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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
I already made a big goodbye post on the day Sora was announced, so I think I'll keep this short and sweet.

Speculating with and getting to know all of you over the past 3 and a half years has really been a treat. Ultimate is truly nothing short of a dream come true and I feel truly privileged that I got to see it all happen. The journey has been just as great as the destination and that's all thanks to you lovely folks.

I hope you all take care of yourselves. To those who are sticking around, I look forward to discussing the next game with you! To those who are leaving but will come back once the next Smash is announced, I look forward to seeing you soon! To those who are visiting Smashboards for the final time, I hope you all live your lives in the most full and meaningful way possible!

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Well I guess I might as well chime in too since this may or may not be my last rodeo on this site as I move on to do other things.

I might get more into Smash Ultimate modding if that develops further, especially if it eventually reaches similar heights as Brawl modding did. But overall, I don't know if I'll be back to speculate on the next game's roster, or at least, take more of a backseat and just see how things play out (so if anyone wants to make the next Layton or Ganon support threads for the next Smash, you have my full blessings)

I've had my ups and downs but overall, it was fun talking to you all. Take good care everyone and may we meet again!
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Farewell ultimate speculation thread. You sure were an ultimate speculation thread. And the speculators speculated ultimately.

Ultimately. Speculation’s over. It was fun tho. And stupid. But also fun.

Don’t over because it cried smile happen because it’s-Albert Einstein
I don’t think Albert Einstein said that. It’s like Abraham Lincoln said, gotta watch out for fake quotes on the internet.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Ah the end of the thread approaches.

First let me thank everyone for speculating what may be the wildest Smash yet. But the end of one speculation period means the beginning of a new period that may take years before we get a new game. Yet it shall be glorious to speculate over.

As for me, I'll be in the Social Thread, the new Speculation thread, and the Nick All Star Brawl thread. See you all another time... or in those threads.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
So this is the end, huh?
Well I want to thank you guys for providing a kind and welcoming community.
I maybe not have been a part of SmashBoards for a long time (a little over two years I think,) but I've been playing Smash since the original on the N64.
I may not have been around in this thread much, but I will miss it.
I'll still be in the Social Thread, but to those who are permanently leaving SmashBoards I'll say this:

So long and may we meet again for Smash Bros' next entry.
And here is a parting gift: "Light of Nibel" featuring Aeralie Brighton.



Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2015
South Bend, Indiana
Hello, y'all. I take it we're saying our goodbyes here?

Guess I'll share my two cents on it.

As someone who acted more as an onlooker to whatever it was you were discussing, it was an absolute pleasure witnessing this thread in real time as we saw Ultimate evolve into the absolute monolith that it is.

There is something bittersweet knowing that I won't be able to go back to a place and see active discussion, especially since I got so much of what I wanted out of this game.

All I will say is...... we're pretty damn lucky to have lived through Ultimate's life.

Cherish these memories. You won't know that you were living in your best times until it's in the past.

Take care, everyone.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
So this is the end, huh?
Well I want to thank you guys for providing a kind and welcoming community.
I maybe not have been a part of SmashBoards for a long time (a little over two years I think,) but I've been playing Smash since the original on the N64.
I may not have been around in this thread much, but I will miss it.
I'll still be in the Social Thread, but to those who are permanently leaving SmashBoards I'll say this:

So long and may we meet again for Smash Bros' next entry.
And here is a parting gift: "Light of Nibel" featuring Aeralie Brighton.

Ori music
EXCELLENT taste 👌 I hope Ori can get SOME kind of content next time even if it’s just a Mii


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
ChronoBound ChronoBound I know you said you didn't care for likes, but like everyone else has said, it's hard not to with how much was put into this (And also because numerous likes activate neurons and it's a hard habit to break)

Hearing about the old speculation cycles is curious to me, since I have a bit of a soft spot for 2000's stuff but I also wasn't really around to experience it much beyond some YouTube stuff. Heck, I only found out about SmashBoards just before Min Min, and that was only by chance from my Touhou phase at the time. I've gone through my own phases of writing up big essays and then drifting away, but I can only imagine how you'd have experienced it over the course of two decades.

And yeah, I kinda miss the old internet. Nowadays everything is tucked away; I've only had experience with some Discord servers, but while it's nice for casual friend groups, I don't like the public servers. It's too fast, too chaotic, and it's difficult to really slip in. With forums, it's organized, you can easily go back to look at stuff, and it's easier to keep track of things. Also the fact that it's personalized; All the new sites (And some of the old ones - Lookin' at you, FANDOM) insist on bland, minimalistic, mobile-esque designs that just look ugly in comparison. Oh yeah, and then there's stuff like Twitter refusing to let you see %$#@ without an account - Forums are out for all to see, and they're much more accessible as a result.

Back to Smash, my time in speculation honestly ended months before Sora. It started declining somewhere around Pyra, where I couldn't really bring myself to actually speculate anymore, and I just hung around. It really ended with Kazuya, where my activity majorly dropped and I just became a spectator. Nowadays my interests have moved away from Smash, which is probably why Sora didn't have such an impact on me like he did with everyone else.

I'll definitely still be around here, watching over the Social Thread and piping up from time to time. I'm trying to look into more stuff to get into so I'm not a specialist who only looks at a handful of things, and I'll try and plug my own personal projects as well. I resonate with Chrono's words on that too - Likes are nice, but getting actual feedback and proper acknowledgement on the stuff I post means so much more than just a tag on the corner of the screen.

Regardless, it's been a blast. There's been some ups - Usually correlating with the bulk of 2020 when I was in my gigaton Touhou phase and the time after that to early 2021 when I instead went to my gigaton Ys phase - and downs - Mostly at the very very end, which makes sense because burnout had kicked in after all those years and I didn't have a replacement phase to power me on like back then. There's been discussions and debates and great essays and theories of varying sensibility. I'm genuinely grateful for this site - I honestly matured a lot between my joining and now, and without it I would've gone insane over the thick of the pandemic. I've made lots of great friends, and even if it's not the best, it was fun.

Extra thanks to the pals, level-headed chill dudes, deep speculators, long essay-writers, fellow Touhou/Ys fans, CET helpers, and passionate supporters over the course of my stay on this site. I'd try and tag everybody but there's just too many people to cover and I'll probably miss someone (And honestly Evil Trapezium Evil Trapezium tagged just about everyone I've interacted with in a meaningful way and would want to tag anyway - Holy %$#@erolli that's one hell of an endpost).

Granted, I'll still be on this site so it's not like I can go "Until we meet again," but everyone else is doing it and it's still the end of a major phase in my life so far. It just feels right to give a sendoff post.

I'll just end it with a short collection of beginning/ending Touhou and Ys tracks and covers, plus a couple medleys I used to enjoy during my early years in the fandoms. It only seems right to end that way. Enjoy:

Goodbye, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It's been a blast.


Smash Rookie
Jun 29, 2019
Hello guys its been a crazy ride, to be honest its my first post in smashboard and I just want to say what a crazy timeline we live in,if you guys tell me 7 years earlier that Banko & Kazzoie, Cloud, Sephiroth, Sora, Snake, Kazuya, a Persona character (by the way thank you Sakurai for make me discover that series) ,Terry, Sonic, Megaman, Ryu, Ken , Simon, Richter and Steve will be in a unique game I will be laugh, anyways I hope that forum will not be hidden and will be visible for the future smash player so that they can look what its feel like to be able to see a smash reveal like Snake or Sonic in the past with Brawl or with Mewtwo in Smash 4 and the legendary reaction of the deceased Etika (RIP Etika I hope you can rest in peace). So yes I wanted Reimu or a 100% indie character (Steve doesn't really count since I belong to Microsoft now) but I sincerely think that Sora was perfect to conclude Smash Ultimate DLC pack 2 and smash Ultimate entirely. Smash is really a series who is important to me since I play Brawl and to be able to live that feels like a dream.

Thank you so much Sakurai for creating this series and to conclude

see you space cowboy

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Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I don't think Steve and Banjo & Kazooie would rank highly in terms of difficulty to acquire, since both Phil Spencer and Sakurai in his Famitsu column said Banjo & Kazooie in Smash was an easy deal to make (though, I still think Microsoft was asking for a lot given the music selection compared to other DLC characters). Unless you're talking about in terms of Smash history rather than Ultimate's development, or if you also include the difficulties to implement in the game (Steve required a lot of programming wizardry), in which case Kazuya would rank higher given Sakurai thought a long time in how to incorporate a Tekken character. Terry should have been the easiest of them all, coming from a smaller company and SNK simply saying "okay" to Sakurai's 50 songs. Even though Bandai Namco own Kazuya, they're still a big company and Tekken is a big IP, and while easier than other third parties, would still require a lot of beaurocracy.

I'd think it'd go Sora, Hero, Sephiroth, Joker, Banjo & Kazooie, Steve, Kazuya, Terry, and then the Nintendo characters in terms of difficult to acquire.
the reason i have Steve soo high is because of negotiations being rumoured to take several years with rumours being as high as 5 years compared for other fighters who’s negotiations never took as long. Obviously fighters had their hurdles but they’d be negotiated for quite smoothly whereas something like Steve was rumoured to have taken forever.

I placed banjo high even though Microsoft said the deal was easy, because of Steve. IMO I feel like since Steve paved the way for banjo, if Nintendo couldn’t of gotten Steve then Nintendo might of never asked for banjo. IDK though. That’s just my personal take on it since Microsoft flat out said Steve paved the way for banjo which is why I’ve got banjo high because he’d have been apart of the Steve negotiations.


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I wanna be able to gift and be gifted Premiums too especially with the price increase

When we lost groups we lost that too

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Well, I suppose it's about that time where speculation really wraps up. It's hard to believe it's that time for a game whose speculation has lasted over 3 years.

I've played Smash since the original released. I always thought of it as a "Mario" game when I was young, roughly 6 years old when Smash 64 came out. I thought Samus was a dude, and I could never figure out who Ness actually was besides a child with an enormous head.

But it wasn't until my college years, until the lead up to Smash for Wii U/3DS that I actually joined the greater Smash community. No longer did I only play Smash by myself with CPUs or with my friends once a week. Now, I found friends who shared the same passions and interests of mine. I could talk about my favorite game, characters, whatever with other people who could talk about their favorite game and characters.

Smash Wii U/3DS was a wild ride, and it feels so long ago now. But I've thought about the top moments in the last few years, since Smash Ultimate was first teased, and when I first saw the reveal and to see Snake, my favorite from Brawl, make a somewhat unexpected return...was frankly an emotional moment for me.

Not only was I happy that my favorite character was back, but it was more than that. The job I had at the time was unenjoyable, I found myself in a tough place. Knowing that I had such an incredible, excitement filled time ahead of me, I knew that greater things were on the horizon. I now had something to follow through on and enjoy.

It was later that summer that my wife and I bought our first house. It was also the summer that my grandmother, my only remaining grandparent and part of my inspiration to teach, unfortunately passed away. It was hard, as was the following school year. But I overcame the tough things, and continued to make connections with others. One of the best parts of the following year or so was the eventual gaming club at that school. Another teacher and I ran it, and we essentially only played Smash Ultimate. It brought me closer to the students I taught. Something I had loved since my childhood still strengthened the bonds I had with those around me.

While I may not have that same club now, and while the DLC may be over, I still find myself invested in the community members I've forged friendships with. I'm now a part of several Discord servers with other Smash fans, something I never thought I'd see for myself. My gaming interests have widened because of these people.

Even then, I think about what I've spent my time doing here. I'm infamous for my Jonesposts (hilarious, because you're effectively reading one now), and for my arguments/debates with others here. I've had good moments, and even the bad. But I regret nothing, really. I am grateful for anyone who took the time to read my posts about our favorite wacky wahoo fighter. I'm grateful for the people who challenged my perspective, regardless of if we were in agreement or not. It helped me stay the course that I strive for in life, which is to hear others out to treat their own experiences and thoughts with the respect they deserve. It wasn't always perfect, but it all came out of our shared love of the game.

Smash has given me time to invest in myself and my hobbies. It's a part of who I am as a person with those specific hobbies. My presence here is a part of who I am in the Smash community, and all I can say for that is: Thank you. Thank you to all of you for taking the time to read my posts, regardless of your own opinions. To have an audience is truly something that one should appreciate.

With DLC coming to an end, and with the future of Smash being unclear, I'm not quite sure what my own next steps are. I may not have the same juicy posts to crank out within a few minutes. It's a weird thought after something close to 10 years of posting that it's just...effectively done.

I'm going to do my best to stick around in the social thread. I did that before and then stayed very much in this thread. But I feel welcome in this community, and you can't always go wrong with finding others to share in the love of a common interest. For me, my next stop will, with some effort, be continued in the social thread and on Discord.

I appreciate you all for providing me a platform, for interacting with me on that platform, and accepting me for what I had to say and who I was and am. I look forward to continuing that presence in the community.

Thanks everybody. I'll be seeing you!

I SWEAR to Arceus, if they don't add Pepsiman to the next Smash Bros game I am going to delete my account. No, seriously, this is a travesty that has gone on long enough. Are you kidding me? You're not going to add the mascot of what could be considered the most influential soft drink companies on the planet? It's a perfect opportunity for marketing and crossover potential. They could have put Mario, or dare I even say Chris Pratt AS Mario on Pepsi bottles. Can you even imagine the hype that would come with that? Nintendo should have 1000% brought me in to negotiate this, because nobody has the passion, ideals, and thirst vision to make this a reality.

I am thoroughly disappointed and am going to shoot my Smash Ultimate cartridge to the moon out of my custom made cannon. You cannot convince me to change my mind.
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Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Well, I suppose it's about that time where speculation really wraps up. It's hard to believe it's that time for a game whose speculation has lasted over 3 years.

I've played Smash since the original released. I always thought of it as a "Mario" game when I was young, roughly 6 years old when Smash 64 came out. I thought Samus was a dude, and I could never figure out who Ness actually was besides a child with an enormous head.

But it wasn't until my college years, until the lead up to Smash for Wii U/3DS that I actually joined the greater Smash community. No longer did I only play Smash by myself with CPUs or with my friends once a week. Now, I found friends who shared the same passions and interests of mine. I could talk about my favorite game, characters, whatever with other people who could talk about their favorite game and characters.

Smash Wii U/3DS was a wild ride, and it feels so long ago now. But I've thought about the top moments in the last few years, since Smash Ultimate was first teased, and when I first saw the reveal and to see Snake, my favorite from Brawl, make a somewhat unexpected return...was frankly an emotional moment for me.

Not only was I happy that my favorite character was back, but it was more than that. The job I had at the time was unenjoyable, I found myself in a tough place. Knowing that I had such an incredible, excitement filled time ahead of me, I knew that greater things were on the horizon. I now had something to follow through on and enjoy.

It was later that summer that my wife and I bought our first house. It was also the summer that my grandmother, my only remaining grandparent and part of my inspiration to teach, unfortunately passed away. It was hard, as was the following school year. But I overcame the tough things, and continued to make connections with others. One of the best parts of the following year or so was the eventual gaming club at that school. Another teacher and I ran it, and we essentially only played Smash Ultimate. It brought me closer to the students I taught. Something I had loved since my childhood still strengthened the bonds I had with those around me.

While I may not have that same club now, and while the DLC may be over, I still find myself invested in the community members I've forged friendships with. I'm now a part of several Discord servers with other Smash fans, something I never thought I'd see for myself. My gaming interests have widened because of these people.

Even then, I think about what I've spent my time doing here. I'm infamous for my Jonesposts (hilarious, because you're effectively reading one now), and for my arguments/debates with others here. I've had good moments, and even the bad. But I regret nothing, really. I am grateful for anyone who took the time to read my posts about our favorite wacky wahoo fighter. I'm grateful for the people who challenged my perspective, regardless of if we were in agreement or not. It helped me stay the course that I strive for in life, which is to hear others out to treat their own experiences and thoughts with the respect they deserve. It wasn't always perfect, but it all came out of our shared love of the game.

Smash has given me time to invest in myself and my hobbies. It's a part of who I am as a person with those specific hobbies. My presence here is a part of who I am in the Smash community, and all I can say for that is: Thank you. Thank you to all of you for taking the time to read my posts, regardless of your own opinions. To have an audience is truly something that one should appreciate.

With DLC coming to an end, and with the future of Smash being unclear, I'm not quite sure what my own next steps are. I may not have the same juicy posts to crank out within a few minutes. It's a weird thought after something close to 10 years of posting that it's just...effectively done.

I'm going to do my best to stick around in the social thread. I did that before and then stayed very much in this thread. But I feel welcome in this community, and you can't always go wrong with finding others to share in the love of a common interest. For me, my next stop will, with some effort, be continued in the social thread and on Discord.

I appreciate you all for providing me a platform, for interacting with me on that platform, and accepting me for what I had to say and who I was and am. I look forward to continuing that presence in the community.

Thanks everybody. I'll be seeing you!

I SWEAR to Arceus, if they don't add Pepsiman to the next Smash Bros game I am going to delete my account. No, seriously, this is a travesty that has gone on long enough. Are you kidding me? You're not going to add the mascot of what could be considered the most influential soft drink companies on the planet? It's a perfect opportunity for marketing and crossover potential. They could have put Mario, or dare I even say Chris Pratt AS Mario on Pepsi bottles. Can you even imagine the hype that would come with that? Nintendo should have 1000% brought me in to negotiate this, because nobody has the passion, ideals, and thirst vision to make this a reality.

I am thoroughly disappointed and am going to shoot my Smash Ultimate cartridge to the moon out of my custom made cannon. You cannot convince me to change my mind.
Okay but what about Resident Evil, also known as Biohazard in Japan? :4pacman:

Being real it's been fun Scol. I really appreciated having someone around who would also write more long-form posts. It was nice knowing I wasn't alone in applying more depth and critical thinking to speculation.

I think Pepsiman's a lock for the next game though so keep holding out. They put a freakin' PLANT in this game they can put in Pepsiman.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Here is where I jump back in and make my goodbye post.

I was just thinking about how we've speculated for this game for 4 years. 4 years! That is almost a quarter of my life (I'm 21 for reference). It's surreal to think that Ultimate has been a big part of my life for that long. Where has the time gone?

Ultimate is a fever dream. The fact that I get to see my favorite games like Metal Gear, Castlevania, Minecraft and Xenoblade 2 clash is a sight to behold. Not to mention Ultimate got me into so many games like Xenoblade 2, which I adore to death. I am eternally grateful for this game and to Sakurai and Co. For going through the maddening process of bringing it all together.

And so, I say farewell to Ultimate and to this thread. I'll definitely come back to the new version of this thread when Smash 6 arrives. There are still plenty of characters I want to support. And like I said earlier, I'll be around these parts.

Thank you all for the memories.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I wish I could say more, but with this post being between shifts I'll have to keep it short.

For all the ups and downs we've had in speculation I've had so much fun being with you all. These past few years with Smash 4 and Ultimate have given me many fond moments and a number of friends that I've connected with, and while I'm sad to see things end the time I've spent on here will always be special.

I'm not sure where we'll all go after this, but hopefully we'll see each other down the line. Until then I wish you the best and that you enjoy this special game we've been given.

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
If you had told me a year and a half ago I’d be able to see Minecraft Steve and Sora get into a teams match with Kazuya and Sephiroth, I’d have envied your enthusiasm.


Legit though this game is incredible and if we don’t get Undertale spirits I vow to shill them for the entirety of Smash 6 mark my words.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2020
Last day... last day... last day...
I haven't log in much ever since Kazuya got into Smash, and I been lurking for a good while. I was hoping to partake in the DLC character appreciation moment, but conflicting timezone causes a lot of awkwardness from people done talking about the character of the day. I enjoy this speculation thread in each of its nonsense and hilarious rant about the rumor or leak of certain character(s) getting into Smash Ultimate. I learn something new each time I enter this thread and I going to miss it, as I feared that Social Thread might not be a suitable replacement for my daily Smash routine.

I guess the only that I could said is "Let's all agree to meet at the speculation thread exactly five years from today. Something like a reunion. You will come won't you."



Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Random tangent but reading this I realized that despite "first-world country" and "third-world country" being words tossed around a fair bit you never really hear of any second-world countries.
number 2.
Fun fact from my International Politics class, Second World Countries used to describe the communist countries like the USSR, Communist China, and so on. The third world was used to describe non affiliated countries. That being said, due to the way "third world" has been used in the past 30 years, there is a strong movement to move away from the term


Sep 26, 2013
Fun fact from my International Politics class, Second World Countries used to describe the communist countries like the USSR, Communist China, and so on. The third world was used to describe non affiliated countries. That being said, due to the way "third world" has been used in the past 30 years, there is a strong movement to move away from the term
Your country?


OUR country.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Well, I should say I apologize to anyone I've ruined Isaac for.

I'm going to have to confess: This past year, I've had to deal with my grandmother living in my house with my and my mother, and she is a tremendous pain. It has been very stressful for me and my mother, and this stress is probably why I've been a bigger ass to people who don't think Isaac or any other AT was coming. I am very well aware that two wrongs don't make a right.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
You know, i'd really like to write a long heartfelt post but i'm actually procrastinating on writing an essay right about now and I don't want to be that hypocritical. Instead I'm gonna tag a few of the users of this site who I really respect and hope to see again some sunny day (hopefully tommorow but i can wait)

Noipoi Noipoi , Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! , SharkLord SharkLord , Scoliosis Jones Scoliosis Jones , Speed Weed Speed Weed , DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon , Cosmic77 Cosmic77 , Adrianette Bromide Adrianette Bromide , Krookodilian Krookodilian , Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom , Kevandre Kevandre , Pokelego999 Pokelego999 , Opossum Opossum , WeirdChillFever WeirdChillFever , Delzethin Delzethin , Zinith Zinith , thin, and many more. I could hardly mention everyone.
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Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
You know, i'd really like to write a long heartfelt post but i'm actually procrastinating on writing an essay right about now and I don't want to be that hypocritical. Instead I'm gonna tag a few of the users of this site who I really respect and hope to see again some sunny day (hopefully tommorow but i can wait)

Noipoi Noipoi , Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah! , SharkLord SharkLord , Scoliosis Jones Scoliosis Jones , Speed Weed Speed Weed , DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon , Cosmic77 Cosmic77 , Adrianette Bromide Adrianette Bromide , Krookodilian Krookodilian , Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom , Kevandre Kevandre , @Pokelego, Opossum Opossum , WeirdChillFever WeirdChillFever , @Dzelthin, and many more. I could hardly mention everyone.
Bro we just talked on Discord we good.

I will say though, that just like Chris Pratt you are so cool. :D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2020
Well, I suppose it's about that time where speculation really wraps up. It's hard to believe it's that time for a game whose speculation has lasted over 3 years.

I've played Smash since the original released. I always thought of it as a "Mario" game when I was young, roughly 6 years old when Smash 64 came out. I thought Samus was a dude, and I could never figure out who Ness actually was besides a child with an enormous head.

But it wasn't until my college years, until the lead up to Smash for Wii U/3DS that I actually joined the greater Smash community. No longer did I only play Smash by myself with CPUs or with my friends once a week. Now, I found friends who shared the same passions and interests of mine. I could talk about my favorite game, characters, whatever with other people who could talk about their favorite game and characters.

Smash Wii U/3DS was a wild ride, and it feels so long ago now. But I've thought about the top moments in the last few years, since Smash Ultimate was first teased, and when I first saw the reveal and to see Snake, my favorite from Brawl, make a somewhat unexpected return...was frankly an emotional moment for me.

Not only was I happy that my favorite character was back, but it was more than that. The job I had at the time was unenjoyable, I found myself in a tough place. Knowing that I had such an incredible, excitement filled time ahead of me, I knew that greater things were on the horizon. I now had something to follow through on and enjoy.

It was later that summer that my wife and I bought our first house. It was also the summer that my grandmother, my only remaining grandparent and part of my inspiration to teach, unfortunately passed away. It was hard, as was the following school year. But I overcame the tough things, and continued to make connections with others. One of the best parts of the following year or so was the eventual gaming club at that school. Another teacher and I ran it, and we essentially only played Smash Ultimate. It brought me closer to the students I taught. Something I had loved since my childhood still strengthened the bonds I had with those around me.

While I may not have that same club now, and while the DLC may be over, I still find myself invested in the community members I've forged friendships with. I'm now a part of several Discord servers with other Smash fans, something I never thought I'd see for myself. My gaming interests have widened because of these people.

Even then, I think about what I've spent my time doing here. I'm infamous for my Jonesposts (hilarious, because you're effectively reading one now), and for my arguments/debates with others here. I've had good moments, and even the bad. But I regret nothing, really. I am grateful for anyone who took the time to read my posts about our favorite wacky wahoo fighter. I'm grateful for the people who challenged my perspective, regardless of if we were in agreement or not. It helped me stay the course that I strive for in life, which is to hear others out to treat their own experiences and thoughts with the respect they deserve. It wasn't always perfect, but it all came out of our shared love of the game.

Smash has given me time to invest in myself and my hobbies. It's a part of who I am as a person with those specific hobbies. My presence here is a part of who I am in the Smash community, and all I can say for that is: Thank you. Thank you to all of you for taking the time to read my posts, regardless of your own opinions. To have an audience is truly something that one should appreciate.

With DLC coming to an end, and with the future of Smash being unclear, I'm not quite sure what my own next steps are. I may not have the same juicy posts to crank out within a few minutes. It's a weird thought after something close to 10 years of posting that it's just...effectively done.

I'm going to do my best to stick around in the social thread. I did that before and then stayed very much in this thread. But I feel welcome in this community, and you can't always go wrong with finding others to share in the love of a common interest. For me, my next stop will, with some effort, be continued in the social thread and on Discord.

I appreciate you all for providing me a platform, for interacting with me on that platform, and accepting me for what I had to say and who I was and am. I look forward to continuing that presence in the community.

Thanks everybody. I'll be seeing you!

I SWEAR to Arceus, if they don't add Pepsiman to the next Smash Bros game I am going to delete my account. No, seriously, this is a travesty that has gone on long enough. Are you kidding me? You're not going to add the mascot of what could be considered the most influential soft drink companies on the planet? It's a perfect opportunity for marketing and crossover potential. They could have put Mario, or dare I even say Chris Pratt AS Mario on Pepsi bottles. Can you even imagine the hype that would come with that? Nintendo should have 1000% brought me in to negotiate this, because nobody has the passion, ideals, and thirst vision to make this a reality.

I am thoroughly disappointed and am going to shoot my Smash Ultimate cartridge to the moon out of my custom made cannon. You cannot convince me to change my mind.
It's been real, Scol. I'm glad to have gotten to know you throughout Smash Spec, I may have missed some but it's always a blast to have read your Jonesposts. They're iconic at this point your "Resident Evil also known as Biohazard in Japan--" and Pepsiman jokes were iconic, We may have had our disagreements throughout Smash Spec but you've offered a lot of constructive arguments and made a lot of good points throughout Spec. Always appreciate ya man.
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