The thing with Alear is that their reception shouldn't be as bad as with other FE newcomers. My reasoning:
The timing with both Corrin and Byleth was legit awful. Fates wasn't even out outside Japan so Western fans couldn't even be excited for Corrin. Three Houses was still recent, but people were clamoring more for Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude (all great characters) so there was obvious disappointment when the safest choice of the Avatar with no personality was picked. Not to mention, Corrin came out after the one-two punch of Ryu and Cloud and Byleth after the 4-Hit Combo of Joker, Hero, Banjo-Kazooie and Terry. It's no surprise people were let down after a streak like that (and it will never not be funny how people were more hyped by the Cuphead Mii outfit than Byleth themselves).
If Alear is in, they'll most definitely be on base roster and announced between characters that are mostly expected, like Octoling and Ring Fit Trainee, so the hype levels shouldn't be as high as with the previous games' DLC run. It also helps that I feel most people have gotten used to the idea that Alear MIGHT be in, so it won't be too out of the blue like it was with Corrin and Byleth.
People (me included) would’ve still hated

regardless if Fates released in the west at the time, you need to remember Fire Emblem in Smash 4 was already getting enough flack when it already give us two new additions

on top of bringing back

with brought it down to 5 so and with Corrin’s reveal, FE had a total of
THREE NEWCOMERS in one game, even if you’re a fan of the series, that was absolutely ridiculous, just imagine how livid DK and Metroid fans were at the time and rightfully so.

isn’t the worst addition to Smash, not by a long shot, Byleth was only received negatively by the western base soley by the notion of being an “8th Fire Emblem character” and ending off a pass of mainly 3rd parties, Byleth’s hatred was more about timing and infamy of a series instead of the character’s actual merits.
The only way Alear won’t get massive backlash like these two is if they substantially cut down FE’s roster to 2-3.
The next reaction aside from another FE rep joining the fight. "Another Anime Swordman fighter", which Byleth's trailer did poke at that comment from people.
Apparently from what I’ve heard, the “too many swordsman” line was entirely localized, it was never an intended jab from Sakurai or the dev team.
In the JP version, Sothes just says something like “what are you gonna do about being beaten up, you're a man aren't you?"