Ok, i will go from top to bottom, but first, I need to mention again, JP, you are doing very neat stuff with the effects of site, but god they are overkill. The site has a responsive UI, but my IPhone took forever to load any page seriously, stop this nintendo JP.....
Filesize being 512 mb.....i was first questioned because 512 mb is quite low for a game, but this is a 3ds....let me just check how SS was....
SS was 4199 blocks (4100 = 500mb). Using google, it's approximatively 80mb less than SS. so........yeah there's not much I can tell on the filesize because SS goign to be very honest, I feel they wasted some memory for stuff that is.....weird. Like having 5 music stream for one thing, way too much generic sfx.....stuff liek that (I ripped the game so I kinda know what's in SS and some stuff are questionably there because they are generic). Can;t tell anything on the filesize, though let me see how much DT was for the lols:
.....6,789 blocks?
that's around 830 mb......that is however big relatively because it's 300 mb more.....DT did had a lot of graphics though.......
That's weird. I am not going to do any concern on it, but considering this game is mostly based on DT and I really liekd DT for what it was, it;s weird that it;s 300 mb less, but then again, the paper models doesn't take this much.......
Amiibo was known, but tbh, the cards feature doesn;t interest me much. Like, unless they actually do very crazy stuff, I don;t think it's soemthign that is gopign to be a must for that game.
The intro video tells us that idk why they didn;t put the effects for the colored stars in paper fashion, but I really spammed play and pause and so far, I saw toads of different colors mostly, goombas, koopas, paratroopas, shy guys, pirhana plant, hammer bros, spinnies......really?
......ok I expected more. As for not showing bowser / Peach / Mario,
already told me the explanation by translating the famitsu stuff in basically saying that they came out the last one and there was a scene after (btw, it sounded like pm64 so i'll give it that if it was). The problem being.......well that's worrying that we know this so far because technically, that could be it......if it is the case, then I would be worried......
But yeah, nothing really new, only confirmation of hammer bros, spinies and shy guy in paper form.
.....oh yeah you could argue that we had yet to see Bowser jr.........yeah........ok well nvm the book doesn;t mean this much.....
The book is rather nice looking, you could argue it';s generic, but heck, so was the TTYD one in the intro (it was even more). Also, that book is not looking like SS. i just feel it has details that makes it something NOT from SS. idk, it really feels paper mario, but the artwork in in m&l style......so yueah, like the artwork.
To me, this pic gives a much better idea of how big Peach's castle is. Though, this is the beauty of the side view, I never felt this in the Pillo castle of DT because it was a top view so everything felt more...small if you want. Having a side view gives a lot of emphasis on the Y axix (the height of stuff) and also brings a lot mroe perspective effect. tbh, thsi shot shows me that this decision has the side effect of making the surrounding feel bigger. I thought they only did this to ahve the Paper stuff adequatly seen, but lookign at it, it has other advantages. So yeah, still love the side view
Is it me or paper jr is SO CUTE in comparison? SS, he was always on his ship and to be quite frank, he didn't looked this cute
^this is an excellent candidate for new avi, mine is an edited version of the one of the E3 site that i had to do some stuff, but this one has transparency already done......yay!
I jsut want to mention that they empahsis the folding properties of papers a lot. i know a lot of people felt that the way it was done in SS was overkill (and frankly it was), but let me get thsi stright: if you see it, it;s fine. If it gets repeated in the writting over and over, it;s not. And so far, I saw no issues with the writting (I only saw good stuff). So, jsut to keep in mind, if they go as far to do this in artwork, I woudl think it';s fine.
Actually, let me tell you something: even TTYD had generic attacks for known enemies. By this I mean a hammer bros will.......just throw hammer. That was his only job and he loved to do it. Forget bosses and OC here, for classic mario enemies, they jsut did what they were supposed to and that's fine.
SS tried to do that AND add paper stuff. i am goign tbh, paper jam makes me realise that SS did a great idea. to me, it's one of those things that they keep and they shoudl keep because even for barebone known enemies like goombas, it\s just another way to see them. So, if people think they emphases the paper too much, so far, they do really good on it. I just wanted to take the time to mention this because this is something that can make the battle system more diverse for both series.
THAT FOLD! Seriously, they are both cute, but wow paper peach is mcuh more cute
......nvm, this is my new avi so far, it;s better looking than the other
Just to mention that why the cactus can be destroyed? and even if it was, why woudl you do that?
to be continued.....
the following sounds.....weird:
"Trio Catch: Luigi and Mario use Paper Mario and stretch him in order to reach items"
Ok, first, i really am worried for the health of the poor paper

Seriously, he got folded in the beginning and now he gets stretched to the point of being almost teared, c'mon
The only thing new for battles stuff is this:
Say whatever you want, but I personally think it looks badass

Really love the attack paper mario does in the end and all he does after is adjust his hat, really keep his quirkiness
oh ok, the second toggle was JP alphabet toggle which doesn;t concern us, btu the target feature, tbh, I know a lot of people that woudl liek this considering how....a bit rough DT was. Though, having beat super star saga and ALMOST (didn;t wanted to beat the final boss and grind cause I was tired of battles at the end).......well I will certainly not leave it on unless the game is really cheap.
Btw, this might seem nothing that the site recommends to not run away too often, but let me remind you that MANY (me included) complained severely that SS never felt like that. Thanks paper jam for at least being a proper rpg
I rrally wanted to have that artwork and it;s here!
I just love the style and Paper Mario behind
what is on the platform?
Just mentioning the quality of the shot and it;s paper mario hovering and now that i look at it, I lvoe that animation
Oh and this shot, look carefull, I see Starlow indicating tutorial. i also see the excellent indicating tutorial. i also see a cave indicating VERY new location.
But look behind, well ? blocks are confirmed and it took this long lol, but see the health block?
Yeah, tbh, i don;t recall to ever see this in m&l ever. the only I recall to have saw this is Paper Mario with the exception of spm. Notice hiow the block is 3 blocks wide meaning it is a team heal and the one thign I want to emphase with this is this never was in m&l, it is a straight mechanic from the paper mario series. This gives me hope tbh, I didn;t thought they would bring them back
Also, sign looks generic and m&l......I quite wanted TTYD sign
This location scream SS however, BUT, that world in SS was really good. So, it shoudl be fien on overworld
Seeing the spinies and also the battle map of probably the underground area I showed previously.
That;'s the first artowrk of him alone so felt posting it.....it is jsut what wou would except though. my only gripes is why they had to take the same SS vilains? I really hope more variety there tbh......
It REALLY looks nice. I really love the big hammer
Seriously, this is BY FREAKING FAR, the best artwork of the game EVER. like, i am VERY tempted to put it as AVI, but then I want to keep it simple with the better paper mario one.........omg it's jsut.......ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
yes, the pose is different, but still having a neutral artwork is very nice to see, not sure if AVI, but maybe
holy, this one.....
Do I realyl have to explain it why it;s so awesome?
no? ok
This is new i think and I have no idea what it is......
ok that''s it, now my opinion piece.
Basically, there;s a lot of neat stuff, a lot of freaking awesome artwork, but I didn;t get away that feel that I am doubting the game might be generic. it's jsut the enemies and artstyle, i think it extracted good stuff from SS, but so far, idk why we know this little while the site was up.......i still am very cautious about this.
though, that's so sad that they hurt paper amrio like this with stretching
oh and we almost know nothing of the writting which is so far really good hence why I don;t think there was this much new, but i feel that so far, it coudl go either way. They could start from what we know now and go very deep or keep it this much generic. needless to say, I realy hope for the former......