Yeah, I'm so pumped to go visit that Xenoblade amusement park!
This mindset just boggles me. You think Mario has 9* characters just because it's a big franchise? It has 9 characters because it's a huge franchise where part of the appeal is the big and colorful cast of characters. Same with Pokémon. It is a gigantic franchise and its popularity comes from the variety of monsters.
The Legend of Zelda isn't in that sort of space at all. Its appeal is linked to the exploration of a huge world to find collectibles, using crafty tools and weapons to solve puzzles and slay monsters. And you do all of that as Link. The other holders of the Triforce, Zelda and Ganondorf, serve important roles in the lore but often don't show up in gameplay. Still, they rightfully deserve their place in Smash.
But beyond that? There's popular side characters alright, but none of them are even close to Ridley or K. Rool levels of popularity. And then there's Impa, the only non-one-off character in the series other than the Triforce trio and some generic enemies but... even she has her issues. First of all she's not even close to some of Mario's B– or even C–listers in terms of popularity... so why would they bother? Just because she's "next in line" for her series doesn't mean she has to take priority in general. And then there's the design discrepancies what with her appearances being split between small old lady VS nimble ninja warrior.
It may seem egregious that Zelda is stuck at 6 characters with 3 of them being derivatives of others and 1 being an alter ego that was never used beyond one single game... but it all makes sense once you put it into perspective. I'd welcome a Zelda newcomer especially with the series' recent push into mainstream, but it's not questionable why it hasn't happened till now.
The way to go about questioning is not even to compare it to Mario and Pokemon because those two have entirely different circumstances.
It’s like you can’t even make jokes in this country anymore

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