: Never been much of a metroid person like ever but objectively Ridley was an exciting character. I'm found of having more "beastly" characters in smash, there's really no one else in this game that covers that "just unbelievably evil and ruthless" air of Ridley, he's an absolute monster, I'm a big fan of his reveal trailer depicting him more as a blight on the game rather than a big newcomer who's come to join the fray and fight along, ridley is here and he will cause damage to anything and anyone

: I actually really like daisy, she's usually among my top choices for character picks whenever she's in a mario game as a playable character, I also think she's cute but that's besides the point, Daisy in smash is really cool i'm glad she's in, but I wish she was a bit more. different? I feel like daisy doesn't 100% fit peach's mold as a character, like her Toad attack could've been a mario land enemy or just something, she's one of the most "Alt costume" feeling echo fighters, glad she's here but wish she was a bit different


: I don't feel any particular need to separate these two as a "non castlevania mega fan" as I feel about the same about them, they're good! they're fun! I like them both, I lean a bittttt more towards simon because I think he's huge chunk of meat barbarian thing is really fun in the world of smash but Richter is a dreamboat no denying that. In terms of playstyle they're fun once in a whiles for me, I feel like i'll never ever be good with them literally ever but they're fun to play with they got a lot of fun tools

: I will just be completely honest I forget Chrom is in this game a lot, this isn't because I think he's bad I'm just
1. Not a FE person
2. Don't play him ever
3. No one I play with plays as him ever
Chrom exists to me, not as a negative, i'd say ultimately I lean towards positive on Chrom he just isn't someone i'm constantly thinking about, if at all

: Really glad metroid characters all have the shared theme of "absolutely ruthless monster characters" Dark Samus is a really cool echo pick, they're literally just from like 1 game so it's cool they thought back to this, in the grand scheme of nintendo as a whole, slightly more niche character and made them a full character, obv. they're just an echo and that means they can't be fully dark samus but it's a real good like, show of good faith towards metroid pick I think, usually pick dark samus over regular Samus

: alright. put the kids to bed, it's time for the ADULTS to talk. King K Rool? that's my guy, literal number 1 smash want of all time and who got it? me. I WON. i win. jokes aside yes King K Rool was my number 1 smash want literally ever, Donkey Kong is my favorite nintendo franchise and I always thought it was super underloved in smash(it took 3 games for dk to get an assist trophy i mean C'MON) so getting King K Rool? that was a "i will never need anything ever again" moment for me, King K Rool in smash is everything I could've wanted and literally more, I'm already a weirdo who likes heavy characters a lot, so I was gonna win no matter what but I think K Rool is a blast to play as, objectively he sucks, i acknowledge he's low tier, but I simply do not care, playing as K rool is soooo much fun to me, I love this character! the single happiest this game has made me

: ok i take back what I said about Chrom Isabelle is the biggest "I forget they're in this constantly" character. Perhaps some of it is I have become mega burnt out on isabelle as a character, i'm part of the dreaded "man new horizon really soured me on this character" camp, I just think she's like. Patronizing now, idk does that make sense? probably not. I don't love her moveset either, it feels like villager with all the fun parts of villager removed like the gyroid flying or the tree, I do not HATE isabelle at all, i'm an adult I don't feel rage over a cartoon dog, but I do not care about her that much either

: Ken is an """echo""" fighter, I say it that way because he verges on being like, a wolf tier clone in some areas and has helped create the weird blur between what an echo even is, that aside, ken's cool, I don't play ryu a ton already because i'm incredibly pea-brained but between ryu and ken I usually chose Ken, I like his attitude a bit more, he's got....flair

: i would never think thinking "positive" on a character would be controversial but, I think incineroar was a far more interesting choice than deciduye, I think incineroar is a blast, both animation wise and I love big powerful dudes in platformer fighters I think they're sooooo much fun. Incineroar kinda covers a problem I had with pokemon in that the fact they don't feel like characters can make them feel. very whatever to me, but Incineroar DOES have a personality and I think it adds a lot of flair to a franchise that honestly can lack it sometimes. If we HAD to get a starter pokemon character in smash i'm reall glad it was incineroar I think they're a ton of fun

: we're two for one on me liking "wasted slots" because
Piranha Plant is my literal main I love piranha plant, anytime I play this game Piranha Plant is my go to, I think they're INSANELY fun, the way their moveset flows into each other just, makes sense to me? I don't know i love their stretch attack and I think spiked ball is the single most fun move in the entire game and I love finding uses for it in battle. I don't agree Piranha Plant was "just for shock" they're too well made and animated too nicely for that, they could've just plopped a character out as a joke, I think Piranha Plant was a passion project for the team, I think there's way more love in this character than people give it credit for, just because it's not the character people wanted in the game, so it HAS to be a nothing shock character

: im about to impress no one after praising incineroar and piranha plant; i could not care less about joker. I actually think they're actively poorly designed in a lot of ways in terms of being a character who is just wayyyy too strong and as a "casual" i hate fighting against joker, I feel like they're a character who was given way too many options to win. I also just, don't care about Persona, i would've prefered an SMT protag easy I think that series has a wayyyy more interesting, everything really. I don't hate Joker, I do think not much of them, but again not a "i'm so mad i'll punch a wall" character, i'm an adult and this is just a "mario fight pikachu" game lol

: Hero's probably the single most "oh well of course they're gonna be in this game" character, like ignoring the one thousand two hundred and twelve times this character was leaked there's no way they would've skipped dragon quest, that's not a bad thing of course, Hero is a great "goof around" character I think, I don't think i'd ever be able to play this character remotely seriously because the reading is too much for me personally, but the gimmick is a LOT of fun for goof around matches. Hero's only negative is their music sucks, big time i think, I know why this is the composer of DQ is kinda. a monster, so getting the actual versions of the song was impossible, but it's a shame it happened, bandana hero best hero

: points at screen
THAT'S ME THAT'S ME MA I'M THE SCRIMBLO MCGRUNKO LIKER!!!! jokes aside, YES I do infact, very much like Banjo Kazooie, i'm VERY glad they're in smash, it's a nice hit of dopamine seeing them in the game, seeing them with the kongs again, beautiful, beautiful stuff. I don't agree with the moveset discourse on them, It's 100% not everyone's thing for sure, but I think they're very intentional in being designed as if they could've been in smash 64 with this moveset, that's kinda what I wanted really, they're not complex characters at all, and I think that works

: I knew who Terry was before smash but I didn't know him on a personal, heartfelt level, Mr.Bogard to me was not much. Post smash? love this guy, he's a total doofus, absolute himbo character, he is the prime meat of smash bros and I think that's great, this dude has drip for days, Ken is crying in his room with all the drip this guy's bringin to the table. Best music in the DLC bar none either, it's not even a competition really, only Terry has Psycho Soldier, no one else. Absolutely my favorite of the fighting game mcjoes in this

: here they are. the ""worst character in smash bros history"" and, they're fine, they're fine I think, i'd place byleth above Joker, you're free to hit me with your car if you want I probably deserve it. Three houses was a huge hit there was a non-zero chance of them not getting in. For real I think Byleth is a victim of unforunate circumstances, Corrin already created bad blood, their trailer is AWFUL(in my opinion), they were put at the end of the pack, ect. Really if we could go back in time and tell sakurai "corrin's game will be a game nobody likes that much anyway do literally anything else" i think byleth would be pretty beloved honestly

: I like ARMS, I like MinMin, I don't really super play either in smash but it's a good "drawing attention to ARMs" choice, what everyone else has said about this character I mostly agree with, they're not, the most amazing character on the roster, a little awkwardly designed, all that, but I'm glad she's here if nothing else, ARMs music is sexy so i'm really glad at the least we can have fights to it

: hey ya'll zoomer here! I love minecraft! i AM like 12! Steve in smash is the single biggest character added to smash since like, sonic, I don't think there's literally anyway to debate this, at all. And i think they're a lot of fun, not a character I play seriously but a TON of fun for goofs, I honestly think they're way more designed to be goofy fun than super serious, and I think that's great, they're music is also BEAUTIFUL, Holland might like, actually be in my top 5 smash songs of all time it's genuinely kinda breathtaking. Steve is also interesting in how I think they demonstrate the "smash bubble" to some extent, a lot of people in speculation scenes seem really down or whatever on steve but i think there's no way to debate them being the most popular character in pack 2

: similarly to ridley I love sephiroth as a good "just absolutely ruthless villain" character, Sephiroth just isn't an "anime swordsboy" he is THE anime swordsboy, he is the anime swordsboy all other anime swordsboy want to be. I love that, he is so indulgent in the beautiful anime villain man stuff and it's a blast i think, the shirtless alt? perfect, literally perfect, sephiroth is here, he is going to be sexy, and he is going to use his big evil sword to defeat diddy kong, and this? this is what smash is all about to me


: i feel nothing.
ok well jokes aside i just don't feel anything towards these two, to be frank i think pyra is kinda ugly (no it's not the boob thing, bayonetta is sexy as hell and her boobs are big as hell and i love her i just think pyra looks ugly), they're fine otherwise, glad for xeno2 fans, I do think scoping the roster of xeno2 there's characters in this game i think look cooler like Nia and Morag, but these two? they exist i simply can not deny or debate that

: I think by the time Pyra was in I was kinda just burnt out on smash and it's discourse and i think that effected my feelings on the characters, I struggled to really care at that point. Kazuya is KINDA the same but I think Kazuya is more fun, love getting more ruthless evil dudes in smash. Kazuya isn't the most mind blowing character and i'd place them like 3rd or 2nd on my fighting game joes in smash tier list, glad they're here ultimately, won't let my burn out effect a solid character

: unironically the most hype announcement this entire cycle, i love undertale so much, if every single mii costume tomorrow was an undertale costume with a music track it'd be the best announcement possible