I've seen a lot of the issues acknowledged by devs and social media accounts, but has the whole "play matches to earn BP XP" been addressed anywhere?
I might have said this before but this is my biggest issue right now because it's actually useless to block XP behind finite missions. There isn't even a money making excuse because you can't pay for more XP or to refresh missions. It's inconvenience for inconvenience's sake.
It's possible it might be a Warner Bros thing, as they've addressed some of the missing features like all characters for Training and Local, the Post-game stats, and whatnot, but so far, not the XP stuff.
I just want to mention. I did all of the XP missions that I could get from Dailies(including Premiums since I got the Pass), Weeklies, Training and Events and tomorrow, I'm about to get the free 2000 XP which will get me to Level 15 of the Battle Pass. This is without the Weekly Completion Bonus and 1 of my Weeklies(the Joker one).
But regardless, in the first 7 days, I've gotten past 20% of the Battle Pass levels. If they continue to give the same amount of Battle Pass XP per week to give 15 levels each time, I will reach Level 70 in just under 5 weeks. If I'm remembering correctly, the Battle Pass was for 8 weeks/56 days. If you can get at least 10 Levels per week, you will eventually reach Level 70 in 7 weeks. And if you were to get at least 9 levels per week, you will get just enough to beat the 8 week mark, as 9 levels in 8 weeks is 72, meaning you will get to Level 70 around the last 2-3 days. So even without Battle XP, reaching Level 70 can be done in the 8 weeks we were given.
That's not to say I don't support PVP Battle XP, making Weeklies more easily accessible either without requiring a certain character or by giving the necessary characters in the Weekly Rotation to allow players to get the required Weeklies(as well as a re-roll feature for missions), or increasing the amount of Daily Mission XP you can get. Without the Premium Daily, you get 1,500 XP per day from Dailies(750 from Missions, 750 from Daily Completions).
With Premium, besides the extra Daily, it does give you an extra level to the Daily Completion and it stays for the next day, meaning that the first day you get 1,750 XP, on the third day you get 1900 XP and on the 5th day you get 2,050 XP. A Battle Pass Level requires 2000 XP, so Dailies should still be given enough XP to allow a player to get 2000 XP each day, even for players without the Pass.