alot of people are tight in marvel. can't really recommend people that we aren't using tho (some people care about variety)
zero, wesker, dante, amaterasu, storm, wolverine, phoenix, dead pool, magneto, doom, akuma, task master are just some pretty classic tight people who are all good, like 2nd tier at least. u will probably pick at least 1 of them.
try out some of the biggems like hulk, his *****, sentinel, pipe *****.
or **** with like dormamu, modock, shuma gorath they are non traditional.
just watch level up series. its a youtube channel. the tourneys are called wednesday night fights...commentary is really good! and high level players frequent the stream. the format is nice too. u just load like 2 or 3 videos that are an hour to hour 20 each. the entire tourney duration is captured with commentary the whole time.