I think Marth's pretty good in this game, not top 5 or very unlikely top 10 (a comparative number relative to cast size) this time though. On a design level he's essentially the same, with in some cases buffed rewards, but risk/usability kicked down a peg or two. To Marth players this shouldn't matter, at top level this character required precision, and the punishment for messing up was pretty severe already. He has great hitboxes, fast start up, but mostly short durations and long-ish lag; with good mobility and all the jazz, he is able to achieve many great things, better than a lot of the cast I'd still say. That design "hole" has only been exemplified with the nerfs while his capabilities are still roughly the same.
Customs are nice, Dash Breaker [Assault] gives him a super dash attack completely transcended, is combo fodder for him on hit and can be done from the air. It's the type of option he hasn't had in previous games, and the potency of it has been championed a lot by myself and other Marth players, but we're yet to really fully explore it's implications.
In terms of match ups, I think there are a lot of characters who were looking even-ish in Brawl that were buffed, and we're going to have to deal with that. I don't think they're necessarily all suddenly disadvantages, Marth wasn't universally nerfed by my definition (or anyone else if they've done their research).
Okay, so out of all the aforementioned characters, I currently only feel like his losing match ups are
probably guaranteed against

. That match up was hard in Brawl due to his mobility, although all of our hitboxes/disjoints murdered him, the fact is he can shield drop get right up into our face with a dash before our lag ended, all the time. I feel quite a bit of sadness that it feels like his mobility specs were buffed this game, he seems to have the fastest roll class in the game (WHY?), and the general buffing of his range (WHY?) and the short animation of his pivots just make him penultimate baiter and ultimately significantly better in Neutral in the match up. Only saving grace really is our advantage position still destroys him because swords are great. Dash assault may make this closer to even as Sonic loses a lot of his long range capabilities in the match up. Either way, I don't want to see this guy in tournament, ever, for a very long time until I feel confident I can deal with it (but I don't know if he'll be able to this game


all seem to struggle with his spacing techniques, and with dash assault Rosalina loses nearly all long range pressure against Marth. Bowser can easily even up a match/end us though, so I don't know where it'll go in the future. Mac is in a similar state, but I think our design naturally counters him - little perks like Up throw removing his KO punch at 0% is almost unique to Marth, haha.
No issues with

inherently, likely still an even-ish match up and infinitely fun now it's all about attacks rather than camping. I would say we beat

, our mobility advantage seems pretty solid, we out range still, pretty edge guardable by our back air, relatively confident we win.

essentially throw **** at Marth all day and he has to work his ass off to get through it. I personally have not enough experience in these match ups or characters, but see the struggles by design. I think Dash Assault will be pivotal for the first three (although it loses to projectiles technically due to it being transceded priority, its just the gap closing / beating their melee options on reaction that seems most important). We don't have the luxury of reacting to sheik's melee actions with a punish in dash assault, and eh, if it wasn't for every Sheik ever just playing a hard-core-camp pokey style against him, I wouldn't be surprised if Marth wins, but that doesn't matter, Sheik doesn't really need to do anything but hard-core-camp and poke against him. For the time being I won't say it's a guaranteed loss, but it'll be a struggle for sure (not my most feared match up at all though, really).

is the satan spawn in this regard. I can't believe Sakurai put a character like this into the game, jesus christ. It's PvE at it's finest tbqh. A lot of damage coming in from Villager all the time, and Marth has to approach, even while winning. I would say by design we win, but I would not be surprised us seeing that match up come up as a loss pretty frequently in tournament if it ever happened, the amount of patience you require is stupid. Why should every action I eventually choose to take have to be 30 seconds apart because of what this character does?

All hard hitters with no holes in their game play that I've seen. At mid range they have similar capabilities to Marth, but honestly with much better rewards or less risk. All of our sword attacks still beat all of their attacks... I guess... it's just they out mid-range us for the most part. Yoshi/Lucario being heavies and hard for us to kill is what will likely send these match ups towards the negative. We probably destroy Lucario up until he hits 80% and then if we cannot kill him by the time he hit's 100% it's probably a hard counter; dash assault seems crucial and may eradicate any and all of my troubles, but I'm yet to go in depth learning it.
tl;dr Good/Fine:


Probably losses/hard at this stage: