You know what? How about this for something new. Before the Switch 2 is shown, take a franchise or game you've seen mentioned in a
recent leak(Can't be one from you, it has to be one from a
notable leaker) regarding the Switch or Switch 2 and predict that game or franchise will appear on the Switch 2.
Why something like this? Cause I recently saw a leak talking about a notable Chinese leaker and details that they posted about and one of the details and games they posted about was that the ARMS dev team is making a Custom Robo
sequel. Sure, I'll believe it when I see it to begin with, but:
- First off, that's a bold claim that the ARMS team is making a new Custom Robo game. Like it's not just that there was no mention of Custom Robo's original developer Noise, but also the fact that the ARMS team is responsible for the newer Mario Kart games and is more than likely working on the new Mario Kart. Custom Robo before Mario Kart after making ARMS?

- Second, I don't know if it could've been a mistranslation in regards to one of the words, but note that it's not "Custom Robo game" and it's "Custom Robo sequel". For one, it's a series with 5 games and two, aside from possibly Custom Robo for Gamecube, all the other Custom Robo games after the first game are sequels. Heck, the first "sequel" to Custom Robo was Custom Robo V2 and it actually is a sequel to the first game, with the main characters from the first game appearing in the 2nd game. Custom Robo GX takes place after V2 and Custom Robo Arena takes place after GX. Meanwhile, Custom Robo GC is either an alternate timeline or in the distant future.
- Now, if I want to give that rumor any sort of plausibility, Custom Robo is kinda right up ARMS' alley. Much like ARMS' gameplay, where you fight with two different ARMS, battle in a big arena and some characters having a good deal of mobility, Custom Robo has a good number of similarities, with one hand holding a Gun, the other hand holding a Bomb Gun, having access to a Pod which sends out a number of explosives, and even the general art direction focusing on flashy character designs for both series kinda fit each other.
That said, aside from the fact that it's not the original developer developing the game, ARMS and Custom Robo, despite having similar features and a similar kind of gameplay, still play notably different. ARMS plays from a 3rd-Person angle while Custom Robo is mainly from a Top-Down perspective(although in Custom Robo Gamecube, you could unlock a special 1st-person perspective mode that allows you to play the game with a 1st-person view that tracks the opponent Robo. It's not bad with the ranged combat, but doing Charges is very awkward).
So something I could imagine plausibly, assuming the ARMS team is not working on or is finished with the new Mario Kart, is that it may not have been Custom Robo they saw, but a different kind of game with similarities to Custom Robo, but is actually a different take on the ARMS formula that focuses on a Robot/Gundam-like setting rather than ARMS' fighting game tournament setting, and instead of the fist-like ARMS, it's outright different Robo guns, attachments or whatnot. Basically, the ARMS team's attempt at a Robo game, similar to Gundam, Custom Robo, Medabots, Gotcha Force and whatnot.
Sure, it's the pessimistic in me talking, but that just seems alot more plausible to me of happening than the ARMS team making a new Custom Robo, let alone a new Custom Robo happening to begin with.
All that aside, I'm going to humor the leak and predict that Custom Robo will be shown with the Switch 2 and have a new game on the Switch 2. What is your "game mentioned by notable leaker will be revealed with the Switch 2" prediction?