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Kirby General Discussion


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I saw someone do Nair U-tilt Nair grab B-throw as a combo in the livestream for TP5 against a Falco in friendlies. I think Nair should be used more for combos. Or not. I don't really know. I just felt like posting and wanted to pretend I was being helpful.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
It seems okay for combos. Maybe an okay starter if you can jump over a sex kick Nair hitbox, land on their face (where there is presumably no hitbox) and then start something, idk.

I don't think anyone has ever really sat down and tried to figure how to combo or do more than the U-tilt(X) Bair/Uair string for Kirby punishes since his punish game is generally regarded as trash (and rightfully so). It might be one place to start if anyone ever actually wanted to expand Kirby's repertoire.


Smash Hero
Jan 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
my friend uses kirby nair really well.

i forget exactly what he does, but i remember always being upset that he used to nair to combo me


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
Shouldn't there be like, a thread for posting videos or something?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing a Kirby manhandle higher tiers more than anything else. I'm just saying, it would help keep the forum organized, you know? I'll leave it to this forum's top contributors to decide. ;)

If someone makes a thread, I'll fuse the video threads together with the new thread so as to keep this whole place organized and looking sexy.


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
I was thinking, maybe we should see if someone would like to take care of T!MmY's thread, since it's been years since he last updated. Maybe make it clear that showcasing video threads should go there? : |


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
I don't think the layout of Timmy's video thread is very clear at all tbh, and would prefer a totally new one if we are showcasing vids of more recent kirbys
Awright, we could do that instead! I'm just a helper, throwing out suggestions here to help the boards look better. Attractive and kind sticks to the mind, am I right or am I right? ;)

Okay, Kuya, you can go ahead and change your thread's title and layout, I'll unsticky T!MmY's and sticky yours. You can take as many videos from his thread as you want and put them in yours as well, feel free to do whatever you want! Just make sure you edit your first post every so often (could be once a week, or even once a month, as long as it's not been two years and you still haven't updated), so as to keep the videos fresh! :D


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
Well, we need actual videos first, so....
Aren't there recent videos in T!MmY's thread that haven't been updated into the OP for passerby to view? And what about the recenp threads made specifically for showcasing their OP's videos?

Exactly what I'm talking about. ;)


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
*retracts statement*

*snaps the thingy for take 2*


Lolexcuse me?

you think people play kirby in tourney and get recorded? (often)

Save chu's brinstar CP?


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
So far, I'm really liking this Kirby community.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2009
Orlando, FL
I have vids of my Kirby from this small tourney in Orlando where I almost 3-0 Colbol (even though most of his deaths were SDs)

but yeah, I love going Kirby in tournament


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
Well, whenever Kuya changes his thread to a "Video Thread" thing, I'll sticky it.


Waiting for a new Smash game
Apr 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Switch FC
woah really?
Why not? It'd be much better for us to keep track of Kirby videos if we get someone who's active to edit the OP every once in a while, right? I mean, last time the previous OP updated was two years ago.

It's not even that much of a hassle, you can edit it like once every month or two and add videos that people post around here to the OP, so don't worry about being inactive and all.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Okay, I finally finished most of the Samus matchup. I still have to add a lot of the defensive aspect of it (including how to recover), and format it so it's readable, but for now:

Kirby vs Samus!

The main thing here is that there are two main types of Samus players. There's "ZOMG why won't he approach?" players like HugS and then there are "WTF iceskating?!" players like Oro and Ihavespaceballs.

The matchup differs in how you approach and open them up to be brutally bumped by the pink punk you are.
My opinion of the matchup:
1st Type of Samus: Samus >> Kirby
2nd Type of Samus: Samus > Kirby

I'll start with the first type. These Samus players generally stay grounded, maybe jumping occasionally to missile cancel 'when they feel like it', the pricks. Samus has no reason to approach Kirby, and they know it. They'll stay in their shield when you get close, and wavedash back to ftilt, uptilt or fsmash, or even upB OoS if you're stupid enough to position yourself there. When you do hit them while they're not in their shield, chances are they're crouch canceling your hit, which means you're about to get Dsmashed or Fsmashed.

How to Approach:
I find that Back air is not very useful here. Unless you tip it just right, you're going to eat some sort of counterattack, usually ftilt or utilt. Kirby getting hit by Samus's utilt is akin to Rihanna getting hit by Chris Brown: No one wants to see it, it's a terrible thing, but you know that bitch did something to deserve it.
Fair, however, is quite a bit more useful. Approach with it (don't kill me for saying that). Space it so that the first hit barely hits their shield, and move back a bit by the end so that the third hit does as well. You can wear down their shield/get them to wdback like this. If you manage to wear down their shield a bit to the point where you think you can poke with the third or fourth hit of the fair, go for it. Drift the fair in, landing directly in front of Samus. If it pokes, get ready to follow up (most likely shield > wavedash OoS to something). If not, crouch and WD back like a coward.
Chances are, this won't work more than once or twice, so mix things up with your approach. Bait that movement with an empty shorthop or early fair, and then land and approach on the ground (get ready to shield > WD OoS) and grab her. Go read the "I grabbed the Samus, now what?" section.
Grab a lot if possible. Kirby has a decent wavedash and a great grab range.
Feeling ballsy? Approach with an early/mid fullhop Dair, preferably on their shield. Do it right and you'll get either an UpB OoS response or a WD back utilt response, both of which can be punished. Specifically, you want to time the dair so that you connect with the end of it, and don't have lag upon landing, and you want to aim it so you land in front of Samus.
Never cross Samus's shield.
Early Dair on a CCing Samus is actually not that bad. Try to not land, or else you'll eat a Dsmash or Fsmash if your shield doesn't come up in time (it probably won't). If you attempt it, most of the time drift a bit away from her, staying in front of her. If you want to be super super ballsy, land right behind her and try to get off that uptilt before her Dsmash hits you. It will make her hit the ground and fall over. Get ready to shield her getup attack.
Kirby's ground moves are useless against a low % CCing Samus. Grab is the only thing you should do on the ground until Samus is above 70ish.

Yeah, basically be freaking careful. This matchup is a damage game to get her out of her useful CCing range (from 80ish most of what you do can move her enough where you can start to F her up). Avoid YS like the plague. Every stage that's good for you is good for her for the same reason, so take her to battlefield to at least lessen the variability of her recovery.

Now, the second type of Samus is easier to deal with, but if you don't do it right you'll get overwhelmed much more quickly than with the first type.
These guys like to be slippery and tricky, using Samus's beatiful wavedash to waveland all over platforms and cover ground unpredictably and quickly. They want to open you up and get you into some goofy combo. Generally, they are much more aggressive than Type 1, and play with a much less 'accrue damage > dsmash' based game. Platforms are playgrounds to these guys. Watch out for platform missile cancelling. Kirby's crouch can get around it easily, so just be careful while approaching.

How to Approach:
I find being very, very aggressive is the best way of dealing with this type of Samus. Just watch out for the inevitable CC when you hit them at lower percents.
Generally, they will either be approaching you or fscking around on the other side of the stage being pretty or missile cancelling. This type doesn't spend a ton of time in their shield. Chances are they'll bait YOU by coming close and Wavedashing back repeatedly. If you respond, you get utilted or ftilted. If you don't, they mix it up and wavedash forward and fsmash or dtilt (> uair > nair/fair on platform). Be careful. Pre-empt if possible, or wait until you get a chance to grab.
If they're away from you, weave through missles and keep all the way under any platforms she's on or near. Eating a dsmash because your head stuck through the platform really, really sucks. Similarily, she can just wd drop off nair you. If she's on a platform and you get under her, bait her dsmash or read her dodge and then hit with a Uair. It's godly in this matchup.
If she's on the ground, approach with fair or bair as stated in the first matchup, just be aware that the Samus will most likely trade hits with you rather than put up their shield. Be smart about it.
Again, grab a lot. It's really good.
Ftilt is your friend. It will save you from a lot of stupid stuff Samus can try, especially when she wavedashes towards you.

Honestly, racking up damage isn't hard on this type of Samus. The hard part is doing it to her before she does it to you.

Do. Not. Get. Grabbed. Samus can combo Kirby with a lot of stupid things from grabs. If you get thrown, do all you possibly can NOT to land on a platform. 90% of the time Samus will try to techchase Dair you on the platform.

Also, don't get hit by SWD > Dsmash. Seems unlikely, but fuck you Spaceballs.

Avoid YS. Avoid everything. FD is decent to cut down platform stuff. Battlefield is your best non-FD neutral.

The rest of this applies to the Samus matchup in general.

The "BunBun that sh*t shouldn't work" combo = incomplete fair + incomplete fair + uair.
In the air only, and DI dependant, but you can adjust it quite a bit. Hit with the first two hits of the fair, drop it so the third doesn't connect and immediately rejump into another fair, hit with the first two hits and drop again, then immediately rejump to Uair. It can **** Samus offstage while she tries to recover. If they DI out of it, then just hit them with the third hit of the fair. Theoretically you could link a few more fairs, but you want to get back to the stage, right? =P

How to kill Samus: It's easy, ze!
Fsmash on stage at higher percents is fun....or...

Backair is your friend. Hit her off the stage, then jump out and do stuff to her recovery. It's really easy to kill Samus when she's not in range of the stage with her grapple. Just go out and do my stupid combo then get back to the ledge. Or go out and Dair her. Or stay on the ledge and refresh your invincibility, and backair her when she gets close.
If she grapples high or grapple cancels up, you can either attempt to backair her from the ledge OR (and I recommend this second part), get on the ledge, get away from her Nair either Ftilt/backair her away if she tries to drift to the stage. If she goes low to sweetspot the ledge, just get on it or feign like you're going to. It will usually make her upB early so she can either get on the stage with it or hit you before you grab the ledge. Simply bair or Dair her and grab the ledge.
IF YOU GET HIT BY THE UP B, DO NOT TRY AND TECH IT. You will airdodge and die. Just sayin'.

Never underestimate Samus recovering. Kill her outright as much as you can. On FoD, she can come from the very bottom all the way back up. No johns, mess up her grapple low and she's got about the same chance of making it back to the stage as Tiger Woods did of keeping his marriage.

Seriously, Samus's recover is amazing, but you've got a ton of jumps to go out there and mess with it. Do it to your heart's content, just watch out for nair and the dair attempt.
Jumping out and trying to Kirbycide is viable as long as you're sure that:
A) You can time your blast-zone jump and
B) You can make it back to the stage.

If you run out of jumps like a fool, or are almost out, or just know you won't make it back because you f*cked up messing with the space-bitch during her recovery, a last ditch Final Cutter meteor is always a funny thing to try =3

"I grabbed Samus, now what?":
Up throw.
Try to get her to land on a platform and then techchase her with uair or fair (and preferably my favorite combo).
I can't stress this part enough. I never see any of you Kirby guys do this in your vid, but it's pretty good. Always waveland out of your upthrows. Once you do this, now YOU get action advantage instead of your enemy.

Never down throw. You'll get Naird at, like, any percent.

If you're not near a platform, and the samus is above 15%ish, you can backthrow. You don't really get anything off of it. Upthrow is almost always the best option.

If you're feeling like a ****, you can try another one of my favorite things: let them breakout of the fthrow and then reverse aerial hammer them. You can't get much off of it against samus, but it's pretty fscking funny.

So yeah. I'll probably add some more later, like how to not get forcefully penetrated by using your defensive game properly. I posted mostly the offensive part of the matchup just now.

Any questions?


Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2010
Sydney, Australia
hello everyone! I'm deciding to use kirby more regularly!

however, i'd like to know, how can you increase Kirby's mobility and how can you pressure with kirby?


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I would think a smaller stage would helpp his mobility, best pressure =falco lasers. Also be sure to max out his wavedash most people would be surprised by how far/fast some wavedashes are. like if you max out marth's you can do somewhat of a moonwalk.


Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2010
Sydney, Australia
yes! it worked, although i'm not sure if i am wavedashing to the max...
also I'm currently playing against a projectile-Link, and he's able to hit me when I'm ducking
I'm pretty good with dodging and rolling, but when he spams, especially bombs, I can't get close enough, and when he does, he goes nair spam LOL

any tips?


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
I find that against a projectile link, you should focus on dodging and staying away, rarely going in for a hit.

I usually time the match out for a percent lead. The matchup is too hard for me to deal with otherwise


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
WTF something I didn't know about kirby and maybe samus. if your kirby with her power and you full hop on inbetween a platform it will cancel out the shot WTF?
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