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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
By having a plan to get them BEFORE you get them. And pinging like a madman.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
By having a plan to get them BEFORE you get them. And pinging like a madman.
I do have a plan...but they don't listen...

Honestly I've just had a terrible run of luck. In 27 games including promos, I've only lost lane three times (due to jungle camp ecept one game where I played supp), had hard feeding lanes in about 15 games and had 6 afks. I then had 2 throws, one because our supp told them we were at baron and one because my team didnt listen to my calls for 20 minutes str8 and ended up throwing lol.

Just had a game where my jungler went 0 12 and my supp went 0 16. Now got a game where our adc decided to pick Nid.

How did you guys carry games like this lol? You did actually get these kind of games like 70% of the time right?
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
No I'm serious, besides that its the most mechanically challenging roles, that's part of the reason I dont play it
Top is the easiest lane to snowball, which means it can turn into the easiest lane to carry the game. If the jungler camps you and you can assess both the jungler and top's kit, then you can still farm under tower safely while they are camping you. Considering that most junglers at a certain level won't invest a flash into creating a pick on you if it's not guaranteed and you have a champion maxed with the feast masteries, doran's blade, and some lifesteal + AD runes then it is very hard for them to gank you and also relieves pressure from mid and bottom lane. If the jungler is obnoxiously camping you in top, then he is also leeching exp from his laner and losing out on exp himself because he's not farming his camps. It also opens up quick dragon snipes.

By simply existing in lane and pushing down the lane when there is no pressure and taking towers down in a straight pattern, you attract attention from the enemy team to your lane and open up the map for your other laners. I usually carry TP in lane if there is an important team fight and the team needs me.
Jungle is the crucial lane towards helping other lanes snowball and making the enemy team go on tilt. If you dominate as jungler, then the enemy team won't even have a chance to retaliate. Much like top lane, jungle is also very much a 1 v. 1 lane in which you can style on your enemy jungler and hurt them so bad that they can't make any impact in the early-mid stages of the game. Camping them when they go for their second blue/red, then stealing their camps, and then ganking non stop and establishing vision is core towards setting up as many picks as possible and carrying the game.
Support carries the game at literally all phases. Most typical supports have either one or two forms of cc that they use for peel or to zone the enemy team. People who play support well are usually people who are use to landing their skill shots most of the time or at least setting up plays so that they will likely land their skill shot so they can duel 1 v. 2 situations most of the time. Your ADC will never help you until he notices that they have a little bit of HP left and then will burn a flash just to miss their skill shot and then become depressed because they lost their kill.

You essentially purchase wards and vision so that your ADC can escape. As a support you usually have sufficient peel to get away from a gank, but your AD Carry will probably overextend and get ganked. Due to stackable dragon buffs, vision of the river bed is even more important than in S4. Spending 100g to throw a pink ward into dragon pit is the easiest thing, yet it means so much in the context of getting the next dragon, opening it for a steal, or even having them back off from an organized poach. When they see the pink they will be afraid of getting ganked while attempting an early dragon.

Due to the amount of CC in their kit, most supports are used for initiation into team fights or to disengage an unfavorable team fight. Providing a knock up, silence, or stun is also game changing in the way that you can take someone who is fed out of the fight for a period of time or you can focus on the cc'd target before they can impact the fight in a major way. Also having sightstone stacks in an unwarded area like the jungle makes or breaks a fight as you can't engage a fight when you can't see the enemy and vice versa.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
When I read other roles can't carry I watch this.

Well, that and since a good portion of this thread is Plat 3 or higher we've already gone in different roles and carried from em anyways.
I've carried with ap shaco support in ranked before. More of carried our lane at least lol


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
I do have a plan...but they don't listen...

Honestly I've just had a terrible run of luck. In 27 games including promos, I've only lost lane three times (due to jungle camp ecept one game where I played supp), had hard feeding lanes in about 15 games and had 6 afks. I then had 2 throws, one because our supp told them we were at baron and one because my team didnt listen to my calls for 20 minutes str8 and ended up throwing lol.

Just had a game where my jungler went 0 12 and my supp went 0 16. Now got a game where our adc decided to pick Nid.

How did you guys carry games like this lol? You did actually get these kind of games like 70% of the time right?
whats wrong with adc nid? i used to play that all the time in solo q lol
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Matrix Speedruns
Jan 24, 2015
Gatineau, Quebec
I do have a plan...but they don't listen...

Honestly I've just had a terrible run of luck. In 27 games including promos, I've only lost lane three times (due to jungle camp ecept one game where I played supp), had hard feeding lanes in about 15 games and had 6 afks. I then had 2 throws, one because our supp told them we were at baron and one because my team didnt listen to my calls for 20 minutes str8 and ended up throwing lol.

Just had a game where my jungler went 0 12 and my supp went 0 16. Now got a game where our adc decided to pick Nid.

How did you guys carry games like this lol? You did actually get these kind of games like 70% of the time right?
Unfortunately there is no "Guide Book" for playing ranked. It's 40% what you put in and 60% what your team puts in. This means that if your team isn't focused or doing well. Your chances to win dwindle by a significant amount. The fact that you're getting these games also means that your backend ELO is probably low, matching yes with less skilled players.

Yes I do carry matches like this but it's not always possible. You need to weigh the worth of match against your skill. If it's worth pushing yourself for a possible win do, but if not - your input might not end up being that important anyways if your team is constantly being a disappointment.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
By being good. :applejack:
And lucky I guess
Unfortunately there is no "Guide Book" for playing ranked. It's 40% what you put in and 60% what your team puts in. This means that if your team isn't focused or doing well. Your chances to win dwindle by a significant amount. The fact that you're getting these games also means that your backend ELO is probably low, matching yes with less skilled players.

Yes I do carry matches like this but it's not always possible. You need to weigh the worth of match against your skill. If it's worth pushing yourself for a possible win do, but if not - your input might not end up being that important anyways if your team is constantly being a disappointment.
I was playing in silver-low gold elo before the reset. I dropped because I went 3 7 in provs.

That's the frustration for a lot of people. A couple of days ago I was climbing in Silver-Gold elo but now I have to play tens of games to get back there just because I had bad luck in 6 of them. It's not like I suddenly became a lot worse of a player, but unless you're an elite level mid laner you're progress is mostly luck based.

It's not as if I'm guaranteed to climb faster, because it's luck based. I guess I should stop playing poke mages, they suck at 1v5 carrying.
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Matrix Speedruns
Jan 24, 2015
Gatineau, Quebec
That's the frustration for a lot of people. A couple of days ago I was climbing in Silver-Gold elo but now I have to play tens of games to get back there just because I had bad luck in 6 of them. It's not like I suddenly became a lot worse of a player, but unless you're an elite level mid laner you're progress is mostly luck based.
Its true that although more difficult to do, carrying isnt always a posibility. Ive played thousands of ranked games so to me its just a matter of making the descision to either go alll out in my games, or give up on my team. Which i rarely do but sometimes you just cant help it... bad teammates happen. But bad desicions happen more often than none.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009

Its true that although more difficult to do, carrying isnt always a posibility. Ive played thousands of ranked games so to me its just a matter of making the descision to either go alll out in my games, or give up on my team. Which i rarely do but sometimes you just cant help it... bad teammates happen. But bad desicions happen more often than none.
To be honest I've found champions I really enjoy playing, so I don't mind losing too much as long as I play well. Unless it's a throw, I hate throws.

The main thing I struggle with personally is playing mages against assassins. Nornally I outcs them and they don't kill me 1v1. The problem I have is that I try constantly push them in to deny them roams, but then I just get camped because I'm pushed up so often.

At my elo people don't understand to avoid skirmishes when the enemy has an assassin, and they don't listen to MIAs so if they roam it like always at least a double kill.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
All I see you complain about is your teammates, every time you post a reason for your loss, you say 'my teammates this', 'my teammates that', you need to stop focusing on what your team is doing wrong and concentrate on how to improve YOUR OWN play. Look at replays and focus on improving anything YOU could've done better. One thing you'll always hear when people talk to top players, they never talk about what they did right, they only concentrate on things they did wrong so they can improve on them, even Doublelift, the ultimate trash talker, wont brag about what he did good, he'll win games and then go on to say 'oh I played so bad, I shouldnt have done X or I shouldve done Y instead'. Focus on YOU and how YOU can improve, you can ALWAYS be better, even the best players are looking for ways to get stronger.

tl;dr, focus on your own play, stop blaming your team.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Man now that I read back and think on his posts, it always is just teammates this and that.
Since Silver/bronze mindset I do kinda wish I had lolreplay to see the matches.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Man now that I read back and think on his posts, it always is just teammates this and that.
Since Silver/bronze mindset I do kinda wish I had lolreplay to see the matches.

That's my ranked history which includes preseason (admittedly I play poorly in a lot of preseason games due to trying stuff out and not caring much). The provisionals start at the Vel game after the Liss game, where I go 7 4 2, followed by a Morg game then a Shen game. There's a game where I go 0 3 0 as Xerath because I was DC'd for most of the game then got killed when I lagged out all three times. Some of them were 4v5s too, but the only one I remember is a Shen game where I go 2 1 3 or something. I have a couple of games where I go negative but there's only one game as support Annie where I do noticeably worse than some of my other teammates.

Look at the scores and the CS of my teammates in the losing games if you don't believe me. Most of the time I have the best KDA and most CS on my team unless I'm support. I hate mentioning KDAs but most of the time my team is clearly performing worse than me and the opposing team.
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Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Dre it's not about being better than your team mates, it's bronze of course you are better (I hope).

It's about being good or bad.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010

That's my ranked history which includes preseason (admittedly I play poorly in a lot of preseason games due to trying stuff out and not caring much). The provisionals start at the Vel game after the Liss game, where I go 7 4 2, followed by a Morg game then a Shen game. There's a game where I go 0 3 0 as Xerath because I was DC'd for most of the game then got killed when I lagged out all three times. Some of them were 4v5s too, but the only one I remember is a Shen game where I go 2 1 3 or something. I have a couple of games where I go negative but there's only one game as support Annie where I do noticeably worse than some of my other teammates.

Look at the scores and the CS of my teammates in the losing games if you don't believe me. Most of the time I have the best KDA and most CS on my team unless I'm support. I hate mentioning KDAs but most of the time my team is clearly performing worse than me and the opposing team.
You're playing AP champions. Pick up Fiora again and play her in any position and split push any lane or lanes in order to secure the objective that you want. The reason you get frustrated is because you're playing champions that do virtually no structural damage or can secure a dragon as soon as those objectives become open. If you play top, just run flash + tp on anyone AD. If you play jung then gank and then push towers that are hard for your laner to push down like mid lane where you have a Ziggs or a Xerath. Either that or just do troll **** until you find something ridiculous that works that enables you to a certain extent to 1 v. 5 the enemy team, melt towers, split push, and secure dragon/baron.

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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Dre it's not about being better than your team mates, it's bronze of course you are better (I hope).

It's about being good or bad.
No it's about being good enough to be at least Silver, which I've demonstrated that I am. Silver players can't carry 4v5s and lanes that go 0 5 in Bronze. They were just decent players and got lucky with their teammates. 70% or so of my games have either had afks or hard feeders, I just need a good run of luck were my teammates go even or or at worst 0 2 and then listen to my calls.

You're playing AP champions. Pick up Fiora again and play her in any position and split push any lane or lanes in order to secure the objective that you want. The reason you get frustrated is because you're playing champions that do virtually no structural damage or can secure a dragon as soon as those objectives become open. If you play top, just run flash + tp on anyone AD. If you play jung then gank and then push towers that are hard for your laner to push down like mid lane where you have a Ziggs or a Xerath. Either that or just do troll **** until you find something ridiculous that works that enables you to a certain extent to 1 v. 5 the enemy team, melt towers, split push, and secure dragon/baron.

Yeah I might go back to Fiora if I feel like carrying at the sacrifice of fun because she's brainlessly OP once you learn to use your ult to dodge their peel CC. There's no way to stop her from oneshotting your ADC, and she does that any stage of the game with literally 2 items lol.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Yeah I might go back to Fiora if I feel like carrying at the sacrifice of fun because she's brainlessly OP once you learn to use your ult to dodge their peel CC. There's no way to stop her from oneshotting your ADC, and she does that any stage of the game with literally 2 items lol.
You don't understand. She's not OP because she can one shot carries. She's OP because if she's unchecked she can split push an entire lane to your nexus if she is not counter checked. She's OP for being able to one shot carries because people don't want to even challenge you unless they have an advantage or have stacked armor or zhonya's. She gains a movement speed bonus which allows her to push faster without even investing in shoes. Last whisper is a core item on her because it enhances her ability to delete towers, dragons, or any objective worth a damn in this game.

You don't need a team to be with you when you play Fiora. I solo'd dragons that game when I should have had help after I took down bottom's tower in the first ten minutes of the game with the enemy team having no jungler/bottom lane. I pinged, but they still recalled after I ganked bottom lane on their request telling me that dragon control was "my" responsibility. That's fine because I'm playing Fiora. If your team is doing stupid crap like deciding to 4-man their mid lane and it's going nowhere and you request that someone at least address the mob at your top tower that will sink it with no contest because your team is doing nothing in middle lane. It doesn't matter if people tell you to **** off, because you just go there yourself and split push that wave like a madman and take down their tower uncontested.

If they ban Fiora, then you can play Yi. If they ban Yi, then you can play Tryndamere. If you want a safe escape from aggressive split pushing you can pick up Zed. You're not doing it right if you're killing champions but not getting objectives. Champion kills should coincide with getting objectives. If you're getting objectives without having to kill any champions then you are pushing correctly and reading the larger picture correctly. Uncontested dragons, towers, and barons are characteristic of bronze. Their team is just as much of a joke as your own. It's your fault if you don't take advantage of that fact.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010

Darius has been in fountain for awhile, Lissandra support is telling me she went in 1 v. 5 because she's not serious about the game and has taken one too many Vicodin, Draven is pushing mid back like a sensible person, and Vel'Koz is taking their blue buff because he has been a completely useless piece of **** the entire game so why not solo take enemy blue when none of them are on the map. But you know what Dre.? Everything is groovy because I'm troll pick Fiora jungle and I can basically do anything I want without a team.

My pink in the dragon pit never gets cleared for the entire game and the enemy team is equally as lost on what to do this game. I'm not going to tell Lissandra that she's wrong because I don't need her to play correctly, she can do any ******** **** she wants to and dance around enemy nexus or refuse to buy vision as 'support' Lissandra because the jungler should be the one to ward the jungle because he's the jungler. Look at what a joke this game is, there is no one with sightstone or a sweeping lens. Only me and Nasus have upgraded our vision wards. Xin Zhao has completed both Botrk and Rav Hydra because he likely saw Rav Hydra in my build and wanted to copy it. Ahri gets fed because she turtes for the last 20 minutes of the game therefore making it unnecessary to bother with a QSS since we have dictated the pacing of the entire game to the point where we can afford to die for 40 seconds uncontested.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I don't think people here understand how bad my luck has actually been lately. This isn't standard Bronze luck where you have some bad games, then you get good teams a lot as well. I had that the first time I was in Bronze. This season, in 32 games, literally 23 of those games either had an afk, a troll who basically afkd farmed or intentionally fed, or lanes which all fed 4 plus kills in lane. I've had a troll who just started afking or feeding the last 4 games in a row.

Problem is the bad luck has gutted my MMR so now I get hardly any LP for winning and a ton for losing. I need to get a run of wins to balance out my LP gains but I'm on a streak where everygame I get somone who decides to afk troll or intentionally feed for no reason at all lol.

Edit- To give you an example of what I'm talking about, my last 6 games had 4 trolls who either AFKd of fed intentionally, a fair game, then a 3v5. That's what my luck has been like the entire time. I've also been last pick like 5 games in a row now lol.
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Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
No it's about being good enough to be at least Silver, which I've demonstrated that I am. Silver players can't carry 4v5s and lanes that go 0 5 in Bronze. They were just decent players and got lucky with their teammates. 70% or so of my games have either had afks or hard feeders, I just need a good run of luck were my teammates go even or or at worst 0 2 and then listen to my calls.
Literally the most standard, typical thing you'd expect to hear from your average low bracket player who thinks they deserve Challenger.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Literally the most standard, typical thing you'd expect to hear from your average low bracket player who thinks they deserve Challenger.
No it's not. I'm not making general statements about baddies in Bronze. I'm giving you the actual stats that literally over 2 thirds of my games have had afks trolls or hard feeders, and I'm regularly getting 5 game streaks of it too. There's a difference between getting the odd afk/troll/feeder once every couple of games, and getting them literally 11 games in a row like I did.

I've even given you my match history as proof. Look up Dre89 on OCE if you don't believe me.

Also all I've said is that I've proven I deserve at least Silver. I never said anything about deserving high elo so I dunno wtf you're reading
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
dre remember a while back where i said you should just pick karthus and afk farm until you can 1v5 at 40 minutes?

i wasn't joking.
I might try that because I like his playstyle. I was thinking of going tear into RoA but I don't know is that's optimal or not.

I play poke mages, but I'm wondering if I'm not trying to fulfil their win conditions properly. If I'm against an assassin I just farm and try push them in to deny them roams. If they do roam I just MIA and push their wave in. After laning phase I try get everyone to group so I can seige with blue, or contest onjevtives. Then if we happen to get mid inhib, I try get everyone to group top to seige that inhib because it's closer to Baron, unless not has more towers down.

Is that the general gist of how to win with a poke mage or have I got it wrong?


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Nah we gotta wait until the date in the title actually matches the current date


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012

Darius has been in fountain for awhile, Lissandra support is telling me she went in 1 v. 5 because she's not serious about the game and has taken one too many Vicodin, Draven is pushing mid back like a sensible person, and Vel'Koz is taking their blue buff because he has been a completely useless piece of **** the entire game so why not solo take enemy blue when none of them are on the map. But you know what Dre.? Everything is groovy because I'm troll pick Fiora jungle and I can basically do anything I want without a team.

My pink in the dragon pit never gets cleared for the entire game and the enemy team is equally as lost on what to do this game. I'm not going to tell Lissandra that she's wrong because I don't need her to play correctly, she can do any ******** **** she wants to and dance around enemy nexus or refuse to buy vision as 'support' Lissandra because the jungler should be the one to ward the jungle because he's the jungler. Look at what a joke this game is, there is no one with sightstone or a sweeping lens. Only me and Nasus have upgraded our vision wards. Xin Zhao has completed both Botrk and Rav Hydra because he likely saw Rav Hydra in my build and wanted to copy it. Ahri gets fed because she turtes for the last 20 minutes of the game therefore making it unnecessary to bother with a QSS since we have dictated the pacing of the entire game to the point where we can afford to die for 40 seconds uncontested.
I love this post.

I remember the last time I played league with dre he was playing mundo and he lost us the game because he didn't tank a tower after we asked him like, 8 times to do it, then they outscaled us and we didn't have an inhib so we couldn't apply pressure anywhere.

I haven't played league for a while.

Is Nemesis Draft out yet?
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