-well obviously Mario is gonna get a new stage, it's Mario. We got Mario Wonder right there that's going to get a stage, probably going to get a new 3D Mario between now and Smash 6 as well. I also feel Princess Peach Showtime will be getting a stage to serve as a definitive Peach stage. And my fingers are crossed for a Brothership stage too. And I haven't even mentioned Bowser's Castle

-Mario Kart is a bit tricky. If we get a new Mario Kart between now and the next Smash Bros, they'll probably want it in the next Smash Game. But I think it's more important right now to bring back Rainbow Road, one of the few past stages not in Smash Ultimate

-Yes. Even though the last Donkey Kong game to come was 10 years ago, the most modern DK stage in Smash Ultimate is from 25 years ago. Something from tropical freeze that's not a typical dense jungle would be fantastic

-Zelda is obviously getting a stage or two, but there's more questions about what that stage will be. Tears of the Kingdom will likely get something but sharing a world with Breath of the Wild makes it less of a priority and gives less options of what could be a stage that isn't just a second breath of the wild stage. Sky Islands or Depths, pick your poison. We also got Echoes of Wisdom which shares a lot of locales from A link to the past. A null space stage perhaps?

- YES! Metroid needs a new stage. Samus Returns, Metroid Dread and soon Prime 4 are all calling out for a new stage. My choice is Ferenia from Dread

-Yoshi is probably the first franchise I can say I don't think we need a new stage for. Sure you could do something for Crafted World but I think bringing back Woolly World will serve things better. There's already so much overlap with Yoshi and Mario that Yoshi already feels at home on most Mario stages

- ANYTHING FROM THE PAST 25+ YEARS. And under no circumstances should we get another Super star stage. I would gladly give up a whispy stage, Dreamland GB and Great Cave for something from Forgotten Land. Forgotten Land more than any other game out there NEEDS a stage in Smash Bros

-Honestly, another no from me. Corneria was updated to look like Star Fox Zero. We also have Venom and Lylat Cruise for extra variety. We could even bring back Orbital Gate Assault for extra game variety. I don't think anyone is begging for a Star fox adventure or command stage

-Yes. Obviously yes. Gen 8, Gen 9, probably gen 10, could even include gen 7. Pokémon will get a stage or more

- Gonna group F-Zero and Earthbound together for another no. Obviously both franchises have a ton of locations to choose from but for what they are, both franchises already have a lot in Smash. Earthbound only has 3 games and 4 stages in Smash. F-Zero did get 99 but that's just an expanded upon version of a SNES game.

-hmm. Depends how much of a priority Engage is because Fire Emblem actually did get a stage in Ultimate with Garreg Mach Monastery. I'll throw it in the yes pile because it's a modern series still getting new games, but I still think we're not getting a new character

-No, Retro characters don't need new stages. Their old ones will serve the well enough already

-R.O.B. however doesn't have an old one. As a number one R.O.B. enjoyer, while I'd appreciate a Gyromite stage, I don't think it's needed either. R.O.B. is primarily remembered as NES accessory but not necessarily the games that use him. So I think having hardware and other retro NES stages as his home stage works pretty well. Also while R.O.B. is very cool, Gyromite kinda isn't.

-Now this is a toughie. The Wario Ware Inc stage perfectly captures the zany micro games of Wario Ware while Gamer is the perfect side mode. WarioWare representation is kinda perfect with these stages, despite that though, WarioWare does have a couple of new games that could use representing. Move it getting Caresaway Island, perhaps the temple so you can do it's own Microgames, would be a good. Though I'd rather do a Mario Party version if we repeat that gimmick. Also obligatory Wario Land mention.

-While I would adore a new Kid Icarus Uprising stage, at this stage it would be kinda niche. Lot's of varied locations but I'll say no because we already have two Uprising stages.

-I have not played pikmin 4 yet but I'm sure they'd want a stage for it. Ideally a cave or something because Garden of Hope is kinda peak Pikmin aesthetic so I wouldn't want a repeat of that.

-New Horizons sold a gazillion copies. They'll absolutely want a new island stage. The only tricky part is differentiating from Tortimer Island. I don't want a repeat of Town and City Vs Smashville. Maybe Tortimer Island is on the chopping block? Hope not though

- I've mentioned these two together before but they absolutely do not need a new stage. Neither are known for their wide array of new locations while their current stage perfectly captures the aesthetic of their games.

- Xenoblade 3, Xenoblade X. Nuff said. Yes

-Yes for sure. We've had new games since Ultimate and Moray Towers is pretty polarising. I feel like we need a hub world or something, anything that isn't vertical

-This one is a bit tricky. Like we have the iconic stage for the one game that is ARMS. But it's not like it's a retro obscure pick. We don't know if ARMS will be a series or not, and there's other locations that would be good. Notably we could actually get Min Mins homestage, Ramen Bowl. Or the games version of Final Destination with Sky Arena. I think we can get a second ARMS stage since it's still newish, but I wouldn't expect much in terms of new stuff unless this actually turns in a series.