you know what? **** NO. i've put up with your **** long enough! it's obvious i need to brush up on the whole "fight trolling with trolling" concept, and megaminer here is a very bad place to start. i'll be keeping him here for who knows how long. and just so you don't try any funny stuff...
(takes a block, enlarges it, takes out the copy tool, and spams away, covering the thread in giant gray blocks, mostly near megaminer...)
this'll make sure you stay put! you have the right and privilege to bribe me for, at the most, better prisoner living conditions. anything you offer will be collected wether useful or no. and to make sure you know not to delete any of this with your delete tool, i've taken the liberty of placing auto-block-spamming drones on floating platforms nearby set to spam blocks at high-speed, so the blocks around you, wether you're aware of it or not, are increasing in amount. one wrong delete, and KA-THUNK! hope you weren't too attached to that head!
(seals off that area of the thread by having captain falcon punch the ground strong enough so that it separates the stage section megaminer is in from the rest of it, then attaches rocket thrusters on the edges of the rest of the stage to make it float away from megaminer's prison so that no blocks can get on the remainder of the stage. then has A.I.D. drones build more stage and many-foot-high walls around it so that all the spam stays inside megaminer's area until it gets to a certain point, effectively iscolating the troll and ruling out the remote chance of any kind of logical, illogical, or insane troll logical, escape)

: "(2 thumbs up, then rides away)"
now, i must go. i'll be back in a very... VERY... long time. by then, hopefully megaminer will have reformed, died, or went insane and became only a minor nuiscance at his worst...
(exit stage right)