So... we were talking about how the CSS on the 3DS version might change earlier. I decided to make a mock-up on what I think it might be.
Now, the reason why I decided to do it this way is merely for two reasons.
1.) The Stage Select Screen does the exact same thing.
2.) With the way DLC has been handled, it seems to be perceived as just bonus content by the development team.
How do we know its been treated as just extra content? Well, look at how its been thrown in there. It's just been put along side the stuff in the base game, not included with it. That's why they never really decided to change the order of the roster at all.
Why bother with something that's just going to be very small, when you can increase development time rapidly if you don't really worry about the UI as much? That's why I don't really think they'll shave off three pixels of the CSS for every character.
They'd pretty much have to restructure everything, and it'd be a hassle to do it. That's why I feel they're going with this type of CSS. To lighten the work load.
Now, I'm not saying this is what they're exactly going to do. We really don't know what the team has planned for the UI at all. Maybe they'll keep everything on one CSS? Who really knows at this point. At the end of the day, it's just really my thoughts and opinions on the matter.
Anyways, what do you guys think they'll do with the CSS once more characters are added? Just kind of curious on what your guys thoughts are on this
