Did you forget that Covid started technically in December or earlier in China? You know, that place where everything comes from nowadays?
Remember how it was a thing well before everyone freaked out about it?
You assume that your idea of when something should have been announced or started is what should be done, and forgetting how far back Covid goes.
You are not in the upper echelon in Nintendo's business decision department. Nintendo often doesn't line up with what we think in the first place, but you really aren't the position to suggest what would be better. Paper Mario was probably going to be more tied to the 35th Anniversary, but things changed.
Games wouldn't be ready, games wouldn't be shipped. Dates changed, previously recorded information was invalid. So much had to be scrapped and so much had to be redone or pushed back and new dates had to be determined. You can't just magically fix all of this, plans have to be altered or heavily changed or outright trashed and people have to break their brains to figure out what the next step is.
You also seem to misunderstand how big the lockdowns due to Covid have affected things around the world. People are mostly suffering here in the states no because of the virus itself but because of the reactions to it. Japan has done things like this more regularly and had more jobs that could be done at home, so their economy didn't take as much of a hit as ours did. This has a lot to do with their culture, but I'll leave it there for now.
People either had to stay home or work at home, an environment they were not familiar working it. No traveling to speak with important persons, if it can't be done online it has to wait. Using tools they were not used to and being less efficient really does affect things.
This is why I'm saying pessimism bias. You are letting your negative experience affect your outlook on something in the future when there is little evidence that supports said outlook. 'Things have been bad this time, this time, and the most recent time...so here comes more bad!

' is not a proper argument.
Also, pessimism is a damn plague right now. No one should have room to constantly look at the worst case scenario and be afraid to make claims that could be wrong but are still hopeful and positive. On top of that, you can't really knock Nintendo or leakers for what information leakers have to give and whether it's right or wrong. Take personal responsibility for how you feel, analyze it, and come out better for it.
Aim for 'Well it wasn't as explosive of a Direct as I was hoping but there was some cool stuff in there' instead of 'Wow this was GARBAGE
** Nintendo and ** all those leakers who dared to say a ****ing word! I'm gonna go smash my Switch and tweet Nintendo about it!'