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DGames Summer Mafia Bash - Day 2 Begins. Deadline Day 2 begins - Deadline 8:00 A.M. CST Monday 6/24


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Just got to the start of D2. I'll post the full read list later, but really wanted to get this out there:
  • JTB – I missed out on what everyone was talking about with Ran’s suspicious behavior, but #309 brought up some good points. He seems to be contributing good stuff every now and then, but posting doesn’t seem to be consistent. I also liked his reasoning against a Maven shot early D1 (unless Maven's scum, in which case it'd look kinda sketch). By the end of D1, he seems to only pop up a while after being mentioned and is avoiding the spotlight hard.

    Upon flip, though, I’m pretty sure he’s scum. He claimed being a vig D1 (#504), and feel free to check me if I’m wrong, but there’s aren't any town!Vigs with an innocent child in the setup matrix. So unless it was a gambit (which wouldn't have gone very far if it picked up and the thread was active enough that it didn't need that drastic a measure) or I'm severely misunderstanding the matrix system, I think he should be the move today.

Vote: JTB

(Feel free to quote/tag me to let me know if I've severely misread the situation; I've still actually got no clue how matrix setups work, but I'm just using the list at the bottom of the OP for reference lol).

Going back to my corner to read page 35 now...


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Rockin Rockin Most of my analysis doesn't have meta, and especially my case on you, Rockin. There are some meta, more so in Day 1 than Day 2. They are not based on emotion, I barely am emotive as a person. Your post falls apart because you state my playstyle is scummy, when playstyle isn't scummy. It's null. I have already explained why I am playing differently today. You are not reading my posts thoroughly. That's the crutch of your post. Tell me, why would I not use this playstyle as town? Do you think it would not be helpful to town?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
#HBC | Mac #HBC | Mac I am curious why it doesn't make sense for Tom to suspect me there. (I assume there is some meta involved here that I have no context for) I do agree that Tom took longer to appear in thread then he promised to. He stated he had goods to deliver and it took much longer. I am certainly curious to hear his answer to your post. Sure sometimes a reads list is nice but I agree I'm not sure I have seen enough of him poking around. I need to re-read him to be sure. Currently I still have him as null so this is good to read.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Just got to the start of D2. I'll post the full read list later, but really wanted to get this out there:
  • JTB – I missed out on what everyone was talking about with Ran’s suspicious behavior, but #309 brought up some good points. He seems to be contributing good stuff every now and then, but posting doesn’t seem to be consistent. I also liked his reasoning against a Maven shot early D1 (unless Maven's scum, in which case it'd look kinda sketch). By the end of D1, he seems to only pop up a while after being mentioned and is avoiding the spotlight hard.

    Upon flip, though, I’m pretty sure he’s scum. He claimed being a vig D1 (#504), and feel free to check me if I’m wrong, but there’s aren't any town!Vigs with an innocent child in the setup matrix. So unless it was a gambit (which wouldn't have gone very far if it picked up and the thread was active enough that it didn't need that drastic a measure) or I'm severely misunderstanding the matrix system, I think he should be the move today.

Vote: JTB

(Feel free to quote/tag me to let me know if I've severely misread the situation; I've still actually got no clue how matrix setups work, but I'm just using the list at the bottom of the OP for reference lol).

Going back to my corner to read page 35 now...
There is no way on Earth that was a serious claim.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
There is no way on Earth that was a serious claim.
Having re-read the post in its context, I wholeheartedly agree. I just remembered someone claiming a vig in my 30 pages of reading yesterday and got excited lol.


Back to Page 40 we goooooo


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Why Rockin instead of Lore? Do you find them equally scummy>?
I think I may have been wrong on my theory. I find Rockin much scummier than I did Lore. Lore I had a problem with him not reading our responses to him at first. I actually want to re-read him. I think I'm more supportive or Rockin and FF directions today. Frozen Flame has been prodded and we have yet to see his presence. I am confident Rockin is scum due to his lack of voting on Doop. Frozen may be too due to his weak reasoning for town reading him.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
OK, that was a lot:

  • Ryker – Is fairly proactive throughout and seems to be one of the main forces driving the game forward. He’s been one of the most active players, has given solid Mafia advice (like #565), and has encouraged other players to join in, which would be opposite of his goals as scum (unless he’s intentionally doing it as a form of obfuscation, but it seems like his intentions are genuine). The Ryker that I remember playing with was usually kinda behind, so I’m glad that he’s on top of the game this time around! He’s probably one of my strongest town lean at the moment, and I’ll just pray he’s not a wolf in sheep’s clothing leading town astray (although it’ll be easier to gauge that later in the game after we read back with some mod-confirmed info to see some possible motivation behind his pushes). His response to Uto placed me solidly in the townie camp (and his response to the situation seemed really genuine, so I’ll put the concept of all of that being orchestrated out of the question).
  • Gorf – Seems to be over-Gorfing it. I remember him being a wildcard in the past, but it seems like he’s overstating it here on p. 4… Maybe it’s just his way of trying to feel everyone out D1, though; I don’t clearly remember playing a game with him, I just remember him mostly from social. He also got a little less over-the-top as the day went on, but only after other people actually pointed it out. He started to actually hone in and contribute to the conversation later on, though. Null-ish.
  • UtopianPoyzin – Never seen this man in my life, but he seems to be giving it his all. The fact that he had a “serious” vote in RVS made me a little suspicious (and I didn’t like his response about Gorf’s post reminding him of a rookie play, thus hit him with a vote), but I liked his response to Ran’s second question concerning why he didn’t respond to Ran’s vote. Later on Uto seems to be mirroring more vocal veteran players, but that’s expected behavior from a newer player. I really don’t like his gambit, though. He could easily claim tracker as a jailkeeper (he’d just see that the person didn’t go anywhere), and Ryker’s plan was solid enough that I think Uto got cold feet and backed out. I think it’s absurd from a town!Uto PoV to take the 1/3 chance of having a TvT CC in order to gambit a slot that seems town-ish, whereas a scum!Uto jailer that already knows all PRs in the game can safely make that claim. I get that gambits are a thing, but the risk and reward in this instace seems completely out of wack from a townie perspective. If anyone else in the game did this I’d be out for blood, but I’m willing to chalk at least part of it up to still learning the game. Null until the gambit, slight scum lean after.
  • Ran – One of the first people to actually apply some pressure with questions D1, and seemed to get things rolling out of RVS. Something I’d note is that he should’ve bit harder on Uto’s response to his question (so maybe look into Ran if Uto’s scum and vice versa). I was a little suspicious of him early after reading JTB’s post, but he’s been fairly active and seemed to be willing to sit down and talk it out. He’s had me ping-ponging between slight town lean and slight scum lean early on, but I find myself agreeing with him on a majority of counts throughout the thread and the more I read from him, the more it just looks like normal old town!Ran. Town read.
  • FF –It seems like he’s just coasting and hoping that’ll get him through, and what I’ve seen of his content hasn’t inspired much confidence. He hasn't really contributed much useful stuff, and he also hasn't been in here elaborating on the opinions that he's voiced/answering questions. Hopefully I can eventually get a better read on him if he comes back in to talk about stuff, but at the moment he’s just kinda inactive. He’s null/weak scum lean in my book, and while I'm fine with him going today, I'd prefer someone with more of a paper trail.
  • Spak – Confirmed town (obviously :p).
  • Pythag – Contributed half a post on why he thinks self-meta is scummy, but Utopian didn’t really have much of a choice since a couple of people asked him head-on about his meta. Also seemed to bite back a little hard at Ran’s vote, then didn’t seem to directly address it (#214). Still wasn’t impressed by his #530; he talked about how he still thought Ran was scummy a lot, then voting Maven after saying that his lurking was null at worst and claimed that he was hitching his vote with Gorf (even though Gorf was voting Ran rather than Maven at the time). Strongest scum lean at the moment. It feels like he joined the wagon of someone he didn’t necessarily think was scummy, and refused to vote Ran even though he thought he was scummy (possibly to avoid the appearance of OMGUS?). He then says Ran’s probably town in #778 with no further explanation than “Ran is aggressively trying to prove that he’s town,” which is about the most null thing that comes to mind. He also pops in and out rather irregularly, and when he does pop in, he seems to just support some other person’s push rather than developing any of his own leads (like #1154, then ignoring Uto’s #1165 response (and not even mentioning Uto) in his next post (#1187, which was just saying that he liked Gorf’s last post and was looking into Rockin and Jexs)). I started to like him a little more as he started to get involved and I sorta had an idea of where his head was at D2, but his earlier offences still make me feel a little uncomfortable with his slot. Scum lean.
  • Nabe – Where you at? You’re usually really active, but I haven’t seen you around at all. Null, might have to mercy kill if we can’t find a replacement.
  • Kary – Seems to be going in pretty hard on people and genuinely scumhunting; doesn’t appear to be pulling any punches on anyone, which is about how I remember town!Kary playing (which admittedly led to me tunneling her a few times in the past (Undertale Mafia comes to mind lol)). The vote swap in #1200 makes Kary look really good in retrospect (both in reasoning and result), but it's still really hard to read her. I'll go with slight town lean.
  • Tom – Early on, his play didn't really stick out to me; he hadn’t had any huge interactions early game, but he seemed to be super comfortable interacting with everyone, and didn't seem to be hiding anything. The further the game went on, the more in-depth his analysis got. He seems like a town bro, but that might also be his MO as scum. His analyses haven't seemed off at all which leads me to believe that he's genuinely scumhunting, so I'll give him a town lean.
  • Maven/Lore – I agree with Ran’s #501 on Maven. He lurks more often as scum historically, but with that said, I also haven’t played with him in quite a while. Not much for this slot until Lore came in, who seems to be mainly approaching the game with making conditional ties between people (“check into this person if this person flips scum” type of stuff). Seems kinda irritable (and has had some sorta beef with Kary and Uto from what it looks like), but introduces some interesting new views when (he/she? I’ve never met Lore before) comes in. I don’t really agree on his/her #1123 (I’d be willing to attribute Uto’s somewhat triggerhappy wagoning as a rookie move), but I thought they had some good rebuttals to Uto’s responses (like pointing out that Uto instantly said that it seems like TvT was highly suspicious). D2 Lore seems to be lowkey defending Doop before/during his wagon, which looks a little sketch in retrospect, then tries to distance Loreself (I’ll just use this until I figure out gender lol) from Doop at the start of the conspiracy post. Lore seems to have the tendency to tunnel (been after Uto since right after the little tiff with Kary), and the case for the scumteam at the start of D2 seems a little reachy. There is a world in which the line of reasoning that you state could hold true, but it’s assuming a lot and certainly not probable enough that I could would rationalize putting someone in a lynchpool for that alone. I agree that Pythag is suspicious, but I think that Lore’s not arriving at their conclusions through a pro-town mindset. Lore also landed on the wrong side of Ryker v. Uto from my PoV (although I guess hindsight is 20/20). Scum lean.
  • NULL: Rockin and Mac – They both seem to be around, but haven’t ever been in the spotlight so I can’t see their reactions to pressure very well. They haven’t made any absurd leaps of logic which is good, but they seem to keep their cards close-ish to their chest (or I just haven’t noticed them too much while I’ve skimmed). Null for both of these guys.

DECEASED READS: I didn’t actually realize that D2 started until the title changed today, so I made reads on these fine gents. Figured it’d be interesting to see where my mind was at when I found out there was a D2 and checked on the results (around page 28-ish I think).

  • Doop – I didn’t agree with his opinion on Marshy’s post (although it was early game, so I understand trying to get any kind of lead), and doesn’t really respond to Kary’s accusations very well (disappeared after a bit and ignored them when he came back later on). Also, the #633 vote left a bad taste in my mouth. Seemed to be trying to divert attention, since Doop didn’t really seem to interact with Rockin at all earlier and had some scum feels towards others earlier. Keeping a grudge on Marshy from the start of the game (#713) leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, but I can’t really think of a good reason for scum to stay that stubbornly off-base. Still, scum lean.
  • KevinM – Never played with him, but he doesn’t seem to contribute much aside from jokes early on (he was SUPER late exiting RVS). The wagoning didn’t seem particularly helpful, but I suppose it could be useful to gauge initial reactions to the suggestion of a wagon. As the phase progresses, though, he doesn’t really contribute that much more content. He just sorta jumps in every once in a while, cracks a few jokes, and hops back out again. It makes the read more fun, but doesn’t really seem to do anything but attempt to derail conversation. Slight scum lean/null (depending on meta).
  • Marshy – Pretty standard Marshy stuff; I really liked his #194. He also seems to be playing pretty openly, which is good. I did notice that he sorta seems to be popping in, contributing something, and then laying low for a while. It might just be that’s he’s only free for a small part of the day (I can’t see timestamps when SWF is half-screened), but it’s something to note nevertheless. (And I didn’t conclude on a read by the time I read the result)

In summary:

Confirmed Town:

Town Read:

Town Lean:


Scum Lean:

Scum Read:

Confirmed Scum:

(Also, I kinda hate SWF's new color selector. The old one gave a lot more options...)

Did I miss anyone?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Spak, since you have Rockin as null, read my #1628. Then tell me your thoughts. Reading your post now.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Spak, since you have Rockin as null, read my #1628. Then tell me your thoughts. Reading your post now.
I'll get back to you on that during lunch break tomorrow; I promised my friend I'd watch JoJo with him at some point tonight (and we're running out of night lol) and then need to go to bed for work tomorrow. But I should be on around noon-ish.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Rockin Rockin Most of my analysis doesn't have meta, and especially my case on you, Rockin. There are some meta, more so in Day 1 than Day 2. They are not based on emotion, I barely am emotive as a person. Your post falls apart because you state my playstyle is scummy, when playstyle isn't scummy. It's null. I have already explained why I am playing differently today. You are not reading my posts thoroughly. That's the crutch of your post. Tell me, why would I not use this playstyle as town? Do you think it would not be helpful to town?
mind quoting the post this is in direct response to?

You missed JTB.
also yea an updated read on jtb would be appreciated Spak Spak


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
The problem with your slot/analysis is that it's full of theorycrafting and meta, and the negative response you recieve (or disagreements) makes it so that you build cases based on emotions, and not through the fact/statements that you feel _______ is scummy. Thus, it makes it difficult for me to take your points seriously.

On surface base level, yes. If we were to take away the big AtE of him wanting replace out because of what marshy harshly said (as well as some others that chimed in), they would be pretty null. They posted a lot, but again with all the mixture of theorycrafting and meta, it's hard for me to see them as either town or scum. I will say however that the playstyle itself is scummy, cause it relies on others chiming in and making the fire bigger (which is why when that happened with Tom, it didn't go much anywhere cause...no one really thought Tom was scummy. It being TvT or TvS was debatable as well imo). Not to mention in D2, there seems to be a gear shift with Ranmaru where it looks like he's trying to take the helm of the conversation (basically him being more aggressive and demanding).

I wouldn't mind Lore go as well. During the whole UP vs Ryker claim, it felt like Lore was trying to find another person to tackle and lynch. I would need to reread the exchanges again when I come back from work later today.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Alright boys captain RL johns checking in here's the deal I'll keep it a buck

I've been insanely busy since saturday. My close buddy lost a tough trial and needed to blow off steam so we got ****ed up all saturday night to take his mind off it. Sunday was part recovery and part finishing moving in to my new place since I literally just moved to a new place on the 8th and hadn't truly fully unpacked. Had to get up early Monday to work what ended up being a 12 hour day of **** tons of reading and writing a bunch of pretrial motions and responses to motions because a bunch of cases with similar deadlines are hitting a busy point. I go home, raid for 3 hours and essentially pass out while doing it at the end. I was burnt the **** out yesterday. Then today rinse and repeat no bull****. My job has crazy spikes of busyness just because of arbitrary deadlines and the way cases line up because I'm managing like 65 of them simultaneously. Tbh I'm sure this is already more than enough detail for a john you don't care to read but yeah that's what I've been up to. Pushing through burnout hardcore right now just to get this check in post done but I wanted to let yall know that I'm still in its just that my activity this phase is gonna be more tail heavy because its gonna be hard to give this threat more than an hour or so of attention a day until friday

so anyway I just skimmed like the last 5 pages backward to get a jist of whats current. I'm seeing some kind of ryker and UP counterclaim scenario going on? Clearly there's been a lot of setup discussion. Links to the leading competing interpretations please, I love this kind of content for read generation. I'll get my definitive opinion on who has the more reasonable suggestions re: setup implications asap but direction to the most salient posts would get me there a lot faster. If there are active debates on how we're expecting roles to function, shoot me a link to a post and I will comment on it asap. That stuff is easy to do in a vacuum and very relevant to how people are trying to shape our perceptions of the game and thus good for scumtells to show up.

I'm pumped af we're off to such a great start with scum lynch D1 but I'll eat my foot if that quicklynch wasnt scum orchestrated. Like the self vote was sketch af I get that but It realllly just reads like a ****ing kneejerk sprint to end the day because focus was everywhere they didn't want it to be. Like if you're town sit there and ask yourself honestly if the self vote tipped your read into the red that immediately. I'm also not saying Im buying the hammer was accidental, but also the immediate momentum shift in that direction seemed orchestrated, so a non-attentive townie could conceivably walk into the trap. But obviously I need to re-read the end of the day again to really opine with confidence here

and of course it comes as no surprise that JTB is blatantly OMGUSing me. Like I get there are reasons to vote me dont get me wrong but just the way he goes about it these past few pages is so transparent its not even funny lmao, I mean Im cool with him spending all his town capital if he has any getting me mislynched but please dont let him do something like that and live to endgame after I flip like jfc. I mean rykers been up my ass all game and you don't see me reaching for him like JTB is for me. who knows maybe its not that bad and the last fiveish pages is just a terrible sample size for him

Tentatively stand by my scum picks of JTB and jex as plays today, no reason I can see atm that any of the flips we have clears them but of course this is all contingent on not knowing the claim situation

but anyway yeah sorry just don't expect me to become content frontrunner overnight, aint gonna happen and I wont be able to put any truly substantial effort till friday. If that makes me a liability and yall just wanna grill me and then use whatever paper trail that lays to get the scum on my wagon that honestly fine like I wont take it personally. Anyone whos played with me at all somewhat recently knows that my inactivity spurts and RL johns are super null like I have this **** is sooooo many games as both town and scum fwiw. But yeah direct my attention to the low hanging fruit and Ill play ball. Or just tell me to go **** myself because straight up some of you guys are putting in hella effort and I respect that, I just kinda know my lane at this point and the leading contributor role isnt a play in the hand Im holding right now but not everyone is supposed to fill that role if you can understand that, thats kind of the beauty of this game

any im ****ing exhausted night guys, blow me up Ill try to get back to you asap


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
KevinM and Marshy dead... we're looking for someone who hates hardbody fun.
OK, that was a lot:

  • Ryker – Is fairly proactive throughout and seems to be one of the main forces driving the game forward. He’s been one of the most active players, has given solid Mafia advice (like #565), and has encouraged other players to join in, which would be opposite of his goals as scum (unless he’s intentionally doing it as a form of obfuscation, but it seems like his intentions are genuine). The Ryker that I remember playing with was usually kinda behind, so I’m glad that he’s on top of the game this time around! He’s probably one of my strongest town lean at the moment, and I’ll just pray he’s not a wolf in sheep’s clothing leading town astray (although it’ll be easier to gauge that later in the game after we read back with some mod-confirmed info to see some possible motivation behind his pushes). His response to Uto placed me solidly in the townie camp (and his response to the situation seemed really genuine, so I’ll put the concept of all of that being orchestrated out of the question).
  • Gorf – Seems to be over-Gorfing it. I remember him being a wildcard in the past, but it seems like he’s overstating it here on p. 4… Maybe it’s just his way of trying to feel everyone out D1, though; I don’t clearly remember playing a game with him, I just remember him mostly from social. He also got a little less over-the-top as the day went on, but only after other people actually pointed it out. He started to actually hone in and contribute to the conversation later on, though. Null-ish.
  • UtopianPoyzin – Never seen this man in my life, but he seems to be giving it his all. The fact that he had a “serious” vote in RVS made me a little suspicious (and I didn’t like his response about Gorf’s post reminding him of a rookie play, thus hit him with a vote), but I liked his response to Ran’s second question concerning why he didn’t respond to Ran’s vote. Later on Uto seems to be mirroring more vocal veteran players, but that’s expected behavior from a newer player. I really don’t like his gambit, though. He could easily claim tracker as a jailkeeper (he’d just see that the person didn’t go anywhere), and Ryker’s plan was solid enough that I think Uto got cold feet and backed out. I think it’s absurd from a town!Uto PoV to take the 1/3 chance of having a TvT CC in order to gambit a slot that seems town-ish, whereas a scum!Uto jailer that already knows all PRs in the game can safely make that claim. I get that gambits are a thing, but the risk and reward in this instace seems completely out of wack from a townie perspective. If anyone else in the game did this I’d be out for blood, but I’m willing to chalk at least part of it up to still learning the game. Null until the gambit, slight scum lean after.
  • Ran – One of the first people to actually apply some pressure with questions D1, and seemed to get things rolling out of RVS. Something I’d note is that he should’ve bit harder on Uto’s response to his question (so maybe look into Ran if Uto’s scum and vice versa). I was a little suspicious of him early after reading JTB’s post, but he’s been fairly active and seemed to be willing to sit down and talk it out. He’s had me ping-ponging between slight town lean and slight scum lean early on, but I find myself agreeing with him on a majority of counts throughout the thread and the more I read from him, the more it just looks like normal old town!Ran. Town read.
  • FF –It seems like he’s just coasting and hoping that’ll get him through, and what I’ve seen of his content hasn’t inspired much confidence. He hasn't really contributed much useful stuff, and he also hasn't been in here elaborating on the opinions that he's voiced/answering questions. Hopefully I can eventually get a better read on him if he comes back in to talk about stuff, but at the moment he’s just kinda inactive. He’s null/weak scum lean in my book, and while I'm fine with him going today, I'd prefer someone with more of a paper trail.
  • Spak – Confirmed town (obviously :p).
  • Pythag – Contributed half a post on why he thinks self-meta is scummy, but Utopian didn’t really have much of a choice since a couple of people asked him head-on about his meta. Also seemed to bite back a little hard at Ran’s vote, then didn’t seem to directly address it (#214). Still wasn’t impressed by his #530; he talked about how he still thought Ran was scummy a lot, then voting Maven after saying that his lurking was null at worst and claimed that he was hitching his vote with Gorf (even though Gorf was voting Ran rather than Maven at the time). Strongest scum lean at the moment. It feels like he joined the wagon of someone he didn’t necessarily think was scummy, and refused to vote Ran even though he thought he was scummy (possibly to avoid the appearance of OMGUS?). He then says Ran’s probably town in #778 with no further explanation than “Ran is aggressively trying to prove that he’s town,” which is about the most null thing that comes to mind. He also pops in and out rather irregularly, and when he does pop in, he seems to just support some other person’s push rather than developing any of his own leads (like #1154, then ignoring Uto’s #1165 response (and not even mentioning Uto) in his next post (#1187, which was just saying that he liked Gorf’s last post and was looking into Rockin and Jexs)). I started to like him a little more as he started to get involved and I sorta had an idea of where his head was at D2, but his earlier offences still make me feel a little uncomfortable with his slot. Scum lean.
  • Nabe – Where you at? You’re usually really active, but I haven’t seen you around at all. Null, might have to mercy kill if we can’t find a replacement.
  • Kary – Seems to be going in pretty hard on people and genuinely scumhunting; doesn’t appear to be pulling any punches on anyone, which is about how I remember town!Kary playing (which admittedly led to me tunneling her a few times in the past (Undertale Mafia comes to mind lol)). The vote swap in #1200 makes Kary look really good in retrospect (both in reasoning and result), but it's still really hard to read her. I'll go with slight town lean.
  • Tom – Early on, his play didn't really stick out to me; he hadn’t had any huge interactions early game, but he seemed to be super comfortable interacting with everyone, and didn't seem to be hiding anything. The further the game went on, the more in-depth his analysis got. He seems like a town bro, but that might also be his MO as scum. His analyses haven't seemed off at all which leads me to believe that he's genuinely scumhunting, so I'll give him a town lean.
  • Maven/Lore – I agree with Ran’s #501 on Maven. He lurks more often as scum historically, but with that said, I also haven’t played with him in quite a while. Not much for this slot until Lore came in, who seems to be mainly approaching the game with making conditional ties between people (“check into this person if this person flips scum” type of stuff). Seems kinda irritable (and has had some sorta beef with Kary and Uto from what it looks like), but introduces some interesting new views when (he/she? I’ve never met Lore before) comes in. I don’t really agree on his/her #1123 (I’d be willing to attribute Uto’s somewhat triggerhappy wagoning as a rookie move), but I thought they had some good rebuttals to Uto’s responses (like pointing out that Uto instantly said that it seems like TvT was highly suspicious). D2 Lore seems to be lowkey defending Doop before/during his wagon, which looks a little sketch in retrospect, then tries to distance Loreself (I’ll just use this until I figure out gender lol) from Doop at the start of the conspiracy post. Lore seems to have the tendency to tunnel (been after Uto since right after the little tiff with Kary), and the case for the scumteam at the start of D2 seems a little reachy. There is a world in which the line of reasoning that you state could hold true, but it’s assuming a lot and certainly not probable enough that I could would rationalize putting someone in a lynchpool for that alone. I agree that Pythag is suspicious, but I think that Lore’s not arriving at their conclusions through a pro-town mindset. Lore also landed on the wrong side of Ryker v. Uto from my PoV (although I guess hindsight is 20/20). Scum lean.
  • NULL: Rockin and Mac – They both seem to be around, but haven’t ever been in the spotlight so I can’t see their reactions to pressure very well. They haven’t made any absurd leaps of logic which is good, but they seem to keep their cards close-ish to their chest (or I just haven’t noticed them too much while I’ve skimmed). Null for both of these guys.

DECEASED READS: I didn’t actually realize that D2 started until the title changed today, so I made reads on these fine gents. Figured it’d be interesting to see where my mind was at when I found out there was a D2 and checked on the results (around page 28-ish I think).

  • Doop – I didn’t agree with his opinion on Marshy’s post (although it was early game, so I understand trying to get any kind of lead), and doesn’t really respond to Kary’s accusations very well (disappeared after a bit and ignored them when he came back later on). Also, the #633 vote left a bad taste in my mouth. Seemed to be trying to divert attention, since Doop didn’t really seem to interact with Rockin at all earlier and had some scum feels towards others earlier. Keeping a grudge on Marshy from the start of the game (#713) leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, but I can’t really think of a good reason for scum to stay that stubbornly off-base. Still, scum lean.
  • KevinM – Never played with him, but he doesn’t seem to contribute much aside from jokes early on (he was SUPER late exiting RVS). The wagoning didn’t seem particularly helpful, but I suppose it could be useful to gauge initial reactions to the suggestion of a wagon. As the phase progresses, though, he doesn’t really contribute that much more content. He just sorta jumps in every once in a while, cracks a few jokes, and hops back out again. It makes the read more fun, but doesn’t really seem to do anything but attempt to derail conversation. Slight scum lean/null (depending on meta).
  • Marshy – Pretty standard Marshy stuff; I really liked his #194. He also seems to be playing pretty openly, which is good. I did notice that he sorta seems to be popping in, contributing something, and then laying low for a while. It might just be that’s he’s only free for a small part of the day (I can’t see timestamps when SWF is half-screened), but it’s something to note nevertheless. (And I didn’t conclude on a read by the time I read the result)

In summary:

Confirmed Town:

Town Read:

Town Lean:


Scum Lean:

Scum Read:

Confirmed Scum:

(Also, I kinda hate SWF's new color selector. The old one gave a lot more options...)

Did I miss anyone?
Alright boys captain RL johns checking in here's the deal I'll keep it a buck

I've been insanely busy since saturday. My close buddy lost a tough trial and needed to blow off steam so we got ****ed up all saturday night to take his mind off it. Sunday was part recovery and part finishing moving in to my new place since I literally just moved to a new place on the 8th and hadn't truly fully unpacked. Had to get up early Monday to work what ended up being a 12 hour day of **** tons of reading and writing a bunch of pretrial motions and responses to motions because a bunch of cases with similar deadlines are hitting a busy point. I go home, raid for 3 hours and essentially pass out while doing it at the end. I was burnt the **** out yesterday. Then today rinse and repeat no bull****. My job has crazy spikes of busyness just because of arbitrary deadlines and the way cases line up because I'm managing like 65 of them simultaneously. Tbh I'm sure this is already more than enough detail for a john you don't care to read but yeah that's what I've been up to. Pushing through burnout hardcore right now just to get this check in post done but I wanted to let yall know that I'm still in its just that my activity this phase is gonna be more tail heavy because its gonna be hard to give this threat more than an hour or so of attention a day until friday

so anyway I just skimmed like the last 5 pages backward to get a jist of whats current. I'm seeing some kind of ryker and UP counterclaim scenario going on? Clearly there's been a lot of setup discussion. Links to the leading competing interpretations please, I love this kind of content for read generation. I'll get my definitive opinion on who has the more reasonable suggestions re: setup implications asap but direction to the most salient posts would get me there a lot faster. If there are active debates on how we're expecting roles to function, shoot me a link to a post and I will comment on it asap. That stuff is easy to do in a vacuum and very relevant to how people are trying to shape our perceptions of the game and thus good for scumtells to show up.

I'm pumped af we're off to such a great start with scum lynch D1 but I'll eat my foot if that quicklynch wasnt scum orchestrated. Like the self vote was sketch af I get that but It realllly just reads like a ****ing kneejerk sprint to end the day because focus was everywhere they didn't want it to be. Like if you're town sit there and ask yourself honestly if the self vote tipped your read into the red that immediately. I'm also not saying Im buying the hammer was accidental, but also the immediate momentum shift in that direction seemed orchestrated, so a non-attentive townie could conceivably walk into the trap. But obviously I need to re-read the end of the day again to really opine with confidence here

and of course it comes as no surprise that JTB is blatantly OMGUSing me. Like I get there are reasons to vote me dont get me wrong but just the way he goes about it these past few pages is so transparent its not even funny lmao, I mean Im cool with him spending all his town capital if he has any getting me mislynched but please dont let him do something like that and live to endgame after I flip like jfc. I mean rykers been up my *** all game and you don't see me reaching for him like JTB is for me. who knows maybe its not that bad and the last fiveish pages is just a terrible sample size for him

Tentatively stand by my scum picks of JTB and jex as plays today, no reason I can see atm that any of the flips we have clears them but of course this is all contingent on not knowing the claim situation

but anyway yeah sorry just don't expect me to become content frontrunner overnight, aint gonna happen and I wont be able to put any truly substantial effort till friday. If that makes me a liability and yall just wanna grill me and then use whatever paper trail that lays to get the scum on my wagon that honestly fine like I wont take it personally. Anyone whos played with me at all somewhat recently knows that my inactivity spurts and RL johns are super null like I have this **** is sooooo many games as both town and scum fwiw. But yeah direct my attention to the low hanging fruit and Ill play ball. Or just tell me to go **** myself because straight up some of you guys are putting in hella effort and I respect that, I just kinda know my lane at this point and the leading contributor role isnt a play in the hand Im holding right now but not everyone is supposed to fill that role if you can understand that, thats kind of the beauty of this game

any im ****ing exhausted night guys, blow me up Ill try to get back to you asap

One of these catch up posts is not like the others. Props to Spak and FF.

Good morning everyone, I'll be a bit less active today due to some work things and some afternoon plans. I'll still be here during the work day, just slower.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Vote: Lore

He's only picking on people smaller than him, his reads are basic and uninspired, plus he seems to have zero conviction on anything he posts.
Thanks Gorf for showing me the light. #HBC
Hard disagree on all of this.

People smaller than me: Yes, my argument and confrontation with Ryker after Utopian's claim was me picking on someone smaller.

My reads: I was on Utopian before you even were, right after KevinM slapped a vote on. I gave full reasoning and details for that, as I've done for my other reads and votes as well.

Conviction: iirc I've only backed off the Utopian scum read, so I'm not sure what you mean here. I also kept the thread up to date as my thoughts changed.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
One thing that sticks out to me on FF's catch up post is how he repeated multiple times that he is town and that he is being set up for a mislynch. He also brings up that he's "fine" with being the lynch in order to catch scum on his wagon.

It's a bit weird. I'll be rereading FF content today, particularly any and all doop interactions.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
Vote Count 8:00 AM 6/19 Edition

Lore (3): Gorf, Ryker, Kary,
Rockin (4): Ranmaru, Lore, Pythag, Tom
JTB(1): Mac
Frozen Flame(1): JTB
Ranmaru(1): Rockin

Not Voting(4): Spak, Nabe, FrozenFlame, Utopian Poyzin

With 14 alive, it takes 8 for majority.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Hard disagree on all of this.

People smaller than me: Yes, my argument and confrontation with Ryker after Utopian's claim was me picking on someone smaller.

My reads: I was on Utopian before you even were, right after KevinM slapped a vote on. I gave full reasoning and details for that, as I've done for my other reads and votes as well.

Conviction: iirc I've only backed off the Utopian scum read, so I'm not sure what you mean here. I also kept the thread up to date as my thoughts changed.
blah blah blah


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Compiled all the particularly noteworthy posts of FF that I wanted to talk about here.

no read on Uto yet and tho I think marshy made a good point early re: doop calling his post "incongruent" (which I think is more town leaning than scummy so I think doops reaction was off there) his response to marshy rehabilitated that read but maybe Im just giving him too much town cred for having "chutzpah" as marshy said
He makes sure to call out Doop while simultaneously defending him, while also trying to play down the significance of his defense.

As for doop, yeah I did see his response as more town but I agree with marshy that his initial comment on marshy's "incongruence" seemed like a reach so I guess on balance Im still null on doop. I don't have much else to add other than that tho, mostly just gut reactions that Im voicing
Very null read towards Doop, with effort made to appeal to both sides of Doop reads. Feels less like a read, more like giving himself wiggle room to take either side.

So I meant to post something last night but I was so ****in tired I passed tf out while reading lmao

Ran definitely seems "anxious" but not sure if thats scum anxiety or just general defensiveness. Either way dont think hes really the play right now, fine keeping him around

Kevin is looking better by the page, was having a hard time getting a read early on but his comments re: Tom v Ran and asking ran where he looks next if tom sumflips shows me the gears are actually turning and he's trying to get reads based on what people are thinking a few ply ahead

I get TvS vibes from the tom v ran interaction as well but nothing I can quite put my finger on. Interested to see how they end up reading each other closer to day end

I thinker Ryker scum means Ran scum but not necessarily the other way around. Ryker essentially saying that we dont need to worry about pressuring ran to get a read because Ran will essentially reveal himself over time, though I agree with, seems like a way to create distance from ran and justify not needing to put effort into reading him. Kind of like a deflection technique to absolve himself of needing to actually do any unpacking of early Ran play. Dont really think either is the play atm tho, just something Ill have my eye on. I lean town on ryker atm but I guess Im a bit paranoid about it and this is my way of checking myself

Honestly cant tell if Rockins moaning about the length of the thread and how "brutal" the catchup was is genuine. Seems exaggerated imo but iirc rockin did have a penchant for being a little dramatic. Definitely more willing to push in his direction now than I was before

Maven is definitely too quiet, and although I dont feel any better about jex Im not seeing much additional interest in him for now so to the backburner he goes

Unvote: Jexs

Vote: Maven
Now compare his Doop read with these reads. Yes, several are null, but even the null reads are more fleshed out and with less wiggle room.

His next post is a "can go list" that I forgot to include, but it includes 99% just inactives. Same with his Maven vote above.

Hes a town lean, not a hard read. He seems to be actually digging and isnt hiding the ball which puts him over the line in the right direction ya know? Marshy is putting pressure in the right places which is a good look imo. Kary is null for me and as mentioned above Id be willing to put pressure in his direction

lol nah no mistake there, ran and doop can totally stay, you arent my top choice for the noose but not against the idea

It doesnt mean I know which of them is the S in the TvS just because Im getting a TvS vibe from the ran/tom interaction. Thats why Im not looking to "stick it" to either. Like theres conflict there but neither party seems to want to really take a bite out the other which makes me feel one is scum but is holding back for fear of a full on assault backfiring
Goes out of his way to mention Doop here again, and that Doop can stay.

He also wiggles out of definitively saying which out of Tom and Ran is S. The vibe from the wording here is odd to me.

Updated can go pool:

3. JeXs

6. #HBC | Nabe

13. Maven89

16. JTB

Kary and gorf are putting in enough effort and havent really set off any alarm bells for me so they left the pool. JTB just comes off scummier to me every post. Jexs can still go imo, narrowly behind JTB for top scumpick. Mavens slot is obviously a big fat question mark/liability which is lame. Nabe I don't really have a good reason to want gone but I'm essentially trying to signal that I'd be willing to pressure the slot
Strong read on JTB here, going along with his vote from earlier (not listed here in these quotes). JeXs is second pick. His next two are complete inactives, and I'm confused why he specifically says he wants to "pressure" Nabe instead of calling out his activity.

Just ISO'd pythag to try to figure out whats up with that wagon and frankly idk wtf yall are on. Pythags posts all seem fine to me. Funnily enough, even though I disagree with him, his final line from #778 re: JTB suspicions is exactly how I feel about pythag suspicions lmao "Can someone tell me why they think JTB is scummy? Or at least lynchworthy? Nothing I saw really struck me; I'm not convinced." Like just swap JTB for pythag and that's like verbatim what I was thinking when I saw votes shifting onto pythag

tbh it reeks of a distraction wagon with the goal of derailing JTB pressure, ****in narcs might be afoot here

but seriously if someone has a legitimately good reason to think pythag is a strong scum read I'd love to hear it

but even more seriously people should get on the JTB wagon

and even more more seriously this is legit the most fun but also chill mafia game I've played in in like a long *** time. I'm really like the general tenor of the discourse. obviously playing with the ****in homies is biasing me to the Nth degree but still like this is just a chill af game and I'm likin it
Listed this quote here to compare it with Doop. This post is the polar opposite of Doop's Pythag stance, which is interesting.

I feel like FF's other interactions and posts have been sufficiently covered by others. I'm fine with moving FF to my scum leans, given both the cases built against FF and now the Doop interaction analysis. My vote will stay on Rockin, but I am also more strongly for an FF lynch.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
It's funny because I haven't seen Lore do anything to question anyone or try and develop reads, but I've seen pages and pages of them reviewing old **** and announcing how the status of their reads has changed. Making sure everyone knows they're looking for scum, without actually doing anything.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
It's funny because I haven't seen Lore do anything to question anyone or try and develop reads, but I've seen pages and pages of them reviewing old **** and announcing how the status of their reads has changed. Making sure everyone knows they're looking for scum, without actually doing anything.
Besides my questioning Rockin, along with working with Ran on developing reads? You're reaching here.

I'm also reviewing so much old stuff because I was only in the game for a day and a half (not even that really) before D1 ended. We also got a scum flip. Therefore, I've been prioritizing reading and trying to understand the game.

I also developed my Utopian - Doop - Pythag - Rockin connections before they fell apart, yet I got accused of tunneling when all that literally happened in the first 12 hours of D2. The day had barely even begun.

I don't know what you want from me.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Yeah you made a case on Pythag and Poyzin that had no merit whatsoever, then you dropped it completely when you encountered the slightest resistance. You haven't shown a single shred of sincerity or problem-solving. You only care about appearances which is why you keep repeating about the things that you've done and how it's hard for you replacing in.

Why would I want something from you? You're done.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
so from my take the ff post is serviceable enough overall and im fine abstaining from actually pressing in on my scumread until later in the Day when he can be around (if we dont hammer early that is). the john is coo, id say just avoid prods till then #HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame .

to give you the gist since im lazy and its honestly kinda lame, poyzin comes in telling ryker to claim na's and then next post claims tracker. ryker claims vt and nobody cc's. a while passes and MAD fud and wifom ensues, all for poyzin to come in and say it was a gambit for x y and z. its wholly uneventful and there are probably reads to parse from it, but from being there while it was happening i personally just got a p hard townread on ryker and a reaffirmed townread on poyzin.

and of course it comes as no surprise that JTB is blatantly OMGUSing me. Like I get there are reasons to vote me dont get me wrong but just the way he goes about it these past few pages is so transparent its not even funny lmao, I mean Im cool with him spending all his town capital if he has any getting me mislynched but please dont let him do something like that and live to endgame after I flip like jfc. I mean rykers been up my *** all game and you don't see me reaching for him like JTB is for me. who knows maybe its not that bad and the last fiveish pages is just a terrible sample size for him
this is super interesting. ive been kinda lumping you and jtb in on the same boat of being fine waiting till later in the Day to make moves on yall but its worth looking at jtb eoD1 into toDay more closely.

#HBC | Ryker #HBC | Ryker whats your take on this (as well as what follows), particularly the bolded part of ff's quote

jtb starts the last day yesterDay by saying hes gonna take like 3-4 hours or something to catch up (which honestly tells me jtb should be caught up by now) and then he says this to jex questioning jtbs read on him:

F I'm already breaking my promise because marshy already decided to slap a false label on my play and now another player decides to put words in my mouth. Don't falsify what you think my reads are in order to justify your damn vote and because you don't know my approach to this game is. I had you as null from that questioning of Uto and my response was being cheeky because, as I said before:
really matches the tonal issues that marshy brought up about jtb and the framing of peoples motivations. my gut tells me on a scum!jtb flip, spak is town that jtb decided to latch onto in order to spur content


And to answer your question, popular wasn't the right word to describe how you jumped on the wagon so I apologize for that but it appears opportunistic. Rockin vote was puppet vote for Kevin and my vote came directly after Marshy's post on me with justification that didn't come until later that I also addressed above.

You can keep saying mudslinging but until I have solidified my read on you, then you have no idea what my read is on you.
in all fairness he rescinds some of the edge, but for this to be all hes got is p overwhelming. cant really blame him for the hammer dropping during this time, and i feel like diving into the wifom of it all isnt valuable. but at this point, jtb should be caught up and able to have substantial contributions when he comes back in, from his words.

D2, hes had a total of 9 posts:

Prod received, I'll be here for a few hours this afternoon before I get sucked into playing Bloodstained and doing nothing else

What makes a vote on me, an inactive slot, more valuable than anyone else that has been here toDay? Has nothing happened yet toDay that your only read is still me as scum?
I'm reading backwards through this thread and I'm assuming there was a gamble that occurred, but am I wrong in reading this paragraph as you gained nothing from it or you are just going to ignore the possibility of scumRyker in favor of your gut?
I'll come back to that once I'm caught up

Ran read had nothing to do with going onto Marshy, it was a slot I wanted to pressure and jumped on
What are your scum reads?
my conclusion is gorf is high as ****

i rest my case
I'll be real with you, this game has been incredibly difficult to keep up with and trying to gather reads by re-reading with how much I tend to overanalyze stuff takes so much time. Let's compromise, ask me for my reads on specific slots instead of the entire game while I ask questions to recent posts and I'll oblige to that.
You previous speculated on Doops/Utopian/Rockin/Pythag being the scum team by connections in your #1402, but now have Uto as town because of his tracker gambit. Did your switch on Uto not have any impact on your Rockin/Pythag reads?
I have a stream to get to soon, so I'll have to finish this up later Ran. Right now, I don't have any interest in reading Jexs to allow Spak to add his own content and Nabe for obvious reasons. Here's what I have for FF right now and will finish reading up on Rockin/Uto later

His play for D1 has largely consisted of just providing comments on things going on as opposed to asking questions to pursue his reads. In particular, he votes on Jexs in #267, then swaps off without doing anything to push that read in #452 (which was onto Maven, an inactive slot). Then he does the same thing regarding me, voting me #813 through the end of the day without addressing me directly either. In #1050, he talks about how I'm a gut read and the Jexs wagon was not going anywhere, but as stated again, he did nothing to push Jexs and appears to just be jumping around to whatever wagon seems safe without contributing.

#453 is a really bad post imo because he avoids giving his reads on these players, instead opting to them being people to pressure. I'm not sure what to take away from this post other than FF setting up a reference post in case a wagon pops up on one of those people and joining it.

I think his #490 greatly twists my play that game to fit the narrative he's portraying in his scum read on me. Without directly interacting with me, he has no reason to believe my questions are "half *****" and using the number of reads I have against my slot is just exaggareting his own read.

His comments on Doops are...strange? He agrees w/ Marshy in #267 about the FOS on Doops, but also states he reads Doops are town in the same post, then backpedals later to null when questioned on it. Doops also doesn't appear on his pressure list. FF seems hesistant to have a solid read on Doops.

I'm okay w/ Vote: FF to get my vote out there

pretty underwhelming for a guy who shouldve been caught up over the Night phase (his words not mine).

-prod received
-calling macs vote bad for being on an inactive (which is lame cuz hes been on his ass since D1 and the Day basically just started)
-some whatever thing wrt the poyzin gambit
-justifying an old ran read?
-asking lore what his scumreads are
-joke answer to a question he prob doesnt feel like answering in the moment
-not being caught up johns, wants to be interacted with instead to garner content
-asking lore about if his reads changed from his early thought of a poyzin-doop-pythag-rockin team after lore reads poyzin as town from the gambit thing
-responding to ran, doesnt wanna read into jex or nabe yet out of respect for spak replacing in and nabe being a rock and will read rockin/poyzin later. offers ff read:

dont hate his first para on ff, but its kinda mediocre analysis wrt the jex vote. dude put his vote there and said he doesnt like the jexs eagerness to follow. the details are implicit but arent hard to understand. and putting it on the backburner in favor of something more favorable isnt really scummy in and of itself, its smart play. the stuff wrt his wagon is fair, but at the same time thats essentially a rewording of what ryker and i have said so i dont hold much credence to that.

453 comment is a stretch, and 490 is aight but, again, its kind of a rewording of what ryker and i were saying yesterDay. i wont comment yet on the doop connection cuz thats a deep dive im not down to take yet though.

pretty ****ing lackluster overall, and i seriously dont understand how people are putting this guy in their townreads. idk if id call it OMGUS, but definitely lacking seeing how this is the depth of his play and the way he "tend to overanalyze stuff" its super weak


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I am actually reading Mafia Sleep Over 3 to meta Lore. Gorf, I remember you ****ting on me for pushing Lore in a past large. Do you remember any differences between here and his play in that large? (I think it was Celeb Rehab?) I am going to look that game over after Mafia Sleep Over 3.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I am actually reading Mafia Sleep Over 3 to meta Lore. Gorf, I remember you ****ting on me for pushing Lore in a past large. Do you remember any differences between here and his play in that large? (I think it was Celeb Rehab?) I am going to look that game over after Mafia Sleep Over 3.
i dont remember that happening and i actually hosted celebrity rehab so if that was in game thatd be impossible

ranmaru buddy stop putting effort into reading years old games for meta and making soap operas please


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Yeah you made a case on Pythag and Poyzin that had no merit whatsoever, then you dropped it completely when you encountered the slightest resistance. You haven't shown a single shred of sincerity or problem-solving. You only care about appearances which is why you keep repeating about the things that you've done and how it's hard for you replacing in.

Why would I want something from you? You're done.
You also had your vote on Poyzin and were actively pushing to get people on his wagon. Why do you think my previous case (overreactions, defensiveness, etc) is now without merit?

I keep repeating things about what I've done because I'm being questioned on them with, imo, poor questioning and reasonings. It's getting tiring to keep repeating myself.

i dont remember that happening and i actually hosted celebrity rehab so if that was in game thatd be impossible

ranmaru buddy stop putting effort into reading years old games for meta and making soap operas please
I'd also like to request that my old games aren't read. I was an actively toxic and awful player who embarassed the **** out of myself on the regular. It was all 4-5 years ago for the most recent games. I really want to leave that me in the past.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I wouldn't make a soap opera. So far in Mafia Sleep Over 3, we lynched him for sitting on his laurels. (he was scum) He was more like how Rockin is here. His tone is different there. He was posting in a manner that doesn't step on toes. Here, he seemed excited to play overall, and had more of a direction than in the other game. One thing that made me say that I felt you and I may have been wrong on him is his connections he was drawing out of no where between Up rockin and pythag. I know that is exactly what I have done much earlier in my career as town. I also don't agree with picking on weak players as a scum tell from his slot. I want to re-read your case though and try to solidify my read on him. But right now it is leaning null-town. **** is this a soap opera in your eyes? ****. (Sorry Lore I read it already but I have a bad past too don't worry)

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
It's funny because I haven't seen Lore do anything to question anyone or try and develop reads, but I've seen pages and pages of them reviewing old **** and announcing how the status of their reads has changed. Making sure everyone knows they're looking for scum, without actually doing anything.
from my pov its like, lore has asked questions but so many were one offs that made no sort of splash and that i couldnt find any sort of direction with. lore has expressed developments of reads, but before the ff post he just posted (which ill read in a bit) it was things like "my scumteam web fell apart because now i townread poyzin" and the poyzin townread. and again, i give no credit for that being a developing read because thats super basic. now hes scumreading rockin which is also hard to give credit for because the development is weak (he claims its not but ****ing read my earlier post about it regarding that if youre unsure).


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
To be fair, he was the one who caught that Rockin was null on JTB while voting him in the same page as Doop wagon grew. I totally missed that.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Like 90% of the interactions today with me are:

"You haven't made cases!" "But I did."

"You tunneled!" "In the first 12 hours of a 7 day Day-Phase."

"Your reasoning is weak!" "Sure, ignore my long and detailed posts."

And repeat ad nauseam.

It's getting to the point where I will likely stop responding to defend myself toDay. It's not even frustration or salt, I'm just tired of typing literally the exact **** over and over again.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
I wouldn't make a soap opera. So far in Mafia Sleep Over 3, we lynched him for sitting on his laurels. (he was scum) He was more like how Rockin is here. His tone is different there. He was posting in a manner that doesn't step on toes. Here, he seemed excited to play overall, and had more of a direction than in the other game. One thing that made me say that I felt you and I may have been wrong on him is his connections he was drawing out of no where between Up rockin and pythag. I know that is exactly what I have done much earlier in my career as town. I also don't agree with picking on weak players as a scum tell from his slot. I want to re-read your case though and try to solidify my read on him. But right now it is leaning null-town. **** is this a soap opera in your eyes? ****. (Sorry Lore I read it already but I have a bad past too don't worry)
Yeah that was years ago, unfortunately. I wouldn't recommend using it as modern meta.
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