i've done a lot of research after this post, and thanks to you i've made a much more informed decision.
I have decided to shift my focus away from the CPU specifically and get a very compatible mobo. I will be using the same AMD FX cpu, though, for a number of reasons.
One, its model is very new, which means there is room to upgrade in the future. Two, its cost:power is pretty respectable. It may not be the fastest in benchmarks right now, but its not bad; it is an 8 core after all. Some of the benchmark issues have as much to do with the software as the hardware (windows 7 is supposedly coming out with a patch in the future for better 8 core compatibility). Three, from looking at market trends, I plan to bet on AMD making a bounce back in the CPU sector. Intel might be winning right now, but they won't always be on top. From my estimates, right now might actually be the best time to buy into AMD, while the prices are still low.
I've also decided to clock back my budget a fair amount. I could probably afford to buy close to the best of the best, but that would deplete the last few months of savings i've done. I don't plan on spending a whole lot of time overclocking, so I decided that I'll save water cooling for later. This is how I plan to prioritize my costs:
1. Mobo (compatibility)
2. Case (space, airflow, looks
3. CPU
4. GPU
5. RAM (so cheap these days...)
I will be getting a 60GB SSD for OS and game installs and probably reuse my current 500GB HDD for storage. Whats a good wattage powersupply to get? Are there other qualities of PSUs i should look at besides wattage (and cord counts, i suppose)