
and the 15:

- I feel as if Bowser will be Ness' favour if only a little. Our game capitalises on a strong mid-range game that leads into a fantastic combo game. Bowser has range but as soon as we trap him, big hurtboxes do not help his case when we're Fair-ing him to high heaven. PK Fire also puts him in to such an awkward situation. Heavyweights have traditionally had a harder time dealing with PK Fire and smash 4 has only accentuated this. That said, Bowser is all around rather strong and he doesn't find it very hard to kill us early-ish. Haven't had too much experience with this MU nor seen it played a lot, but that's what I have noticed from my limited experience with it. Input on this would be appreciated.

- It's not that we've been buffed in areas that make this MU far more doable but more that diddy's less campy playstyle means we can actually do a bit more with a little less fear that bananas will make our life so very miserable. I don't know how the air game goes, I honestly don't. Another MU i'm not familiar with, but i'd say at worst it's slightly diddy's favour but I would not be surprised if it was even. On the other hand, because of my inexperience, I would also not be surprised if I was utterly wrong for some reason.

- Ughhhhhhh. Probably even, I don't know, it's annoyingly painful. If he's trying to camp with clay shooting then we actually have a kind of valid reflect at long range, but the can? Like I don't even... I just.. argh. From my experience, we win if we can nullify his camping game, which means we kinda need to play a bit hard and fast and it takes a lot of adaptation to the playstyle as well as the character because his tools can be used in different ways. I love DHD and use them as secondaries but versing them is annoying. I think we're fine in it though.

- Our issue with Falco never stemmed from his camping game, so its nerf has no real value to us. His close up game is still very potent, yet without chain grabs he suffers and gives us a little more room to wiggle. It's falco's favour, but not by more than -1 I think.

- lolno. Okay i'll elaborate. Mac has good speed on the ground and tools to make us have an annoying if not slightly hard ground game. Once we get him into the air though, we outright beat him, really hard. We're one of those characters that can make his air game and offstage game totally miserable and maybe that's why I don't perceive him as top tier. I think at best for him it's a +1 our favour. Probably more. It's a silly match-up, but not because it's actually overly difficult, it just becomes tense at moments and all the other times we're busy walling him out. Soz mac buddy. I respect you, but I don't lose to you.

- this match-up makes me want to go tear my hair out and bash what's left against a brick wall. MY GAWD this match-up is painful and not even close. There are things we can do but when Rosalina gets things her way she REALLY gets things her way. It's a match-up somewhat based around momentum because neutral, long range ground game is one of the few places we can actually "beat" her (it's more beating up on Luma but it seems to cause the Rosalina player some discomfort). We have a solid option in our usual Nair and Fair but offstage is so polarising it's not even funny. Overall, it's not that we don't have options because we do, it just feels as if we don't. Kinda like Lucas vs falco in Brawl which felt like a -2 when it was really only a -1, I think this Mu feels like a -3 but in reality is closer to -2. But that character is broken, yo. GP covering everything? Enjoy hell, campy characters. Enjoy hell. NAKAT recently went against Dabuz with Ness for like a single game and then didn't use Ness again for the rest of winners finals or grand finals.

- Not fun either. Sheik has a long range game that we can't do anything about, and her close range game is fantastic. In many cases she solidly walls us out and Nair seems to be one of the few things that works. Our grab game is probably slightly superior but it tends not to matter so much because there's not much we can do reliably to her off of a grab anyway while she just kinda gets in our face. I feel like it's also a -2, not quite so bad as Rosaluma but bad. I could be wrong but I don't think I am.

- I really don't know, but I can only assume it gets worse for us the longer it goes on. We still have solid kill moves but Lucario usually racks up considerable damage and/or kills us before we do. I think it's his favour, but by how much I have no idea. Doesn't stand out as an overly ridiculous MU so i'd be inclined to say -1 but there's room for that to be different. @
#HBC | Red Ryu
should be able to shed light on that soon.

- No idea, haven't really played against one. Can't see it being awfully bad or good, but I think his long range (especially that Fair) can disrupt us a little and he probably doesn't suffer against our mid-range game either. Total theory-craft here though, so meah.

- I actually don't think Sonic has it that easy over us, but on the other hand i've been a bit wary about buying into the sonic hype generally. I think he's definitely good, i'm just being cautious about the excitement over him right now. I feel like we can punish him quite well for little mistakes in some areas and in others it's hard to really do too much. From my experience our Nair is very solid in this MU and might be what I think makes it kinda close to even. Sonic doesn't really bother me but I dunno. Very neutral on this MU.

- Yeah Villager's going to have a hard time here. We really counter his camping game and if Villager approaches us, we beat him at close range. Dair and Uair are great for him but they don't change our great OoS options being his bane and his overall game being just that bit subpar against us. I could see it being closer but for the most part I think we win this Mu with a straight up +1 if not more.

- I don't really know, but I think Yoshi wins this a little. I'd be inclined to call @
for his opinion if he feels like it, otherwise I think Yoshi wins a camping game and his close range game is very strong, strong enough to give us trouble. It's nothing ludicrous, but it's annoying and... yeah.

- Is it just me or does the paralyzer gun take longer to charge? Because healing actually seems relevant in this MU lol! ZSS prefers to approach us and her options are solid but we're not victims here either and can hold our own against her. I think we are okay against the upB but i'm not really sure. Otherwise ZSS and Ness feels evenish to me. Our aerial game feels like a solid answer to hers and although I think we lose ground game, there's not much in it. I also don't see her having too much against us offstage save for rare circumstances and we can harass her offstage which is a boon.

- Oh... forgot about this because I was using PK gaming's list as a format tool hahaha. I agree with him, it's a match-up we win, I don't think it's awful but it's solid. We can really make his camping a pain and once we're in we do a lot of damage. His sub-par grab leaves him not quite as many answers as he rightfully should have. He's not helpless - Levin sword is great and there will be time we'll be put into tough situations, as well as his Elthunder which can surprisingly actually really annoy us... but I think we win it yeah.

- Forget Rosalina and Luma, this MU is on a whole new level of pain. Ness has to deal with crazy grab and combo games that he can only answer by doing the same silly strat, and talk about getting gimped by PSI Magnet! I mean sure it's not as easy as before but who's that ever stopped before!? Besides, what the hell do I get being above Ness anyway? A silly Dair and his Uair is just GODLIKE. Not even kidding, this match-up feels bad and it IS bad. Ness is a -4 against himself for sure. If I could rate it any worse, I would. It's like, -10,000. And you know when I say that, it's a baaaaaaad match-up. When you play this match-up, you can really feel the sad-ness.
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Some of what i've described above ^ is pretty much theorycraft due to a lack of available sources or my own inexperience with some MUs. Feel free to disagree with most of these, some of them I really have no idea and others I only know a few gimmicks which will have informed my bias.
Aside from that Ness one. No room to argue there, we can all agree it's a terribad MU I think.