not saying its all about logic, but i dont see how anyone could think any of those arguments hold any weight. when you consider the pool of characters that are popular for this generation of Smash Bros, the major first party characters that have the most popularity at this point are K.Rool, and Ridley (or so it seems to me) and a lot of the other characters that are wanted dont have as nearly big followings. Sure, i'd love to see Paper Mario or Ghirahim, and even Shulk. But im quite sure that because of the popularity, need for villains, and uniqueness needed in the game, that K.Rool and Ridley will be included before most if not all other characters.
Anybody who tries to argue that K.Rool is unpopular, isnt going to be in because he's a villain (like seriously, wtf?) or irrelevant to the series is a complete moron who isnt thinking with his head. All of those points can easily be proven wrong. its pretty much a waste of time