Pokemon rumor? Well to be honest at this point I'm more willing to listen to one of those than another Smash one.
Just beat Earthbound Beginnings. Man, looking over the changes from the original release I feel very lucky for not having had to slug through the copy I bought while overseas, let alone getting the chance to play it officially in English.
I think the story and setting is definitely it's biggest selling point compared to other 8-Bit RPGs and even Earthbound to an extent. Once you get to Mt. Itoi (LMAO) it's nothing but feels. With Earthbound, it's kind of there, but I don't think it works as well, as the main characters I don't think are as interesting and the story isn't as coherent IMO (sorry

I like the openness of the overworld (as technically you can do many things out of order), and the music I thought was very memorable (I like that the game makes you memorize 8 Melodies during the Final Boss).
My only issue is the awful battle system. Beyond the grinding which really is only there to help you survive OP enemies (you pretty much run from every battle on Mt. Itoi except when Eve is with you), the status effects are really really stupid. There was several times in the game where I'd be hit with one that I can't heal except at the end of battle, if Ninten/Ana get hit you're pretty screwed assuming you can heal the effect to begin with.
Phantasy Star is still the best 8-Bit RPG IMO, but this is definitely a memorable experience that I would recommend getting a hold of. Also that IGN review was definitely BS.
I can't help but wonder if NOA had a prototype copy as I noticed that while the title screen changed, Giygas still has it's original name despite Earthbound being a thing.