I'm starting to get into the idea that


butt heads over

. Like, Lucas thinks of Ness as a big bro and wants to protect him at all costs [even though it's Ness that does the protecting most of the time] because of all the **** that happened in Mother 3 [NessxLucas is best brotp ever]. So he's kind of a bit over protective. And Villager is that "cool kid" with aditude who thinks he's all that and a bag of potato chips. So Lucas and Villager get into little spats often because Lucas is timid and Villager likes to rile him up, and the easiest way to rile him up is to talk about Ness and the things they do together while Lucas isn't invited to smash 4. Oh my god i'm forming headcannons about them already, i'm trash.
Edit: ...my 50th post is me talking about my headcannons...how fitting for a person like me...