I think a buff to Incineroar that would greatly improve the character without making it too obnoxious would be to just knock down the endlag on Side B a bit. All too often, the problem with slower characters is just a lack of decent burst movement that doesn't just put them in jeopardy, and we've seen via Falco how much of a difference it can make. The key timing would be to still make stuffing Alolan Whip valuable counterplay, but to actually make it a tool for Incineroar to get in on opponents even if it whiffs.
I like this at high level play, but not at lower. With suboptimal punishes (but still able to pass the input), whip is one of the best risk-reward moves in the entire game. (Even without revenge) The casual Incineroars I've seen spam this move to no end, and their opponents--clearly--aren't punishing them proportionally for it.
As for Little Mac, I've actually been thinking about something for a while: What if Mac could act out of his Up B? It keeps the “not an air fighter” thing because his aerials would still not be great, but it would give Mac both a way to mix up his recoveries and the ability to anti-air/attack platforms at less risk.
I've had similar thoughts for Ganondorf, who is the most starved for recovery mixups in the game. Giving him a poor man's Kazuya up-b addresses that without giving him any power elsewhere.
For Mac, it is less about that (unless the FAF is such that he can get a full MegaMan/Sonic/Banjo air dodge out of it, but I don't think that's what you meant) and more about the freedom to use his f1 invincible up-b more freely.
Mac has a lot of 50:50s using up-b as both a combo escape tool and an aerial kill move, but the risk of getting that 50:50 wrong is... very high, frequently death. Even with a generous FAF, letting him side-b, air-dodge, or counter before hitting the ground would shift the calculus a great deal.
There are some easy ways to buff Ganon without breaking him. For one his down-b is very meh for no apparent reason. It should be a better burst option than it is.
Improving down-b is imo the best place to add power to Ganon. In BBrawl, we gave it not just higher damage but specifically enough to trample most projectiles--they added this in Smash 4 patch 1.1.5 and it exists in Ultimate today. We also made it invincible, which at that point really only affected transcendent projectiles and tether grabs. I believe it would be fine to put more even power on the move, up to pretty scary levels, without breaking anything.
If I were making a new Smash, I'd make Wizkick reflect. (As well as Falcon Punch)
I am personally not sure on why people are afraid of accidentally breaking

I mean, how are we sure that this character is easy to break? This character has never seen the light of true metagame relevancy except for some stages in the Melee meta, and today

is niche-at-best.
I guess I can kinda see it in a low/casual level, but that already applies to heavies in any Smash game. I don't really see it ever in a high or even mid level.
Ganon has always had a strong presence at lower levels of play, for one of the most generous definitions of "lower."
Broader 1v1 data (beyond say OrionStats level) is rare and less accurate, but Ganon consistently does well. (So do most heavies.)
PGStats 9.0.0-11.0.1 bracket-wide data puts him just above the median/mean in usage and use below the median/mean for win-rate. At just the
top eighth of bracket, his usage has gone down slightly but his win-rate has jumped up! When you consider that Ganon is obviously not doing well in the top 1/32nd of bracket, this suggests his performance between the 88th and 97th percentile of tournament play is
exceptionally strong, comparable to someone like Falco, Richter, or Ken.
In other words, if you are in a 1024-man bracket and playing to enter top 64 (and this is the typical peak of your abilities), according to this PG Stats data you are much more likely to lose to a random Ganon you've never heard of than a random [most characters] you've never heard of. (In the same way that a "random Ice Climbers you've never heard of" is the absolute worst thing that could happen to you.)
Note that this is mostly true for DDD too, but he has far more players making this far and more capacity for his best players to go the distance. Other heavies may have more players (Bowser, DK) or may not (K. Rool), and all have best representatives perfoming stronger; but only DDD perfoms so intensely well at this band of play.
Now, all that said, that's just 1v1.
It's often said without evidence that Ganon is better in teams and especially FFAs, but I think the assertion is correct. In my experience, he also benefits from items--he is slow, but items play tends to distract from and "override" the usual neutral and recovery game that he is weakest at. He is probably neutral on Final Smashes for similar reasons (his is okay but he isn't hurting for kill power), and prefers a large number of non-traditional stages to the ones we use. (Again, recovery and neutral disruption favors him)
Contrast with Mac, who has very mixed feelings about items, dislikes Final Smashes, and isn't a fan of FFAs on standard-size stages.