that was completely out of your control, luck of the draw =(
Kage - "I'm going to get the Warrior Burger...hmm...well, there is the Baconater." It's always a pleasure talking to you at tournaments, such a great sense of humor and INDOMITABLE WARRIOR SPIRIT
Blackanese - Down throw to taunt should be banned! Too good! Our set was very fun, can't wait to play again :D
Lobos - Your controller is magical
Vanz aka MR BRAWL - You have made me re-consider learning Pikachu, jerkface
Doom - SSH for awesome tier! Thanks for that random ZSS tip, I've started using it more often and I definitely see what you mean.
Pride - Always a pleasure, and it's always funny seeing the "SHaME" tag busted out.
DJNintendo - fahskdf you guys beasted us Game 1, I still don't know how Darc managed that 1v2, but needless to say I feel very lucky >_>
WarriorKnight - omg I met WarriorKnight before KevinM, take THAT KevinM!
dmbrandon - your commentary is classic and getting to hear it in person was quite an experience :D
SamuraiPanda - Talking to you is always a pleasure, I'm happy I got revenge from the teams set @ CoT4, but it was so intense that I can't wait for the inevitable rematch
Snakeee - after watching your friendly sets with Fatal, I'm beginning to think that if I ever did surpass you, you have regained the lead. Keep it up! Zoot suit riot!
Shadow - HAHAHA, never thought I'd bust out Zero Suit in a random character money match, did you? Neither did I!
Alex Strife - I had a hell of a time at this tournament, definitely my most favorite out of region tournament ever :D
Crismas - I WILL get revenge! One day I'LL be the one making nametags, and yours will just be PLAIN GRAY, with a DARKER SHADE OF GRAY NAME........
Magus - Although the help I ended up doing was very minimal, I was glad to be able to lend a hand to the beast job you did this weekend. Glad to meet you, as well :D