Shadow: Mkay, then. Oh, and I can't melt at all, either. : P
*I moan, and then open my eyes, and roll off the table.* OW. *I get back up on my feet*
Shadow: Ouuuuuch, that looked like it hurt. D :
Oh, well. Back to the procedure. *Shadow goes and pins me down onto the floor. I finally notice Blargy*
Ohhh, hey. I have to leave now, mkay? My previous savior is here... *I backhand slap my shadow off of me, and I run behind Blargy. My shadow starts crying.*
Shadow: No! No, no, don't go! I don't wanna be alone here!
...Bipolar much, Shadow Ruka? O O;;
Shadow *Suddenly not crying anymore*: But they're no mere affectation. They're the truth right...?
No, no no! They are not! *I approach my shadow*
Shadow: AHA!! Caught ya! *Shadow pins me to the floor once again, and pulls out a dagger* Let the procedure begin!
*I moan, and then open my eyes, and roll off the table.* OW. *I get back up on my feet*
Shadow: Ouuuuuch, that looked like it hurt. D :
Oh, well. Back to the procedure. *Shadow goes and pins me down onto the floor. I finally notice Blargy*
Ohhh, hey. I have to leave now, mkay? My previous savior is here... *I backhand slap my shadow off of me, and I run behind Blargy. My shadow starts crying.*
Shadow: No! No, no, don't go! I don't wanna be alone here!
...Bipolar much, Shadow Ruka? O O;;
Shadow *Suddenly not crying anymore*: But they're no mere affectation. They're the truth right...?
No, no no! They are not! *I approach my shadow*
Shadow: AHA!! Caught ya! *Shadow pins me to the floor once again, and pulls out a dagger* Let the procedure begin!