OT but they shouldn't have had Sephiroth wreck Gleam. He's a big fantasy villain but not bigger than what other characters faced in their games.
S is always a good pick but I'd be lying if I said another sword character interests me.
Rather than speculating about S or the other DLC characters who haven't seen an offline tournament, I'd like to take a step back and talk about

(B). MKLeo's been tearing it up online and thinks she's high tier. She probably gets a nice wifi boost, being slow with large hitboxes. B's one of my secondaries who I've used in offline tournaments and fought against so I'll be referring to that context.
Frankly I think she's mid tier but not as good as Leo does. B has a very high reward punish game with strong kill power, especially on tipper Fsmash which can kill at 60% if she reads your ledge getup. No one's better at making these reads than Leo so of course he thinks highly of her. B has great shield pressure too- Dsmash will deplete most of a shield. Sometimes I'll Dsmash twice in a row if the first is shielded because the second is a guaranteed break. Then downB kills extremely early but the armor comes late so it's not good for anything else.
It's also worth mentioning that B's upB is dangerous to challenge offstage because it can grab and spike you from far away. B has a pretty good recovery.
The thing is although B's spear has a long reach it's narrow like the Belmonts. You need to tipper it but the tipper's big so that's not an issue. Attacks like Uair/smash cover a good area above her but don't hit to the sides. Because this B has a hard time vs little vortex characters like the rats. She doesn't have a good way to get them off her and they can slip between her lance attacks. You might have seen
Leo's B lose to Maister then her switched to Ike and 6-0ed him; Ike has wide hitboxes and is just a better character. IDK why Leo doesn't use Ike online. B's SideB has a huge hitbox but is slow, punishable on block and weaker than other lance attacks so you have to use it sparingly.
On the flipside large characters can have a difficult time if B zones them with F/Bairs.
B's also fairly slow in frame data with mediocre mobility and average weight. Some of this is made up by high reward on hits but it definitely holds her back when compared to Lucina or Chroy. Bow's good in advantage for things like tech chasing but too slow for neutral.
Overall B's fun and very strong if you outplay your opponent but has real weaknesses that hold her back.