Watching through the footage, I have very mixed feelings on Kazuya.
On one hand, while I don't think

going to be swimming in lag on his attacks like someone like


,he is shaping up to be someone who needs a bit of time to wind up his attacks, which is unusual both by stubby boxer standards and FGC standards (Kazuya's FTilt starts at least at more than frame 10, which is already 3 frames greater than the start-up of

's FTilts). While I'm guessing his endlag will be pretty low overall (otherwise how he's stringing attacks together outside of crumbles), it also means he can't really get away with exuding absurd amounts of pressure up close the same way that other FGCs can.
That said, between his reflector, invincibility dash, dash attack, Devil Fist, and the fact that a good chunk of his attacks propel him quite the distance giving them greater burst potential than you'd think for a stubby fighter, zone-breaking characters has never looked easier with any other FGC. And this is on a character bordering superheavy attributes with things like cracked damage per hit, super armored smash attacks, and tough guy armor while looking to be about five times smaller than said superheavies.
Thinking about it, characters with strong movement options could be a problem. He definitely has the ability to shark under platforms, but having a jump that can't reach platforms on top of potentially having a frame 7 jumpsquat probably wouldn't do him favors against someone like

who has no issues jumping from platform to platform safely.
A lot of this does have to be confirmed with numbers and his inevitable inclusion, so it's possible I'm missing the mark on all of this lol. Either way, I am excited for his eventual release!
Oh yeah, and obligatory patch comment that comes with new fighter releases: I really don't think any top tier has spiraled out of control to merit nerfing aside from maybe

, but improvements to characters who continue to display meager performances like

wouldn't be unwelcome. Maybe even touch on characters who just need a smaller push like

I am a
smidge concerned about the future of FP2's fighters in that they may be a bit too much to handle after patches are all said and done (particularly

), but no use worrying about things that haven't happened lol.