It's odd, or peculiar, because of the convenience to its surroundings, and the next step in the scientific process is to ask 'why does it have this trait?'. Most people consider cockroaches to be pretty useless and bothersome, but they actually serve an ecological purpose, and gaia theory attempts to explain things like this in the big picture.
Another example is that birds **** out seeds they eat everywhere, causing trees to grow and spread across the globe and, again, inadvertently assist continued sustaining of life on this planet. This trend of 'sustaining life on the planet' can be seen from a multitude of organisms if shown in the right light. Bees pollinate plants, bacteria breaks down even the most radioactive of materials, and so on. It's almost as if the culmination of life on this planet assists in the continued sustainment of life on this planet simply because each one of these organisms is trying to survive.
Of course, there are unanswered points of contention, like the lack of explanation for random changes in temperatures in certain climates as said changes can drastically affect life negatively. There's also the whole 'animals eat animals' dealio, but I suspect the food chain, and natural selection, help assist the planet by way of constantly refining what we deem to be 'the fittest organism.' I won't pretend like I have all the answers.
Anyway, again, it's a theory.
Also, I'm calling bull**** on you not having a problem with what people believe in, you literally just tried to goad me for three or four posts in a row about what you perceived to be my beliefs. If that's not ****lord levels of butt, I don't know what is.