That's.... not really true.
If we see Akakikusu play, or any top Hero player, you then realize that he isn't really that reliant on RNG. Like what WatwatBreton says, he uses mainly his normals, Zap series, Frizz series, Woosh, and buffs. All, aside from buffs which isn't that difficult to pull off, isn't reliant on RNG.
You're literally saying "aside from the RNG he relies on, he's not reliant on RNG" Let me tell you about the YL vs Hero MU: bounce can change the course of the match. It's completely RNG whether he gets it. Bounce is a ridiculously good move. It would be broken on someone like Wolf. IDK why people are acting like buffs or anything in the command menu isn't RNG.
So what if he isn't fighting a projectile reliant character, you ask. Remember how good Palutena's lightweight custom move was in SSB4? He has that. Mobility is huge. His attack buffs are huge too. He basically has Shulk's arts based on RNG.
Even if you get all the spells you want, there is the matter of actually landing them at that very moment. You can control where you use these spells, but you cannot control what the opponent is doing. The 20 frame startup of Menu and limited MP further puts a cap on it. So even with "perfect luck", which will never happen in a realistic match which is why serious Hero players never go for it, it doesn't even catapult him into a top tier.
See my points about how 20 frames don't matter in advantage from my previous post.
Magic Burst is also fairly trivial to avoid. Even when done at the ledge, the vast majority of the cast can simply drift offstage long enough until the move ends, or even hit him out of it with a ledge attack. Due to this risk and how rare it is, you don't see Hero players rarely ever go for this.
Name on move that's better at ledge trapping than magic burst. The reason you don't see Hero players go for it is because RNG, not that it's a bad ledge trap move. The hitbox is huge and lingering. And you lose your I frames from regrabbing the ledge. He can just smash your re-grab.
What about the other aspects of advantage? Say you're offstage and he jumps down with MB. You really can't do much. The move is designed to be janky and OP because it's rare based on RNG.
Yes, but the reason why Hero players fish for buffs and mainly just buffs is because they are not that difficult to get, especially in advantage. The buffs gives the character a far more prolonged advantage, and is essential for certain matchups. He has the niche matchup against zoners, which is what fishing for buffs gives Hero the key for.
Getting a specific buff, like bounce, is still RNG and harder. It's easy to get some buff but some are better than others.
Recovery applies the same way, it isn't too difficult to find Zoom at moments you really need it. Otherwise, most Hero players stick to recovering normally.
Again, I don't really understand the logic here. He has glaring mobility and especially frame data issues, but having strong, big normals suddenly balances it out to upper mid tier?
Either way, only forward air, back air, up tilt, forward smash, and dash attack have good reach, but they are really slow; in startup for fair, bair, and dash attack; and endlag for... all of them. Outside of those moves, his range is honestly not too good for a swordie.
So where would you rank the theoretical non-menu Hero?
Again you're kind of saying "aside from these attacks that do have good reach, he has bad reach". F/Bair and Utilt alone have pretty good coverage. I would also add Jab and his sideB to good reaching attacks as sideB is not a projectile, curiously.
Following up on Zachmac's comment, a lot of Hero's most seemingly powerful stuff is super inconsistent, which is why when you see a serious Hero player in tournaments (all 3 of them

), you usually never see them go for the meme spells like Thwack or even crit Smash attacks. If I would have the option between having Hero's smash attacks or something like Pyra's, I would definitely go for the latter.
I agree with this. That's why I said 80% of the time it's like you're fighting a mid tier.
Das Koopa earlier a several months ago in this thread says that Hero had a laughable upset rate, especially for the "haha KO you early randomly" character and a supposed hidden boss character.
That number is likely different now thanks to Akakikusu, but it kind of also shows you how much he is piggy-back riding the character's meta right now.
To be clear, no one is saying he's a hidden boss or ban Hero. I'm just saying the character design is horrible. His RNG moves are stupidly overpowered and janky. It's stupid to have a bad character rely on RNG to be good. Which is what Hero does.
I'm tired of people trying to downplay how janky his RNG moves are. I've played Heros in live tournaments and friendlies. If he gets magic burst in advantage, you're probably screwed. It's not a situation you can do very much about. That's why I say "you got Hero-ed" sometimes the luck is just not with you and it is luck. Disclaimer: I've faced Hero in tournaments twice and won both sets. I'm non johning because I lost. But it's just bad game design what they did with Hero.