My unlikely predictions: (Newcomers)
(If I'm right then suddenly I'll have a source just like Sal

1. Palutena - most likely newcomer in general that has become around the 3rd most requested character, and is definitely hype-worthy
2. Pac-Man - the 2nd most likely newcomer in general and is a third party
3. Ridley - he's the most iconic character left, and most requested, he's been teased to not be playable to no end, but I'm not buying it, and if he was a secret character that would be so anti-climactic...
4. Ghirahim - Ok, so he's not the most likely newcomer pick... but I think the main 3 series are getting 6 characters, there is so much SS content and no character, and his theme being played all over the E3 announcement video fills my hearts with rainbows... enough to get hopeful.
5+6. King K Rool/Dixie Kong- DK HYPE.
7. Chrom (with or without partner) - Because.
8. Anna - To celebrate her birthday! ;P
9. Mach Rider - I'm starting to think he's the most likely retro. I think he beats both Takamaru and Lip now.
10. Chorus Kids - they could sneak in a wtf character alongside the hype choices like last E3
Honorable Mentions: Shulk, Bayonetta, Isaac, Takamaru, Bowser Jr, Robin, Krystal, Mii, Captain Rainbow
1. Captain Falcon
2. Wario (If he's not confirmed on the 30th)
3. Ness
4. Mewtwo
5. Ganondorf
6. Snake
7. Meta Knight
8. Ice Climbers
9. Falco
10. Ike or Jigglypuff
Honorable Mentions: Everybody else except Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Young Link, Dr. Mario, Roy, and Pichu