(comes in)
YOU!!! you shall be a nuisance to us no longer!!!
(absorbs zues's power)
+song: helper to hero rest point+
GAAH!! i... i am... weakening... smashfan is... too strong.... mars... you must carry on without me... smashfan has drained.... nearly all my energy... i... do not... think... we will ever meet again... my immortal life... fading fast... mars... before i pass on, know this... you must drain smashfan of his evil.... after that you will channel it into an orb and... and throw it into the volcano of destruction...
mars16: "that was destroyed when smashboards was destroyed!"
...(bleep!)! well then... you're gonna have to improvise... (choke, wheeze) my life is fading fast... i'm afraid, i can offer no further help... you're on your own...
(zues dies)
well that was crazy... and made no sense, i mean, how the heck can a god die? ah, what the heck. it's better than him posing a threat to us! and now it's your turn, mars!
(preps to destroy mars16)