Q: "We saw that that amiibo was on a gold base, and this one is on a purple base and so people are saying "Oh that means he's coming to Super Smash Brothers, can you put those rumors to bed right now, or?"
A: I can say that having a purple base or a gold base has nothing to do with Shovel Knight...status in Super Smash Brothers. Yeah, the gold base was production base...you know it was really a partnership with Nintendo when we were developing this thing, and we went back and forth a lot and did so many revisions, trying to get it exactly right. Match it up with the other amiibo lines, trying to make sure our amiibo fit in with everything else but still very appropriate. So yeah, now we have this purple base and it has the Shovel Knight emblem on it, and so if in the future if there were to be any other Shovel Knight themed amiibo this would be the Shovel Knight line.