Very interesting nerfs overall, and arguably the roughest nerfs we've seen so far? We had some projectile nerfs (wolf, ivy) and a bunch of what i'd call "toning down dumb stuff" (wolf dsmash) where they adjust the numbers on some moves to make them less rewarding, but increasing landing lag and startup frames on moves feels like a new direction. Especially on spammable neutral game moves like zss nair, palu fair and palu grab, this will actively make their neutral slightly worse instead of "your reward out of a neutral win is now slightly worse", which is how most nerfs happened so far (except Pichu, who just got buffed for some reason lmao).
seems like he'll be fine overall, Arsene counter nerf is barely relevant - it's still frame 4 and not a move you see whiffed often, partly because you're arsene you've got other things to do. Seems like a QoL change for lower players who had trouble punishing the move/toning down an arguably overtuned counter while keeping its strength. Eiha nerf seems more impactful but the move should remain safe to throw out in neutral overall (fading back eiha is such a gross neutral option), but it'll make it a bit easier to punish if you see it coming. Deserved nerfs but the character still has options for every situation and even more lol.
man this grab range change is insane lol, especially for such a grab centric character (at least how nairo plays her). That coupled with her neutral being a tiny bit less safe overall should have interesting repercussions - it hurts more to have 3 of your main buttons nerfed when your character has like, 5 to begin with.
nair change seems big, especially since it might affect combo potential. The core of the character (camp camp camp) still functions though and flip kick is still an abomination so she might be fine.
heck they didn't go half handed on this haha XD absolutely deserved though that character's results were absolutely indecent and I don't think having guaranteed waft combos is healthy game design (it'd be so much cooler as a read tool like mac). Seems like the harshest nerf of the bunch and they didn't even go the palu route of giving him a few tools to compensate (like a dsmash buff or sth), curious to see where he'll end up - especially for a character with that much top player representation.
A good patch for

overall. While not hard losing matchups by any mean Wario and zss were amongst his most suspicious top tier matchup (tl,dr they can camp better than him and he hates that). Palu being less safe overall is amazing for a character that thrives on punishing whiffs (even though that matchup was very decent already).
Also I'm happy to see that they nerfed the 4 chararacters who had the best shot at the "#1 character" throne. Unless you still think that pika 0 -> 50 loops are any more impressive than
insert top tier character 0 -> 50 bread and butters because they feel worse to play against (
I love what you do please keep posting anti-pika propaganda it's very refreshing).