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I'm pretty hyped about his team tbqh.Monte gets a lot of stuff about laning wrong so I'd take what he says with a grain of salt
I tried playing whiskers when I was fooling around at the end of last season. I sucked at him, found him awkward. Also I find it hard to carry with assassins who can only kill one target in a fight.
if ur only killing 1 target you arent fed enoughI tried playing whiskers when I was fooling around at the end of last season. I sucked at him, found him awkward. Also I find it hard to carry with assassins who can only kill one target in a fight.
ATM he's S2 and I'm S5, and he has bad MMR at the moment so I think he normally gets 10-15 LP for a win, but loses like 20+ for a loss.@jaswa I'm talking about raw LP gains and losses. Not like, what were your wins and loses like. I just want to know what the LP output is for duo'ing with someone around two, three divisions lower than you are like.
Trickster's Glass was so much fun to use. But when I actually needed that second win and started to play seriously with melee AD champs + flesheater stacks, the game mode became frustrating when teammates would ignore pings or become mad when pinged. It's not even a "bronze" issue, but just the fact that one or two teammates literally have no intention of trying to win the game or listening to criticism despite how polite or how consistent it is from ALL members of the team:BB is lame as hell.![]()
You only gold in soloque? I figured you'd be higher tbh.I've been tilting super super hard about bb. Holy **** is that game mode frustrating. Not even the mew items being broken, its just actually getting matched with bronze/not 30 people because new game mode when I'm used to goldish level teams who get what the point of the games are is Killing me. Solo carrying is harder too because you can't just splitpush, the minions hurt so ****ing much if you're not life-steel based.
I feel like a lot of people could play at a higher elo than they're at. Back when I was in low gold elo my winrate was higher than it is now in low silver. If you're that type of player who wins lane 80% of the time or more, and you generally do well when your team doesn't feed, then you can definitely play at a higher elo.Every season I hit gold and quit ranked because its a **** hole. I feel like I could hit plat/lower diamond if I really went at it, but I'd rather dump that time/effort into pm/melee and real life things, because I get no real enjoyment from league. its just a good time sink when I've got nothing to do and really addicting.
figured out what to do though, just went back to my old lame solo q climbing tactics, jungle xin and camp a lane. Sated xin+hydra is ********
edit: The above assumes that if you camp mid because easy ganks, both top and bottom wont feed >.> ****ing top lane mords going ignite+long sword start vs a darius, complaining about getting all inned lvl 2
Nuh uh, support Morde is the future, rito said so http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/08/84-pbe-update.html#jugg3proxy mord top is the future
Cuz youre junglingwhy would I play skarner and go a bit faster in certain spots when I could play darius and auto max stack someone, or garen and do true dmg ult to someone+%hp shread, or morde and get a zombambo dragon
Cursed Dragon is so ridiculous that it might warrant a Jungle Morde.Cuz youre jungling But really though yeah Skarners changes, while interesting, seem lackluster, especially that 15 ms nerf, just why
Yeah I've seen that, but why would you want to replace your adc with a character that has no range, no mobility, no cc and whose only defense mechanic relies on dealing damage.I think they are recomending relic shield start because they are re-making him as an ADC substitute botlane
kinda rediculous changes, for everyone but skarner. why would I play skarner and go a bit faster in certain spots when I could play darius and auto max stack someone, or garen and do true dmg ult to someone+%hp shread, or morde and get a zombambo dragon
more male supportsWhy would you turn a ****en massive metal death lord into a support...
http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.co...e/sqMalcLL-the-garen-rework-is-an-abominationNew Garen is wow with his E. It does a lot of ticks now.
They turned Fiora into an AD bruiser who has to hit "vital" points that the enemy can see on themselves. The community is honestly trying to paint the rework as a positive thing by putting her in the jungle when she essentially allows laners to know that she is going to gank them because they have vital targets appear to them. ****ing stupid.riot pretty awful company nowadays
There is a lot of misinformation in that post, some of the stuff there us imperially wrong or a no duh kind of post.http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.co...e/sqMalcLL-the-garen-rework-is-an-abomination
The most informative post I saw with respect to the Garen rework even taking into consideration the fact that you might not agree with his opinion. Even more useful than any of the Riot related material.
They turned Fiora into an AD bruiser who has to hit "vital" points that the enemy can see on themselves. The community is honestly trying to paint the rework as a positive thing by putting her in the jungle when she essentially allows laners to know that she is going to gank them because they have vital targets appear to them. ****ing stupid.
Even Garen has more burst potential than the new Fiora because they buffed his AD, damage output, and burst potential (true damage ultimate) because they nerfed his ability to stick on targets (Judgment slows you down when you head towards enemy champions) along with his health (health per level gain and health regen both got nerfed).
The chances that you hit the enemy vitals is actually low considering the fact that several meta champions that people love to play have a stealth or untargetability mechanic or a form of cc that they can use in order to stop Fiora. In order to counterplay this, Fiora has her W, her W makes her immobile. Her form of counterplay in the middle of a teamfight is now to be immobile and to throw a pre-determined aimed shot in one direction. Also when you do get the chance to hit the enemy vital it does % true hp damage, however maximizing this side of Fiora means that you have to wait another half a second for her passive to take effect and locate another vital point, but by this time if you went with old AD Fiora you have either killed the enemy or the enemy has killed you at this point.
This sounds more apt for a passive that belongs to a "duelist": ignore unit collision and takes reduced physical damage from basic attacks. That's Fizz's passive. Even Fiora's old lifesteal passive, as "horrible" as it was made more sense as a passive for a duelist because it gave you just that little amount of HP you may have needed to outrade the enemy you were fighting. In order to really "duel" people are Fiora you need to build her as a bruiser. And she sucks in this category because her team based kit is entirely situational and counterplay reliant. She is not a champion who has counterplay or has a kit that can counterplay, she is a champion who MUST counterplay the enemy champions in order to make her kit work. Because she's a "duelist."
There has been a resurgence in the development team to rely on lore to recreate champions. Them taking GP out of the game because he died in the lore is just an indicator of awful reasoning Riot has given to the player base as a reason for reworks. The explanation in the Juggernauts rework that they want all the champions to give a new feeling to the game and introducing a "Villain" mechanic to Garen which has been pointed out to be gameplay questionable because he himself can't control who the villain is introduces elements to the game that are ultimate unnecessary and really RNG. Riot's lack of a good reason to provide a "sandbox mode" the user base because their entire reasoning is that they don't want people to use it is ridiculous and the development team should be criticized for pushing the game in a direction no one asked for simply because they don't have any more good ideas to push the game into a more competitive direction.
I'm just so salty over the Fiora rework. So salty.There is a lot of misinformation in that post, some of the stuff there us imperially wrong or a no duh kind of post. He's not losing his advantage against riven or renekton, that is a load of bull. The only reason he won those is his passive, W giving innate bulk and the simple fact he had a silence. The duration going down is an odd choice even to me. The crit chance complain is really stupid. He only built IE when he was snowballing super hard, or wanted to try to, then fell off unless he built LW and Cleaver with it. There are aspects I'm not as much of a fan either but I honestly don't trust riot forums to be sensible over sensationalism whining and complaining.
Odd, I'm the opposite lol sorry.I'm just so salty over the Fiora rework. So salty.