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Kirby General Discussion

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Y'know, you can death combo Fox at ~35% with Dair -> Utilt -> SH Dair, sliding forward on the first Dair to shove him off the stage?
It requires fox to be at stage's edge (reasonably likely if he's just lasering) and within a very specific damage window (<=5% margin either side of the optimal value) so it's not a realistic combo (especially as his Usmash will usually beat out the first Dair) but it's pretty amazing when it works.

Also, Meteor Dash trades with Roy's UpB in a rather favourable fashion and, since they have no control over UpB's motion, it's nowhere near as hard and risky as Meteor Dash vs any other recovery.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Gannondorf-Kirby is the best matchup for kirby because he has so much trouble punishing aerial hammer.
I have shut down many a 'dorf approach by aerial hammering into them. DEM UTILTS.

My list was the list of matches my kirby is most competent at. Your mileage may vary.

The Luigi match is HARD. He can nair out of our bread and butter combo and his dair will kill kirby at super low %s.

Kirby-Jiggs is winnable if you don't stray far from the stage. If you do get knocked away, recover high (uair recovery) so jiggs can't punish as easily. Getting above jiggs is essential in the regular match anyway, Jigglypuff has terrible vertical mobility and is vulnerable most times you're above it.

Kirby-Peach is also not that bad of a matchup most times I've played it. Uair wrecks her float-off ledgeguards.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
I wanna start play more Kirby. What should I know?
  • The only safe throws are uthrow and dthrow.
  • Jigglypuff-style DI is necessary for this character to be even remotely viable.
  • Utilt is amazing, and combos into uair.
  • Uair is the only real kill move.
  • Dair isn't a good KO move, it's better for approaching shielding characters.
  • Bair is about as good as Jigglypuff's fair.
  • You can duck under almost anything.
  • Dtilt has the same range as a Marth ftilt but comes out quicker.
  • Swallowcide is only possible if you're not on the stage, on stage they can shake out.
  • Doing aerials right after your jumps for recovery makes you recover further. uair > bair > fair in order of longest horizontal recovery amount.
  • The fox matchup is nearly impossible.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
The pichu match feels pretty break-even to me. Pichu is hard to ledgeguard but can't ledgeguard himself. Kirby is easily ledgeguarded but can ledgeguard himself very well. Neither is very effective at killing the other while onstage. The match always feels like it takes forever, the more patient/consistent player usually wins.
Pichu actually edgeguards kirby pretty well...
Kirby is super easy to jolt, like puff, but kirby doesn't have the silly pound.
Pichu can also nair/dair through kirby's fair.
On stage gimps also work when Pichu CCs...

On stage, Pichu has his grabs and his nair... He can play pretty comfortably against Kirby.
Upsmash also messes kirby up. It is a decent kill move and usmash->thunder kills kirby at mid percent.

Now kirby has some stuff going for him as well...
but Pichu has more.

its still pretty close, but I think its in Pichu's favor.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
  • The only safe throws are uthrow and dthrow.
  • Jigglypuff-style DI is necessary for this character to be even remotely viable.
  • Utilt is amazing, and combos into uair.
  • Uair is the only real kill move.
  • Dair isn't a good KO move, it's better for approaching shielding characters.
  • Bair is about as good as Jigglypuff's fair.
  • You can duck under almost anything.
  • Dtilt has the same range as a Marth ftilt but comes out quicker.
  • Swallowcide is only possible if you're not on the stage, on stage they can shake out.
  • Doing aerials right after your jumps for recovery makes you recover further. uair > bair > fair in order of longest horizontal recovery amount.
  • The fox matchup is nearly impossible.
I've found Usmash to be a pretty good kill move, as long as you hit them with the right spot. Unfortunately that's a lot harder to do than it sounds, but I like to keep it in mind, just in case my opponent opens themselves up for it.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2011
I've found Usmash to be a pretty good kill move, as long as you hit them with the right spot. Unfortunately that's a lot harder to do than it sounds, but I like to keep it in mind, just in case my opponent opens themselves up for it.
Well as long as we are talking about kill moves that are impossible to hit with, might as well include the hammer as a kill move.



Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Why? It doesn't have anywhere near as much strength as that part of Kirby's Usmash. Kirby's Usmash isn't impossible to hit with, it's just really unlikely you'll be able to use it. When you're in a situation where it works, you'll be glad you remembered it.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Pichu actually edgeguards kirby pretty well...
Kirby is super easy to jolt, like puff, but kirby doesn't have the silly pound.
Pichu can also nair/dair through kirby's fair.
On stage gimps also work when Pichu CCs...

On stage, Pichu has his grabs and his nair... He can play pretty comfortably against Kirby.
Upsmash also messes kirby up. It is a decent kill move and usmash->thunder kills kirby at mid percent.

Now kirby has some stuff going for him as well...
but Pichu has more.

its still pretty close, but I think its in Pichu's favor.
Thunder doesn't work on people with experience in the Pikachu/Pichu matchup (or DI).
Usmash works great if you can connect it, but Pichu isn't Pikachu/Fox and the range on it is not fantastic. Pichu's only functional ledgegaurd in this matchup is nair, and he doesn't have the recovery to chase very far off the stage. If kirby is recovering high, you can attempt to thunder (lol) but it's SO EASY to avoid thunder with a floaty that it's almost a joke.

I have a lot of experience at the pichu and pikachu matchups (N64 and I used to play very frequently), as far as I've seen this matchup is nearly dead even.

I will argue that Game and Watch counters all -chus though. COME AT ME BRO.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Y'know, you can death combo Fox at ~35% with Dair -> Utilt -> SH Dair, sliding forward on the first Dair to shove him off the stage?
It requires fox to be at stage's edge (reasonably likely if he's just lasering) and within a very specific damage window (<=5% margin either side of the optimal value) so it's not a realistic combo (especially as his Usmash will usually beat out the first Dair) but it's pretty amazing when it works.
You know, dair can be meteor cancelled pretty easily, so even if the combo works, it's not necessariy a "death combo". You might have to dair repeatedly, and even then, nothing's guaranteed, but I can see this actually putting them in an unfavorable position offstage.

Also, Meteor Dash trades with Roy's UpB in a rather favourable fashion and, since they have no control over UpB's motion, it's nowhere near as hard and risky as Meteor Dash vs any other recovery.
Man, you really like that dash attack, don't you? I remember you were also suggesting that Kirbys use that against Fox's foxfire. Well, I'll have you know that any Roy who knows what he's doing will sweetspot his upB, making trading very unlikely. They have reasonably good control over the motion of the move, too. They can manipulate, to a degree, how horizontal the move's trajectory is, so don't think that it's not hard or risky to just "meteor dash" a roy offstage. IMO, dair, bair, and even dangled fsmash are much better options.

I wanna start play more Kirby. What should I know?
WD>dtilt is a standard grounded approach w/ Kirby. If you wanna move around while remaining crouched (example would be trying to stay under Falco's lasers), then get consistent w/ your wavedashes. Bair is your GTFO move. Utilt works very similarly to the Spacies' utilt and can be used similarly as well, but it's not nearly as good. Poke w/ your tilts. In addition to the tilts I already mentioned, ftilt has decent range and knockback. Kirby has a Fence of Pain; use it when you can. ALL your throws can cause you to kill yourself, except for dthrow, so watch where you use them. Speaking of dthrow, that throw sets up for great tech chases, and if they don't tech, jab reset them.

  • The only safe throws are uthrow and dthrow.
  • Jigglypuff-style DI is necessary for this character to be even remotely viable.
  • Utilt is amazing, and combos into uair.
  • Uair is the only real kill move.
  • Dair isn't a good KO move, it's better for approaching shielding characters.
  • Bair is about as good as Jigglypuff's fair.
  • You can duck under almost anything.
  • Dtilt has the same range as a Marth ftilt but comes out quicker.
  • Swallowcide is only possible if you're not on the stage, on stage they can shake out.
  • Doing aerials right after your jumps for recovery makes you recover further. uair > bair > fair in order of longest horizontal recovery amount.
  • The fox matchup is nearly impossible.
I actually like bthrow a bit. If you throw it out quickly without pummeling, the opponent often is not ready to mash out before they get thrown, especially if they're not close enough to the edge to feel threatened by a Kirbycide. Its trajectory is pretty good for sending opponents offstage, too. Also, about swallowciding, I feel that, even if you attempt it while at the edge onstage, it still puts the opponent in an unfavorable position. Usually, when they mash out, they pop straight to the ledge, with you still onstage. That places you in the position of the potential punisher. Idk, just something to throw out there...

Pichu actually edgeguards kirby pretty well...
Kirby is super easy to jolt, like puff, but kirby doesn't have the silly pound.
Pichu can also nair/dair through kirby's fair.
On stage gimps also work when Pichu CCs...

Now kirby has some stuff going for him as well...
but Pichu has more.

its still pretty close, but I think its in Pichu's favor.
Pichu can also fsmash Kirbys that miss the sweetspot on their upB, the few times they're forced to use it, even though it IS SDI-able. I agree that the MU is in Pichu's favor, but not by much. I believe the MU charts say it's 6:4 Pichu, but I'm leaning more towards 55:45 in Pichu's favor.

Why? It doesn't have anywhere near as much strength as that part of Kirby's Usmash. Kirby's Usmash isn't impossible to hit with, it's just really unlikely you'll be able to use it. When you're in a situation where it works, you'll be glad you remembered it.
Tbh, hammer's a decent punish on certain things like a broken shield, a failed rest, or a missed grapple. It's just too easy to accidentally miss the sweetspot w/ usmash.

I will argue that Game and Watch counters all -chus though. COME AT ME BRO.
Hmmm, well, CC usmash (from either -chu) kinda makes life difficult for G&W, since it kills him so early. CCing their nairs isn't easy, either. What makes you say that G&W counters -chus?


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Manhole can't be CC'd by -chus, fair (credit card) will go through projectiles and still hit.

Insecticide can neutralize projectiles on the ground and key will out-prioritize usmash/dsmash/any ground attack. L-cancelled Fair has frame advantage and cannot be shieldgrabbed if followed by manhole. Subsequent manholes can, but you can change it up with insecticide.

G&W can cover a large area around the ledge AMAZINGLY well with Parachute (nair), especially vs. -chus since they do not have a recovery move that will out-prioritize it.

Parachute is what wins that match.

Also, if people are not mashing out of your f/bthrows on kirby, they are not familiar with the matchup. The risk of getting hit by a free attack during recovery lag from one of those throws is too great to be worth the risk.

You also cannot spit them onto the ledge from swallow if they struggle out correctly, it will actually push you back and they will remain on the stage. There are instances where you can start moving towards the ledge and jump, since going airborne resets the amount of struggling they need to do (although they will usually get out before you reach ground level again).


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2011
Portland OR
Played some Kirby today. I tried tech chasing but my opponents jumped out of it after the first re-grab. Other than that I spammed u-air and fair :)


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Manhole can't be CC'd by -chus, fair (credit card) will go through projectiles and still hit.

Insecticide can neutralize projectiles on the ground and key will out-prioritize usmash/dsmash/any ground attack. L-cancelled Fair has frame advantage and cannot be shieldgrabbed if followed by manhole. Subsequent manholes can, but you can change it up with insecticide.

G&W can cover a large area around the ledge AMAZINGLY well with Parachute (nair), especially vs. -chus since they do not have a recovery move that will out-prioritize it.

Parachute is what wins that match.

Also, if people are not mashing out of your f/bthrows on kirby, they are not familiar with the matchup. The risk of getting hit by a free attack during recovery lag from one of those throws is too great to be worth the risk.

You also cannot spit them onto the ledge from swallow if they struggle out correctly, it will actually push you back and they will remain on the stage. There are instances where you can start moving towards the ledge and jump, since going airborne resets the amount of struggling they need to do (although they will usually get out before you reach ground level again).
I'm guessing Insecticide is G&W's jab?

Played some Kirby today. I tried tech chasing but my opponents jumped out of it after the first re-grab. Other than that I spammed u-air and fair :)
Are you sure you're tech-chasing properly? You usually have to preemptively start running in order to catch the opponent in time. That's why tech-chasing is a lot of guesswork; you have to act before you have a chance to confirm what your foe is doing. Also, I believe there are some chars you simply can't tech chase, cuz their tech rolls are too fast and go too far. I believe one of those chars is Fox, but I may be wrong...


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
Thunder doesn't work on people with experience in the Pikachu/Pichu matchup (or DI).
true, but you can do running thunder... so...
it still kills kirby, and if it doesn't, its still more percent.

Usmash works great if you can connect it, but Pichu isn't Pikachu/Fox and the range on it is not fantastic.
yes, but Kirby doesn't have too much range either. upsmash OoS (or wavedash->usmash OoS) works very well.

Pichu's only functional ledgegaurd in this matchup is nair, and he doesn't have the recovery to chase very far off the stage.
Pichu has a great recovery and can go very far offstage if he wants.
Pichu's edgeguards in this matchup are:
Nair, Jolt, and Dair.
All of these screw kirby's recovery.

If kirby is recovering high, you can attempt to thunder (lol) but it's SO EASY to avoid thunder with a floaty that it's almost a joke.
dorkai thunder or back to the stage thunder.

I have a lot of experience at the pichu and pikachu matchups (N64 and I used to play very frequently), as far as I've seen this matchup is nearly dead even.
N64 is a pika player though...
the characters are similar, yes, but you have to play a lot differently as Pichu...

I will argue that Game and Watch counters all -chus though. COME AT ME BRO.
I agree with this last statement 100%.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
I'm not arguing that kirby is better than pichu, there's no need to get all huffy about it. I'm saying that the match is even.

AesirGod said:
Pichu's edgeguards in this matchup are:
Nair, Jolt, and Dair.
All of these screw kirby's recovery.
Jolt is nearly useless against floaties, this is true on pikachu and even moreso on pichu. If they recover high your jolt doesn't do anything, if they recover low it knocks them up and improves their recovery. Dair has too much startup time and commits too many frames to be a safe option off-stage.

Being that I've never encountered a pichu that beats my kirby even half of the time (although Jace got very close), it's almost impossible to infer that he wins this matchup. I doubt you've encountered a kirby at all for some reason, no offense. I am giving pichu a lot on faith, I have a pretty good grasp on his limitations being that I play him at a decent level, but I can't in good faith say he's better or worse than Kirby without some non-theoretical evidence to back it up.

After all, they are both equally awful characters.


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2011
Portland OR
Are you sure you're tech-chasing properly? You usually have to preemptively start running in order to catch the opponent in time. That's why tech-chasing is a lot of guesswork; you have to act before you have a chance to confirm what your foe is doing. Also, I believe there are some chars you simply can't tech chase, cuz their tech rolls are too fast and go too far. I believe one of those chars is Fox, but I may be wrong...
Dude I play Falcon and tech chase all day, I know how its done. I was playing against a mewtwo with kirby that just jumped out and naired before I could re-grab.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Fox's techroll away covers enough distance that you can't regrab, you can get close, but they will be able to do an action right before your grab comes out. If they're playing sloppily you can definitely get the regrab because you will get very close, but do not expect it to work.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Dude I play Falcon and tech chase all day, I know how its done. I was playing against a mewtwo with kirby that just jumped out and naired before I could re-grab.
Hmmm, Mew2....no idea how that tech chase works... :/ Wait, didn't you say you could always get the first regrab?

Fox's techroll away covers enough distance that you can't regrab, you can get close, but they will be able to do an action right before your grab comes out. If they're playing sloppily you can definitely get the regrab because you will get very close, but do not expect it to work.
It's kinda hard for Fox to screw up, though. All he has to do is SHINE!

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
You know, dair can be meteor cancelled pretty easily, so even if the combo works, it's not necessariy a "death combo". You might have to dair repeatedly, and even then, nothing's guaranteed, but I can see this actually putting them in an unfavorable position offstage.
There is very little time for any form of recovery to take place since the dair momentum seems to stack but I guess you have a point.

YMan, you really like that dash attack, don't you? I remember you were also suggesting that Kirbys use that against Fox's foxfire.
Yeah, that was dumb. Firefox is too controllable to easily target and not high priority enough to negate other recovery methods to the point where this is worthwhile.

Well, I'll have you know that any Roy who knows what he's doing will sweetspot his upB, making trading very unlikely. They have reasonably good control over the motion of the move, too. They can manipulate, to a degree, how horizontal the move's trajectory is, so don't think that it's not hard or risky to just "meteor dash" a roy offstage. IMO, dair, bair, and even dangled fsmash are much better options.
You can manipulate the trajectory? Man, I've been playing Marth and Roy all wrong...
"Sweetspotting" the ledge just makes a run into a Bair from behind him to force him under the stage that much easier surely?
I don't know how that would work in practice but it sounds so easy and as though it gives little option for further recovery. Unless Roy's hitbox extends out behind him, then you're doomed.

the [chus] are similar, yes, but you have to play a lot differently as Pichu...
So true. Pichu Kirby is far more fun to play as than Pikachu Kirby. Pikakirby is all spammy and horrible while Pikirby is all about knowing how to best use your sparks to force an approach you can easily counter.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Kirby dittos are the most fun matchup in the game though, right?

Or am I the only one who thinks that?


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Just saying I find that so many useless topics get brought up here is hilarious... Like Kirby pichu... Kirby Bowser? Who the hell plays Bowser. Like... 330+ players at Apex... 1 Bowser.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
I've played against kirbys before .-.

anyways, Pichu has moves to send kirby down. Jolts are very good against kirby because by the time kirby can jump again, pichu can shoot another jolt.
also jolt->nair.

The matchup is still 60-40 pichu, imo. Pichu just has more going for him.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Pichu is ugly. I don't like him

100-0 Kirby.

Actually, I suppose I should be realistic.

50-50 White Kirby
80-20 Pink Kirby
100-0 Yellow Kirby
0-100 Green Kirby


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
I've played against kirbys before .-.

anyways, Pichu has moves to send kirby down. Jolts are very good against kirby because by the time kirby can jump again, pichu can shoot another jolt.
also jolt->nair.

The matchup is still 60-40 pichu, imo. Pichu just has more going for him.
bias and stuff

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Bowser and Pichu are easy. Pichu hurts himself attempting to camp you and has an absurdly predictable and punishable approach. Bair and Ftilt literally beat everything he can throw out and pichu has 0 good options against anyone who CC camps. DI up and nothing Pichu has can hit you below stage line so thunderjolt cant get you off stage and you can recover high since pichu has nothing that beats Dair coming down. If he's not directly under you you can just Bair the incoming Nair. Pichu is easy.

Bowser is fat and his aerials are unsafe no shield. Shield camp bairs and Dthrow and just poke him till he's off stage. Dair eats him alive, if bowser is below stage he literally cant recover. If he's playing his own shield camp game just approach with inhale. It beats Up B OoS. Star Shot puts him high, which is good for Kirby since Bowser is pretty free from below. Spam Uair and Bair till he's off stage. 100% is the magic number for the match up since bowser loses ledge advantage at that point. Play the ledge and try and dtilt him off. Bowser hates Dtilt

You will literally never play these match ups


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
There is very little time for any form of recovery to take place since the dair momentum seems to stack but I guess you have a point.
I've recovered from a Kirby's dair myself and very easily at that. It's a pretty weak meteor smash unless they're above 70% or some jazz like that.

You can manipulate the trajectory? Man, I've been playing Marth and Roy all wrong...
"Sweetspotting" the ledge just makes a run into a Bair from behind him to force him under the stage that much easier surely?
I don't know how that would work in practice but it sounds so easy and as though it gives little option for further recovery. Unless Roy's hitbox extends out behind him, then you're doomed.
Normally, it would be true that stage-spiking Roy w/ bair could be viable gimping option. However, Roy has a pretty good hitbox on hiis upB, much better than Marth's anyway. It makes getting behind him offstage pretty difficult. Roy can pretty much "muscle" his way through anything you try to do.

Kirby dittos are the most fun matchup in the game though, right?

Or am I the only one who thinks that?
Only when you have a 3rd char in the mix, so you can steal each other's powers. >:p

DI up and nothing Pichu has can hit you below stage line so thunderjolt cant get you off stage and you can recover high since pichu has nothing that beats Dair coming down. If he's not directly under you you can just Bair the incoming Nair. Pichu is easy.
Don't Pichu's dtilt and dsmash hit you below the stage line, though?

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Dtilt has some of the lowest knockback in the game. It doesnt hit you below stage line. It doesnt hit you ANYWHERE lol. Dsmash can be DI'd so you dont fall under stage. The only time it's going to hit you at a downward angle is if you're hit coming up from below stage in which case it hits you against the stage and stage spikes you down.

Edit: How come we never talk about relevant match ups?


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Let's talk about the Sheik matchup again. It's the only matchup where I might use Kirby in tournament, so I want to know it well.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Sheik match-up tips:
  • You can duck shiek's JC/Standing grabs just like Jigglypuff can, Kirby just can't punish them effectively.
  • Do not aerial hammer, they get out of hitstun before you get out of hitlag.
  • Dair > utilt on the back of their shield is fantastic and hard to punish.
  • Dair is arguably the best approach in this matchup since Sheik's Fair trades favorably with Kirby's
  • Do not recover low vs. Sheik, bair will always be able to hit you low.
  • If Sheik is on the ledge, back off, it is hard to punish her fair/nair
  • Take every opportunity to hit her during her recovery offstage, if she is hit before her third jump goes off, that stock is gone.
  • Try to DI downthrow towards the front, Kirby dies off the top easily. You will live longer eating a fair than an usmash or uair.
  • Kirby's dthrow techchases Sheik very well.
  • Kirby's dtilt outranges Sheik's everything.
  • Sheik is vulnerable after her third jump. You need to force her to use it to recover if possible (roll onto the stage for maximum effect). Learn to play ledge chicken with her.
  • If Sheik lands on the stage after her ninja vanish, jump on and hit her with bair/uair then get back on the ledge.
  • Needles are great if you can get them. Learn to needle grab like Sheik and use them to guard your recovery. They can also be effective ledgeguards if used to diffuse the 2nd jump's recovery.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I've recovered from a Kirby's dair myself and very easily at that. It's a pretty weak meteor smash unless they're above 70% or some jazz like that.
As I was trying to say, recovering from Dair -> Utilt -> Dair is not the same as recovering from Dair since their downward momentum is approximately double that which would be imparted by a single Dair for some reason.
Dair is indeed a weak meteor smash. This combo makes it a lot better though. And, since they have to be at ~34% beforehand and they take about 20% from the full combo, they're not as far from 70 as you might think.

Normally, it would be true that stage-spiking Roy w/ bair could be viable gimping option. However, Roy has a pretty good hitbox on hiis upB, much better than Marth's anyway. It makes getting behind him offstage pretty difficult. Roy can pretty much "muscle" his way through anything you try to do.
So you're telling me that the noobish "wait for a landing and punish" strategy is actually the most viable option here?

Triple R

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2009
Hopkins, MN
As I was trying to say, recovering from Dair -> Utilt -> Dair is not the same as recovering from Dair since their downward momentum is approximately double that which would be imparted by a single Dair for some reason.
Dair is indeed a weak meteor smash. This combo makes it a lot better though. And, since they have to be at ~34% beforehand and they take about 20% from the full combo, they're not as far from 70 as you might think.

So you're telling me that the noobish "wait for a landing and punish" strategy is actually the most viable option here?
Momentum doesn't stack in this game... The last thing you get hit by is the only momentum you feel. Getting daired after that "combo" is not different then just normally getting daired at the same percent.

I still don't know what game you are playing. Since when is punishing landings a noobish strategy. I don't think you've played other people in this game at all...


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I suppose DBZ is more of a Kirby anime. I mean, the entire Buu arc is about a Giant Kirby with a vest and a cape. Then he starts using his neutral B, and things go crazy.
What do all of you other Kirby players think about this?


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Let's talk about the Sheik matchup again. It's the only matchup where I might use Kirby in tournament, so I want to know it well.
When trying to come back to the stage, recover high, use aerials to maximize your recovery distance, and if need be, challenge Sheik w/ dair if she's trying to gimp you or kill you from below. Avoid Final Cutter; it's usually better to air dodge instead. Also, swallowcide shenanigans are really hard to do, especially if you're on the ledge, so I wouldn't recommend it.

Sheik match-up tips:
  • You can duck shiek's JC/Standing grabs just like Jigglypuff can, Kirby just can't punish them effectively.
  • Needles are great if you can get them. Learn to needle grab like Sheik and use them to guard your recovery. They can also be effective ledgeguards if used to diffuse the 2nd jump's recovery.
Well, you can always grab Sheik right back after ducking her own grab attempt. Yes, Kirby's so good w/ needles. Sometimes, I feel like he uses them even better than Sheik does. You can cover quite a large range w/ them if you take advantage of Kirby's multiple jumps while using them, especially if the needles thrown during the first jump are fully charged.

I still don't know what game you are playing. Since when is punishing landings a noobish strategy. I don't think you've played other people in this game at all...
He hasn't really, and he's admitted to this, so don't judge him too harshly. However, I really don't get how he can kinda speak like a 'know-it-all' when he has such little practical experience. <_< To go so far as to call a good tactic a "noobish strategy"... (-_-) At the very least, try to be polite about your opinions and be nice when you say what you think of others' opinions, Ryuu. :-|

What do all of you other Kirby players think about this?
You know what? Now that I think about it, Buu did copy other people's powers after absorbing them. Maybe DBZ was influenced by Kirby after all... (@_@)
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