hey dlc speculation thread, before you go....
can we argue about fire emblem in smash
....one more time?
View attachment 335194
Very well... let's go-
So, Roy is a pointless addition to Smash and should be cut next time, his only localized appearances are either cameos, Smash itself or Fire Emblem Heroes. He isn't even well liked in his own game and the only people that are fans of him are Smash fans. How can you be a fan of a character from a game not even localized?
Unless there's something I'm missing, Lucina is a terrible representation being a Marth echo because if anything, it's Chrom who should echo Marth's style because Lucina only impersonates him for like a short part of the game or something idk I've never played Fire Emblem, I'm just relaying what I've heard on the reddits and the tweeters.
Killing me inside further, Chrom echoing Roy makes no sense, they aren't even related other than being what the FE community calld "having the Lard class." He is only a Roy echo because Marth was taken and he couldn't mesh with anyone else.
Also, the last three non-echo FE reps have all been the boring faceless Avatar characters wtf Sakurai? It's not just that we have too many swordsmen, now we have swordsmen with an actual lack of canon personality! Did you know that Corrin came out before FE Fates came out in the West?
Personally, Byleth was a terrible rep because they took Monster Hunter's slot and even ripped off their moveset! Their trailer was so bad too, there was almost like no build up and they showed off Byleth right away.
Oh and by the by, Zelda has less reps than Fire Emblem and literally it's just Link, Link, Link, Zelda, the cooler Zelda and Falcondorf. What a hack, we should have gotten Skull Kid over Corrin! Actually they should just replace the FE cast with Elma, Octoling and Ahri.
sidenote, Rie Sonomura based
Nooooo, I can't believe Sakurai would DARE call this is a celebration of gaming letalone Nintendo. This game is terrible, is rushed, too many Fire Emblem characters.
Did you know that when Marth got into Melee, the West didn't even know what a Fire Emblem was? How can you put in a character from a game nobody knows? It's abhorent business practice.
Elsewhere, I'm sure there is a universe where Fire Emblem doesn't exist and Smash is actually good and has the characters that I personally want, and personally I think I represent gaming as a whole.
Enough of this Fire Emblem I say, next Smash game we should start a petition to END Fire Emblem. We'll go to IntSys' house (intsys is a person, right?) and demand they CANCEL Fire Emblem!
Zero Fire Emblem games will come out and Smash will be saved!
No more generic anime swordies!
Unless they do that, I'm not buying Smash anymore!
To a better next Smash game!
Say, Sora's in the game already? Oh well then I retract everything I've said. Ultimate is the best game ever, more positivity weeeee

btw if you're a real champ, you'll read the first letter of every paragraph I wrote
in case anyone doesn't read the OP I replied to, this is verily so a joke